
B.A.P (Choose Your Fate: Interactive Game)

"Wow" was all i could say when i entered the shop, it was a pretty pastel coloured theme vintage ice cream shop decorated with 90's posters and even a red telephone booth in the corner. The shop was pretty much empty and that was when it struck me, what insane person would have ice cream when it was practically freezing outside, oh well i was that insane perosn anyway i could have some warm waffles so that would make it all better. I walked to the cashier only to be greeted with a chalkboard menu that seemed to have a thousand flavours to choose from.

"Oh my gosh, there's so much to choose from" unaware that i thought out loud "um i think the sea salt caramel one and also the earl grey ones are really good... well its two of my favourites" a guy said as i looked up to see that the cashier was talking to me "oh you're talking to me?" i pointed to myself as i looked around remembering that it was an empty stall. He nodded and laughed "yes you I'm Jongup, you looked like you had a hard time choosing so yeah...." he smiled and looked to the floor "oh okay that's nice of you, then... i shall trust you and have that and i'm you by the way" i smiled back. He looked extremely happy to hear that i went with two of his favourites and happily scooped the ice cream before suddenly remembering something "do you want waffles with this?" "okay" i laughed. 



"Here you go" he smiled and collected the money from me, i looked at the ice cream and i was dying to dig in. I took a seat down next to the window and snapped a picture of the beautiful stack of waffles and ice cream. As i was snapping some photos i heard Jongup say "may i sit with you? you know, to accompany you anyways there isn't any customers" he smiled shyly waiting for my reply.


What do you say:

1.) Okay (let him sit with you)

2.) No (you prefer to be alone)


A/N: Jongup~ hahhahahha ice cream wafurr heavennnn hhahahahaha XD

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I love it <3
Can you make BTS version?
Chapter 43: I use the time machine many times. Such a playgirl me > <'. Anyway i love this story ! Good job author-nim !
Chapter 26: so... it went like this.
and last but not least... daehyun.
lol i can't believe i ended up getting all the members, honestly and then choosing Daehyun because i didn't want to embarrass him in front of a crowd and the only reason i said yes. XD
but it's a cute story.
and it's been a while since i've last read and done an interactive story. lol
good job and that was fun to read!
too bad i didn't read around christmas time, but this makes me anticipate xmas more. xD
keep up the good work!!
Chapter 22: Zelo xD lol
Chapter 30: I got Yongguk!! and I was like "is it this for real?" cause he is my Bias.. seriously, I really didn't expected it.. I thought, I'll get the rest of the members.. I'm so glad..haha sorry for being overrect..
btw I've no regret reading this..
Thank you :D
Chapter 2: Saw my name and freaked out xD
Chapter 34: Chapter 3: *spotted my user name* What kind of witchcraft is this?
Anyway, I totally loved it, especially because I choose Daehyun <3
Chapter 34: Himchan~~~
Whoah~ Another interactive game!! (*0*)
I'll read this later~ (^-^)