Fastfood: Very Cheeji

B.A.P (Choose Your Fate: Interactive Game)

"Okay why not?" i smiled at him as we sat a booth that has red seats and we slide in facing each other. "So do you live around here?" he asked "yep, just a few blocks away why?" i took a bite of my pizza "nothing i was just wondering you know cause you're really pretty and i'm a 100% sure i haven't seen you around" he laughed "well i'm pretty sure i haven't seen you around either" i replied "why? cause i'm really handsome?" we laughed almost choking on our food "no..." i rolled my eyes.

"wooo can i have some cheeji fries?" he pouted and i nodded laughing "stop that" "why do i look cute?" he winked at me and i couldn't stop laughing "no because you make me want to hit you" i thought he was handsome but i wasn't going to be the one who feeds his ego. "You're mean and rough" he pretended to be sad and took away the entire box of cheese fries from me and placed it next to me "no more for you you such a meanie". "Yah himchan that's mine! give it back" i pouted and pretended to cry. 

"Awww so cute, fine i'll give it back to you" he pinched my cheeks "but i'll take one more" he laughed and took a couple more before giving it back to me "but i've got to admit that even though i think i'm extremely handsome, you're really much cuter than me" he said shyly and blushed. 


What do you do:

1.) Tell him honestly (I think you're handsome too)

2.) Change the subject (i think it's time to go)

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I love it <3
Can you make BTS version?
Chapter 43: I use the time machine many times. Such a playgirl me > <'. Anyway i love this story ! Good job author-nim !
Chapter 26: so... it went like this.
and last but not least... daehyun.
lol i can't believe i ended up getting all the members, honestly and then choosing Daehyun because i didn't want to embarrass him in front of a crowd and the only reason i said yes. XD
but it's a cute story.
and it's been a while since i've last read and done an interactive story. lol
good job and that was fun to read!
too bad i didn't read around christmas time, but this makes me anticipate xmas more. xD
keep up the good work!!
Chapter 22: Zelo xD lol
Chapter 30: I got Yongguk!! and I was like "is it this for real?" cause he is my Bias.. seriously, I really didn't expected it.. I thought, I'll get the rest of the members.. I'm so glad..haha sorry for being overrect..
btw I've no regret reading this..
Thank you :D
Chapter 2: Saw my name and freaked out xD
Chapter 34: Chapter 3: *spotted my user name* What kind of witchcraft is this?
Anyway, I totally loved it, especially because I choose Daehyun <3
Chapter 34: Himchan~~~
Whoah~ Another interactive game!! (*0*)
I'll read this later~ (^-^)