My Love

My First... Love, and Last

On 1 PM sharp, he parked the car down her house and waited patiently inside it. 
She carried her feet and walked towards him and knocked softly on the window, he smiled at her and opened the door for her from inside. 
"Hey... How are you?" He started the conversation. 
"I'm good. Today I finished my painting, I've been working on it for 3 weeks. I can't believe it's finally out there. The whole image in my head." She opened her arms wide open. 
He smiled and nodded, "So, you're an artist." 
"You have an interesting voice too." 
"Have we met in another life? We're a little too natural around each other." Brian said as they sat down on a neat table by the window. 
They ordered their dishes which happened to be almost the same except for few touches as extras and so. 
They did feel so easy in each other's presence, yes, Brian wondered about it, but he didn't give it a second thought, he loved it. And, to be honest, she liked it too. 
"I would love to see that drawing!" Brian noted, she gasped in return, "I wanted to take a photo of it, but I totally forgot cause I didn't want you to wait much." 
"That's okay..." Brian smiled then both spoke the same lines at the same time, "Riding a car with a stranger." they smiled at each other. 
She spoke first, "Never my style, I just... It may sound stupid or weird but, truth is, I just knew that I can trust you, that..." she tried to explain, but Brian cut the long road short for her,"Something good is about to take place." 
She nodded, "You... Feel the same?"
He nodded too. 
"Come here, give me a hug, I miss you so much already!" Brian suddenly said opening his arms for her. 
"Why, oppa? Just a little while. Our first date didn't go with a hug!" She whined cutely, it did nothing to him but making him get up, walk towards her and holding her so tight. He inhaled her scent as if it's nature's heavenly scent ever.
"Well, now that you say it, let's make a new date." 
"You always take me on remarkable dates, oppa." She hugged him back. 
"Let's have lunch and go have some fun." He kissed her forehead and sat back in his place. 

They went back to the car, "Where are we going?" 
"Oppaaa, you should have told me! I- ..." He interrupted her, "I have it all ready, my girl." 
They arrived at a luxurious hotel, he gave the car key to a nice guy and entangled her fingers as they stepped into the elevator. 
"It doesn't feel weird going to a hotel room with you." "It's not a room though, it's a big wide sweet, where there're two tiny bedrooms and a little reception." She clutched onto his arms and jumped like a kid, "Wow, Oppaa, you're the best! The very best!" Brian opened the door and lead her inside, "Change your clothes, and meet me back her in 10!" Each one went inside their rooms, she opened the closet and gasped, she found three suitcases, each one has a note glued to it. The first one on the right has a note that says, "First round for swimming proposes. Don't peek at others." She smiled and pulled the case out. Then she raised her eyebrow and turned the second one wanting to discover what's inside out of curiosity. Only to find two notes, one that says, "Don't peek! Come on!" She smiled and decided not to read the second. She opened the summing suitcase and found a purple robe, a matching purple slipper and a colourful summing suit, it has lots of flowers, but the outstanding ones were the purple ones. She took a quick shower and put them on. "Oppaa, let's go!" "You look stunning!" "O-oppa, are we wearing couple suits?" He took her hands in his and giggled. "This is a big change... A big one!" She mumbled as they headed towards the pool. "You know that scene when the guy carries the girl and walk together into the pool?" Brian asked out of nowhere. 
"You... Want to..." Hesitantly she asked but he held her and ran towards the pool and jumped holding her. 

After a good couple of hours swimming, he ordered them orange juice. 
"You know I like Mango more." 
"You know I like Orange more!" He argued back. 
"Oppa, you could've just ordered Orange for you and Mango for me!" She pouted.
He looked at her thoroughly and sighed, "Let's go to our room!" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the pool. 
"O-oppa... W-why?" Taken aback, she defended herself crossing her palms against her chest. 
He tilted his head a little, "Go, change!" 
He told her and entered his room. 
She entered hers as well dropping her rope on the bathroom's floor. The quickest shower on earth would be a simple tiny description for what happened inside that bathroom. 
As soon as could never be, she stood facing the second suitcase, she chuckled at the former note, "Don't peek, come on!" 
She removed it and read the second, "Want to watch movies together?... I'm waiting. ;) " 
She blushed and decided to open the suitcase, only to find a cute pyjamas, light grey with monkeys eating bananas all over it. She put it on and it fit perfectly. She found a cute banana-like flip-flop,  giggling, she put it on. 
"Oppa?" She opened the door and called for him, he walked out of the other door with the same pyjamas. She laughed her heart out, "Oh my God, so cute! So cute!" She ran towards him and captured his cheeks, "Awww, my cute oppa!" 
"Just sit already!" Shy, he patted a spot in the couch as he sat down. 
Someone knocked and caught her attention. She walked towards the door, but he held her wrist, "Where do you think you're going?" 
"I wore a summing suit, you let me! And now in the pyjamas..." 
"You look cute." He almost whispered before he took the pizza and brought it to her. 
They watched a comedy while eating the pizza, "I've ordered us some fresh Mangos." 
They enjoyed the Mangos and cuddled till she fell asleep. 
Brian kept her in his embrace for a while but eventually, she snuggled up to him, sleepily rubbing her nose to his chest. 
"Awake already?" Brian asked her with his soft tone and got a "Hmm." in return. 
"Want to discover what's inside the third suitcase?"
Cutely she nodded. 
"Go find out and meet me here. Take all the time you need, I'll be waiting." 
Glittery eyes looked up upon him then she flee to the room, so excited to figure it out. The last suitcase had an aroma, she didn't what was it until she dragged the case out and placed it on bed. She ped it slowly and found a neatly tied dark blue dress, to it's left, stood an outstanding heels that made her gasp soundly, to the right she found the cause of the scent that captivated this particular suitcase. 
She took the three items out and found in the middle, right under the dress, a jewellery  blue box, she opened it and was greeted by a mighty expensive-beautiful- necklace. It was rounded by neck size, had a lot of simple small diamonds all over separately really nicely, and in the heart of the necklace, there was a wonderful small butterfly, a colourful yet simple and eye-relaxing butterfly. It was small but anyone would guess it's a baby butterfly. She felt her heart racing inside of his chest, the events all day, she could count it under celebrating their second anniversary, the highly organized schedule all day, maybe he really wants it to be special. 
But she sighed and rubbed the necklace with her thumb, "But, you.." 
She shook her head and got up, Brian is a nice guy and an amazing boyfriend but he's just a man, he would go really angry if she got a little too late, hurriedly, she took what seemed to be the tenth shower and carefully put on every marvellous piece she had in front of her. 
She hesitated whether to pull her hair up or let it fall down. 
"Okay, I'll wait for you in the restaurant, take your time!" Brian yelled from the other side of the door and before she was able to reply him, "Ah, and you look beautiful with your hair down, don't hesitate too much." and with that, she heard the Sweet's door being closed. 
"Aah, knowing me too much!" She commented then brushed her hair nicely over her shoulders, sprayed the perfume all over her covered and uncovered body, making sure every curve, every corner of her had caught the scent, and lastly, she took deep breath, wore the heels and opened the door. She didn't forgot to take an overall look before she steps inside the elevator that took her down. 
When she entered the restaurant, the lights were dime, a one man in suit playing the piano while a one single man sat on a table located the best of all, having perfect view of the piano, the pool outside with all those lights around it, the blue and purple lighted bar and the dance floor. No one existed but the pianist, the bartender, Brian and her. Her heart knocked harshly again inside. She sighed once again and walked towards Brian. 
He smiled when he saw her, stood up, pulled out the chair for her and helped her to sit. 
"You look amazingly stunning! I would've stole you from anyone if you weren't my date tonight!... White wine?" He asked while already holding the bottle and pouring some for her. 
"Happy anniversary!... Thank you for the past two years that made up for all my years that I lived without you... Thank you for staying by my side no matter wrong or right I've been... Thank you for trusting me, thank you for today." Brian showered her with a lot of Thank you. He pressed his lips as if in concealing worrisome?... Or maybe, nervous-... ness? She didn't know and once more he added, "Thank you for being my girlfriend... Today... How was today to you? Did you like it?"
She blushed a little too hard and nodded. 
"Would it be okay to take off your girlfriend address?" He asked with a little invisible-shaky voice. 
She looked at him confused. 
The bartender served them the wine. 
Brian cleared his throat and stood up, he straightened his back and buttoned his suit once more. 
He put his right hand in his pocket and walked towards her. 
She could feel all the blood in her system slowing down and getting a little colder. 
He took off something from his pocket and held her hand with his free hand. 
"So, you liked today..." Brian started talking then he smiled softly, "And you like me." He stepped closer and looked deeply in her eyes, "Let's have everyday like today... Stop being my girlfriend and please be my wife." 
It took her a moment before she tightened a hold on his hand, "You could have just said from the beginning, I would've cut the long road short for you." 
"It has to be special." Brian replied with a matter-of-fact-tone. 
"So, you want to address me now... Your wife?" 
"You're *Mine* both ways!" He argued then he smiled, "Want you to be called wife." 
"Agreed." She said. Brian closed his eyes and opened them then he shook his head, "Yes?" 
She chuckled, "It's not like you didn't already kno-" 
Brian never let her finish her sentence and pulled her to his chest. He inhaled shakily, she smiled and patted his back, "You though I would hesitate if only for a minute?" 
He shook his head, never letting her go, "It's just... Getting married, it's big. I... It took me a lot of courage to take such a step! I didn't know how you'd react to this. I know how we feel for each other but this commitment should be respected and cherished." 
She pulled away first and cupped his face in her palms, "Well, I accept to be forever with you. I love you... But you know where the trouble lies..." Brian nodded along with her words knowing very well what is it. 
"My mom..." 

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Chapter 1: Ooh~ I like it!
Chapter 3: Unnie~
I came here again :)
I watched a video of a song of the movie "Never the strangers" called "When you smile". When I watched that , my mind filled with the memories of this story.
There was an innocent couple like Brian and that girl. Each and every word that song mingling with your story.
Dear authornim, I don't know what will happen between Brian and that girl in the story if someone (That's not you) write this story.
That is the secret of your story Authornim.
Not a single .
But the story is so wonderful. :)
Thank you. *Bows*
Chapter 3: Unnie~
aww this story is so beautiful
Lay is sooo cute, especially at the last chapter :)
wow this is a nice idea
Thank you!!!!!