Chapter 11

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“Eh, can I come in?” Seohyun asked softly as she knocked the door to Luhan’s office. It was silence and she expected it that Luhan won’t even reply but maybe she’s wrong because he replies her – softly. “You’re my personal assistant so why can’t you come in?” Luhan asked and Seohyun was kind of embarrassed that she even asked that but sure, she didn’t even show it. Seohyun comes in to Luhan’s room and it was so silence which made some kind of awkward atmosphere between the two of them.

“So… is the one that just here is… your girlfriend?” Seohyun asked hesitantly but she was just so curious about it that she can’t help it but to ask it to Luhan. “She… she’s my- wait, why should I even tell you about this?” Luhan asked as he looked up to see Seohyun – a bit panicked with the sudden question, and Luhan notices that but he just ignores it. “Uh… because I’m your personal assistant, I think. And also if you have any problem, you can talk about it. But if you don’t want to, it’s no big deal, really.” Seohyun mumbled quickly. She knows that the girl just know was his ex but what if she’s not?

“Well, I’m not sure how to say this so can I just tell you about this another time? It’s not like it’s a big deal, just as you say, anyway.” Luhan said and Seohyun can only slump on her seat, a bit disappointed but shrugged it off anyway. “And Seohyun?” Luhan called out and the girl hummed as she looked up to him too. It was so fast, like a flash but both just can feel the sparks that was send to each other by their eye contact and both was clueless. “Please check my schedule for tomorrow.” Luhan finished as he broke the eye contact – not wanting to make a contact with Seohyun’s beautiful dark orbs anymore since he really felt some weird feeling. Oh, gosh, please don’t tell me it’s the stupid butterflies again, Luhan thought because for some reason he felt like that for the past few days when think about her – Seohyun.


“Yooona~” At the next day, a too excited for her own liking – Seohyun – girl suddenly approached Yoona before suddenly hugging her. “Oh, goodness Seohyun, what have got into you? You’re acting all creepy right now and I don’t like how it sounds seriously.” Yoona said as she complained to her now a bit annoyed friend. “Well, wow, Yoona. First you say that I was too grumpy and cold for teens my age and I should be somewhat a bit happy, and cheerful girl who should confess about her crush to her best friend and I think I’m just trying to be like that.” Seohyun complained back and well, Yoona was speechless.

“Seriously, Seohyun? A girl like you take those things I say seriously? Wow, I think that’s the first time in history. But well, ‘confess about her crush to the best friend’ part seems suspicious.” Yoona said as she walked side by side with Seohyun and Seohyun only throws a smirk to Yoona.

“It really does sound suspicious isn’t it?” And with that, Yoona just had this strange feeling.



“Uhm… why you dragged me here again?” Yoona complained once they reached the rooftop and Seohyun could only roll her eyes sarcastically at the older’s action. “Wow, Yoona. You started sound like me and I started to sound like you and we’re perfect for each other, let’s just get married.” Seohyun said sarcastically and Yoona scoffed at her best friend’s action. “Seriously, Seohyun? You totally don’t sound like me because you still are being the most sarcastic person I’ve ever met.” Yoona said. “Well, that’s good because I actually have a role in your life.” Seohyun said before she takes a deep breath.

“So… Yoona, do you… uh, ever experience such an intense eye contact with Sehun?” Seohyun asked and Yoona’s face was like ‘what did you just say’ though Seohyun ignores it. “Uh, well, if what you mean of intense was s

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Chapter 23: Awe I enjoyed this story so I'll up vote.
Chapter 4: Came across this story and I've already started. I'm liking it the more I read. So here I go ;) on to the next chapter.
AynArbil #3
Chapter 23: just found out about this story...totally love it author nim...
tbhjongin #4
Chapter 8: first there was written that he sent her messages at school and now he wants her number woah
seohyunkai #5
Chapter 22: Wow thank for your hard work
ctss3152 #6
Chapter 23: Oh myyyyy the best fics i ever readdddd❤
Ahra23_ #7
Chapter 23: waaaa best seohan fic i've ever readdd❤️ Sequel please author nim~~
Chapter 5: I was really like your great's story... So please don't stop to writing again dear^^
I'll be waiting for your next!
Hey, Im newbee here... :D
eugenenni #9
Chapter 23: Oh really the end? But I love the ending!!! I will miss this story author-nim. The characters are so adorable and I really enjoy this story^^ I hope you will write new Seohan story and I'll waiting for it. Thanks author-nim^^ I also want sequel~~
YLYiLin #10
Chapter 23: SEQUEL PLS!!