Sequel... -.-

1 Year, 4 Months, 30 Days....

Hey everybody!

Since I made a bunch of people sad and cry, I feel really bad and guilty. So I hope this makes it up to you guys :)

ENJOY :) *Laughing evilly in the background*



Soft fingers run over an old picture of two individuals on one of their many dates. Both with beautiful smiles but one smiles shines brighter. It was a picture of himself and the love of his life. The individual remembers the moment when this was taken. It had been taken after he had been proposed it. They were on a double date with a friend and this picture was taken secretly by the friend. He turns the picture over and reads the little note written on it.

Mino and Me :) September 2014

Jinwoo places the picture down and takes another picture from his box of memories which he olds dear. A small tear runs down from his beautiful youthful eyes as he looks at the picture of Mino proposing to him.

It has been many years since Mino has been taken from him. Taken from his family. Taken from the many memories and milestones of their handsome children. Their beautiful, intelligent, handsome sons have grown into respectable men. They got married and gave Jinwoo beautiful grandchildren. Mino would have been so against his sons dating. He knew that Mino would have spied on them when they would go on dates. Jinwoo laughs to himself as he wipes away his tear stained cheeks.

Jinwoo never got married again, heck he never dated anyone after Mino. He just couldn't because his love for Mino never went away, instead it just grew. Seungyoon, Seunghoon and Taeyhun had encouraged him to start dating again after a few years, but he just couldn't. His children never brought it up because they knew the love that their mother had for their father.

He remembers the teenage years of Chanwoon and Minwoo... Oh my that was one heck of a rollercoaster. The boys would drive him crazy and he would cry in his room alone. During those times he would look at the pictures of Mino and ask him what to do and to help guide him and their children. One day Minwoo had caught his mother crying and it finally hit him that amount of pain and suffering, him and his brother caused their mother. He did not like seeing his mother like this. He told his brother and at that moment both of them felt like they needed to protect their mother and make both mom and dad proud. From that point on the boys had worked hard. Jinwoo couldn't be more proud of their sons.

Jinwoo slowly got up from the bed and made his way over to the mirror. He looked at himself. The many years had  given him lines to show it. He was old but had aged gracefully. He may have wrinkles but his eyes showed youthfulness. It was getting harder and harder for him to move around and to do everyday thing by himself. Lately he has been feeling weird and would sometimes would hear Mino's voice and gentle touches on his face. But that could just be is old age kicking in. He looked at the clock, pretty soon his sons, along with the wife and children will be arriving to have lunch. It took him awhile but he was able to make his sons favorite snacks and placed them on the table with a little note.

That feeling was appearing more often and he knew his time was close. He went back to the bed to lay down. He held the picture of him and Mino on the day of Mino proposing to him, in his arms. He wrapped his arms around it and closed his eyes. He feels like taking a little nap before they appear. He drifts off and he hears his name being called. It sounds familiar and that is when it hits him that the voice belongs to Mino. he opens his eyes and sees the love of his life staring back at him.

This must be a dream He thinks to himself.

"Mino? Is it really you?"

Mino just chuckles and bends down and places a gentle kiss on Jinwoo's head.

"Yes babe, It's me."

"Is this a dream?" Jinwoo asks him.

All Mino does is gentle grabs Jinwoo and pulls him up. Mino looks into his eyes and all he can see is love.

"You did such a great job of rasing our sons Jinwoo. Even though I wanted to drop kick them during their rebellious stage. But I am glad that they were able to pull through and change for the better. I'm so proud of them." He tells Jinwoo and then kisses him again.

Jinwoo pulls away and says "I'm old and wrinkly now..." he trails off.

"Nonsense babes, you are beautiful. You always were, always no and always in the future. I love you." Minoo tells him before kissing him again.

Jinwoo closes his eyes and wraps his arms around him. He has missed this so much. he has missed Mino so much.

Mino pulls away, "Jinwoo, I have been waiting for you. Are you ready?"

Jinwoo knows what this means. The feelings that he was having were getting him ready for this moment.

"The feelings...was it you?"

Mino smiles and nods.

"Yeah I'm ready"

Mino grabs his hands gently and leads him towards the light. They look at each other with so much love.

As the light fades away and door being unlocked is heard along with "Dad we're here."

"He must be sleeping, Minwoo go wake up mom. Hey look he made our favorite snacks!" Chanwoo says. His wife, Luhan just shakes his head at his husband.

Minwoo gets a piece of the snack and makes his way towards his mother''s bedroom. He opens the door and sees his mother holding a picture of her and their father. He smiles as he makes his way closer to him. "Dad wake up." He gently touches his mother and all he feels is coldness. He goes still for a seconds and starts shaking his mother.

"Mom, wake up!"

Hearing the commotion, Chanwoo, Luhan, and Minwoo's wife, Suho, rush towards the bedroom. Chanwoo's eyes widen and he tells Luhan to call the ambulance. He runs towards his mother and brother. He touches his mothers face and falls down next to his brother. The tears won't stop but both notice the smile on their mother's face.

"Mom is with dad now." Minwoo says quitely.

umm... *slowly walks away then starts running" SORRY!!!!

Um I hope this is ok....

Now I can get back to working on my paper and studying without feeling guilty XD

Hope you enjoyed it XD

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Chapter 2: ...okay i lost it at second part

But good job make me crying at 1st part
Chapter 1: Whyyyyyy?? TTwTT
Chapter 2: Authonim you meanie you fool us and i am double crying ...... anyways i am glad they are together now phew. I will now go and blow my nose meanie hahaha
Claudy1410 #4
Chapter 1: Thanks for sad story
Chapter 2: OMG!! I do cry here MINWOO love is forever thats what you prove here
SproutPrinceDeullie #6
Chapter 2: I cried T.T
Chapter 2: I read this again and you just made my cry.. I didn't cry when I read this before..
ikon-doms #8
Chapter 2: so angsty and lovely but their wives tho >,>
Chapter 2: i read this for the second time. i wouldn't get bored of this story. really really would not
Chapter 2: Crying ;-; That was awesome