Never Enough

Never Enough
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They had just moved into their new apartment after finally deciding on the perfect one. But now came the hard part for Hyukjae and Donghae... how to fill their new apartment. Overall the two of them had completely different ideas on how to decorate it. Hyukjae wanted to be simple and modest like how he grew up but Donghae on the other hand... well... 

One Week

"Baby... come here... I found something that would be perfect!" Donghae exclaimed as he was sitting at the small desk that they had brought from their old home that they shared with several other males.

Hyukjae blinked and walked over. "What did I tell you about calling me 'baby' when we aren't in bed... anyway what did you find this time?" Compared to Donghae, Hyukjae was a bit skeptical about being called "baby" when they are outside their bedroom. It was well known to their friends that they were boyfriend and boyfriend. But to people that didn't know them, they would have been judged hard and Hyukjae didn't want to see Donghae cry about it anymore.

Donghae grinned and pointed to the red refridgerator that he had his eye on. "Look... can we get that?" he asked.

The blonde looked at the price of the fridge that was listed and he looked at his companion. "Are you sure you want this?" he asked.

Donghae nodded as he pouted like a five year old. Now this pout... it was something that always got to Hyukjae. It was his weakness... his Achilles' heel... the way to pull on his heart strings.

Sighing, he nodded. "Alright alright... we'll get it."

One Month

After buying the refridgerator to make Donghae happy, Hyukjae heard Dongh

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catskilt #1
Chapter 1: "ohnoeunhae" here...thanks for writing my prompt! Donghae is such a brat, I love it :D and of course Hyukjae will always give Donghae what he wants even though he grumbles about it. May they have lots of fun on the water bed!
JunoSJ #2
Chapter 1: Hyukjae definitely has something with Hae cuz if I were him,I won't buy $800 fridge for my NORMAL friend!!
Chapter 1: HAHAHA
It's so cute how EunHyuk gives in to DongHae's demands so easily xD