Epilogue Three: "Today, Our Life Together Begins"

My On Flight Boyfriend



here is the third epilogue. 

It is in the viewpoint of Miyoung <3 

Tell me if you like this epilogue!


ESP. tell me if any typos (:


so find a seat that is comfortable, cause this is the longest chapter I've ever written. 


word count: 2713




"Miyoung, close your eyes. Okay, now tilt your head up a little, just a little more. Perfect. I'm going to..."

"Is it going to hurt?"

"... What?"

"I never really did this before and I've heard stories where--"

"Girl! We are just curling your eyelashes!"

My eyelids fluttered open to look at the surprised expression of Hyorin. A pair of eyelash curlers twirled in her hand. If you didn't know, Hyorin is my best friend; she worked as a stylist for stars like Jay Park and Infinite. She smiled cheekily at me as she put down the unused eyelash curlers. Hyorin carefully took a seat on the vanity table and rested her elbow on her thighs, raising her head. She raised her eyebrows at me, "Girly, what's wrong? Did you really just ask me if curling your lashes would hurt? You nervous?" 

I nodded my head, but a second later I shook it in denial. "To tell you the truth, I don't know what I'm feeling," I said, "A mix of nervousness, excitement, uneasiness, and bliss are running around my heart. I swear, my heartbeat is going a mile a minute!" I held my heart trying to stop the intense thumping. 

"It's the pre-wedding anxiety," stated Hyorin.

She jumped off of the vanity table and started working with the make up again. On the table, several different shades of eye-shadow, blush, and lipstick along with other cosmetics scattered themselves along the table's surface. Hyorin would apply a little of the makeup on the underside of my cheek and if she liked it she'd apply the rest in the necessary areas. 

"Sometimes I can't believe you're getting married before me," joked Hyorin with a shake of her head, "How long have you been dating Jonghyun-ah?"

I smiled to myself, "It's been four years. Today is the anniversary of when we first met each other..."

"Oh! On that plane right?"



"Mr. Ha--, I mean, Jonghyun right?" I asked

He nodded his head, "And by what that guy said, your name is Miyoung?"

I nodded my head as well, "Yeah, um, I know you helped me enough today, but do you think you can do me a big favor?" He stared at me for awhile. I'm guessing he's considering whether to say yes or no... After what seemed like forever, he finally replied. 

"...Sure, what's up?


The thoughts of the flight brightened my face. The flight may have been one of the hardest times of my life, but it changed my life for the better. Unknowingly, I began to smile to myself again. Hyorin gave me an odd look, but didn't question my smiles. She knew me long enough to know that I was thinking happy, personal thoughts. She just continued to apply a small layer of blush on my cheeks. 

"That was probably the best decision I've ever made," I mumbled. 

"What, that you asked Jonghyun to be your fake boyfriend?" asked Hyorin. 

I nodded, "He changed my life. He showed me that not all guys are cheating douche bags. Jonghyun picked up the pieces of my life and glued them back together, piece by piece. When Onew left, he made me believe in love again. He's my shining light. He's--"

"Okay, I get it," laughed Hyorin, "Jonghyun is the saint that fixed up your crumbling love-life." She smirked at me and told me to close my eyes. I felt her lightly apply the eye-shadow. She then drew on my eyebrows, darkening them to make them more visible. 

"Oh, by the way, how is Onew doing?" asked Hyorin, "Is he suffering in hell yet?"

I laughed, "Nope, actually, Jonghyun and I had dinner with him and his girlfriend a few nights ago. The two are living a very pleasant life-style," I said with a real smile. 

Hyorin pouted. Ever since the incident with Onew several years ago she has always wanted to beat the crap out of him. Or stuff a bat up his -... "Why are you still friends with him? Actually, better yet, why hasn't he died yet?" 

Hyorin started to put away the makeup. "You have a lot of questions today don't you," I said with a smile, "And most of the time it's okay to reconcile with people, you know? Not all people in the world are going to ruin your life."

"Hey, I haven't seen you in a year! I'm allowed to ask questions!" Hyorin said with a sigh, "You were always like an angel You could never stay mad at a person. All the bad thoughts you ever had were in your head. Oh well, hurry, let's get you in your dress. The wedding should be starting soon."

Hyorin and I walked over to the corner of the room. Her white stilettos clacked on the stone floor of the church's dressing room. Hyorin was already dressed in her bridesmaids dress. The white, tight-fitting, strapless cocktail dress accented her figure and the ribbon on her waist tightened it. She helped me get into my very heavy gown. The silky white material draped over and covered me. Hyorin pulled up the zipper and tightened the straps on my corset, trying to bring out more of my figure. After, she took a step back and admired me.

"Damn, Jonghyun is a lucky man," Hyorin said with a whistle. 

I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. Beautiful golden designs accented my dress. Swirls of gold covered the strapless corset and the lower part of the dress was covered in similar designs with more of an accent.

(photo: I usually don't do this, but this dress was too pretty not to show <3 : here :D )

"Knock knock," I heard a voice call from the door, "Can I take a peak at the lovely future Mrs. Jonghyun Kim?"

Jonghyun's one of a kind voice echoed through the room. At the sound of his voice, I hid myself behind the large folding screen. It was too early for the groom to be seeing his bride! Hyorin left me behind the screen to go chase away Jonghyun. "Jonghyun, get out of here!" yelled Hyorin.

I laughed at my best friends bluntness. Jonghyun began to whine, "Aw! Hyorin-ah, let me just take one small peak, pretty, pretty please?" 


Then the door slammed shut. Poor Jonghyun... 

"You're husband-to-be is a very stubborn man," sighed Hyorin.

"I know," I said with a smile.



"What if your parents don't like me?" asked Jonghyun, "What if they think I'm a short midget that can't take care of their daughter?!"

I laughed at him, "They probably will think that! You are pretty short for a guy--"


I lightly hit Jonghyun on his arm then helped him fix his tie. Jonghyun rubbed his arm tiredly. His bright red tie stood out against his white shirt and black cardigan. Jonghyun pouted at me as I tied the knot in his tie. "I don't want to go!" he cried.

Shaking my head, I flattened out my black cocktail dress then put on my red heels. After dressing up, I admired Jonghyun and I in the mirror. Jonghyun stood beside me with his hand intertwined with mine. Our general black outfits with the red accents, my red pumps and his red tie, matched well together. The outfits made us look like a young couple going to our first prom. 

"We look good," said Jonghyun as he wrapped his arms around my waist. The scent of his Abercrombie perfume flooded my senses.

I nodded my head happily, "We really do," I replied, "Does that mean you're finally willing to go to dinner with my parents?"

"NO!" yelled Jonghyun with a pout as he snuggled into the crook of my neck.

"Fine, then you're banned from touching me," I said as I removed his arms from around my waist. Jonghyun's eyes widened at the lack of skinship. I smirked at Jonghyun's weakness: lack of skinship.

"T-till when?" he stuttered

"Until you agree to--"

"LET'S GO!" Jonghyun interrupted as he pulled me out of our apartment and into the car. 

I pulled my seatbelt over my waist, "Easier than I thought," I said to myself.



"Hey!" called Hyorin. Her hand waved itself back and forth in front of my face, "We have to finish dressing you! Just cause you got the dress on doesn't mean you're done!" She pushed me onto the chair of the vanity. Hyorin disappeared, but quickly returned with a box and a case of jewelry. 

"Here, put these on," smiled Hyorin as she handed me the box of jewelry, "I'll put on your shoes for you." 

I nodded my head at Hyorin's command. My hands glided over the wooden box lid and slowly lifted it open. Inside, a simple diamond necklace sparkled next to my wedding ring. The simple silver band with the infinite sign shined brightly. "What a beautiful ring," whispered Hyorin. 

"I know," I said as I admired the ring, "Still can't believe he got it for me."


Jonghyun and I were walking in the streets of downtown Beijing. Jonghyun decided to surprise me with a trip to China for our second anniversary. While sight-seeing, we passed a beautiful jewelry store. In the window of the store a large ring caught my eye. I let go of Jonghyun's hand and pressed my forehead on the glass window. My eyes glittered with admiration. "It's a beautiful ring," I told Jonghyun. I wanted to take a look inside, but the clock in the shop's store read 6:53, "Oh crap, it's almost seven. We have to go home and pack! We have a flight tomorrow!" 

Jonghyun didn't say anything, but he smiled at me as I dragged him back to our hotel. That night, I went to sleep early, but Jonghyun decided to go out. To where? I didn't know. 

The next day, Jonghyun and I went through all the usual airport duties. Check in bags? Check. Print out tickets? Check. Go through security? Check. Buy cokes and candy? Check and Check. 

We quickly boarded the plane and sat in out first class seats. Jonghyun and I usually traveled in economy class, but for some odd reason, Jonghyun wanted to fly first class this time. Jonghyun stood up.

"I'll be right back," he said as he kissed my cheek, "I have to go pee."

"Ew," I said jokingly as I stuck my tongue out at him,

Several minutes later, the flight attendant began her usual speech but Jonghyun still hadn't returned from the restroom. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard Korean Airlines flight, number B9323. Please make sure that all carry-on items are stowed either in an overhead compartment or completely beneath the seat in front of you. If you are seated in an emergency exit row, please read the information on the passenger safety card which is located in the seatback pocket in front of you.  Prior to departure from the gate all cell-phones must be turned off and stowed. Once again, we welcome you onboard..."

"Oh, and one final announcement. A man onboard asked us to convey this message..."

"To my dearest Miyoung, 

A familiar voice started to echo through the plane. I gasped in surprise from hearing my name and the oh-so-familiar voice...

we've made it a long way, haven't we? Three years ago, we first met each other on a plane, just like this one.

Truthfully, you've made the past three years the best in my entire life. I love you and I love all the feelings I get when I'm with you. I love going to bed knowing that you'll be the first thing I see in the morning. All the moments that I've had with you, I will cherish forever.

But, I want to create more memories. I want to create memories that we will both remember. I want us to continue our relationship, like we have for three years. The only difference is that, I want to do it with together. Together, as Mr. and Mrs. Kim. So, if you'll have me...

Park Miyoung, will you marry me?"

Jonghyun put down the microphone he was holding and stood before me, kneeling down on one knee. In his hands was a box. He lifted the lid of the box and inside a diamond ring glittered. It was ring I was eyeing in the jewelry store! There it was, staring straight at me. I froze with my hand covering my mouth.

"Park Miyoung, I love you. Will you marry me?" Jonghyun asked with sincere eyes. 

Time froze. Everything around Jonghyun and I seemed invisible. All I felt was the air floating around me and the warmth of Jonghyun. My eyes directly locked onto Jonghyun's eyes. "Yes," I said, "I will marry you!" Jonghyun broke out into a gigantic grin and hugged me tightly. At that moment, we felt infinite. 


"Knock, knock," said a soft voice. My parents peeked their heads into the dressing room.

My mother smiled tearily at me. A handkerchief was held tightly in her slender hands. Her eyes swelled in joy as she helped me put on the rest of my jewelry. Behind her, my father looked at me with amazement. He didn't speak, but his expression said it all. 

"Honey, you look beautiful," whispered my mother, "You look like a princess."

"My little girl is all grown up," mumbled my father. 

I giggled. I stood up and enveloped my parents in tight hug. Underneath our tangled arms, the sobs of my mother echoed through the room. As my mother began to cry, my father started to tear up too. "Guys, you're ruining my dress," I said with a chuckle. 

"Come on honey. We should be getting ready to walk you down the aisle," said my father as he wiped his tears. My father lead me out of the dressing room and into the back part of the church. The doors to the main hall were shut and wouldn't open till the procession began. In front of my father and I, bridesmaids, best men, flower girls and ringbearer took their position in line. 

"You ready?" ask Dad. 

Before I could reply, the tune of "Here Comes the Bride" played. The line of people began to walk forward. From the back of the church, I watched the flower girls and ringbearer cutely walk down the aisle. The ringbearer stumbled, but managed to make it to the altar in one piece. Following the children were my bridesmaids and Jonghyun's best men. They were paired in couples and truthfully, I believe they all hit it off. All of them were single in the first place...

Then, it was time. My dad gently tugged my arm, signaling that it was our turn. In an odd syncornatization, my father led me to into the church.

So many things were going on at one time. Oohs and Aahs were heard throughout the church as the guests admired my dress. Left and right, the flashes of cameras flashed as they took pictures of me and Dad. In the front pew, my mother and her sisters cried tears of joy. They leaned on each other for a support. Close family members whispered to each other in approval. The best men would constantly nudge Jonghyun.

Jonghyun. He was in awe. His mouth was formed into an "O" and his eyes never left me. Even with the constant teasing of his best men, he didn't stop looking at me. His hands played with the ends of his white suit.  I could only feel us two in the room; It reminded me of when he proposed to me.

My father handed me over to Jonghyun. Jonghyun took my hand gently and looked into my eyes. The ceremony went on as any other weddings would. The priest said his usual lines and Jonghyun and I said our vows. Finally, it was time to say our "I Do's"

"Miyoung, do you take Jonghyun to be your lawfully wedded husband?" asked the priest.

I nodded, "I do."

"And do you Jonghyun, take Miyoung to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

For the last time as girlfriend and boyfriend, Jonghyun squeezed my hands and lightly kissed the backs of them. "Forever and always," he whispered, "I do!"

"Then I now pronounce you HUSBAND & WIFE. You may kiss the bride!"

It was our last kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend. It was our last kiss as fiances. But it was our first kiss as husband and wife. From this day on, Jonghyun and I will spend the rest of our lives together. Hopefully in an unending bliss. Today is the day our lives begin down the road of marriage. 

Today, our life together begins.







THERE IS ONE MORE. (if you vote yes for it ^) and that's it. 


if I do get a majority yes, then expect it a or two week after October 1st (the 1st anniversary of My On Flight Boyfriend!) 





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katarinaq #1
14 streak #2
Chapter 68: I loved the story! Imagine having an hundred and so passengers in the same flight as them and up in the sky theres a real life drama.. I kinda feel bad for those who wanted peace and quiet while traveling hahaha
I miss jonghyun ㅠㅠ but he will always be in our hearts ♡
armyofelf #3
Is anyone else going back to read Jonghyun fics again these past 2 weeks? Miss him so much TT Jonghyun, you've done well.
One of the first fanfics I have ever read and still one of my favourite Jonghyun fic. Gone too soon, but will never be forgotten. Thank you Jonghyun. Rest in Peace.
first ever ff of jonghyun i read! rereading it again as this reminds me of how i became a shawol. and also missing jonghyun ;; may he rest in peace and i'm sure he's in a good place now.
Oh my god, after all those years I find this story again through the Wayback Machine. I shall reread it again! I may have forgotten the plot and all, but I remember loving it when it was first released and kept following.
missadel #7
Chapter 17: My feeling right now~ why did onew so dumb .. why dint he check bfr break up with miyoung .. sorry but yeah this's way too unlogical ~~
hi! I decided to reread this stort (lack of many good stories with shinee on aff recently) and its been around 2-3 years since I've read this story and after rereading it, I got so nostalgic! Loved it before, still love it, great story!
I still remember this was one of the stories that really pulled me into th fanfic world xDD
Anyhow, was disappointed, slightly, there was no sequel, but with such a good ending and such great progression of the story, it didn't needed one
wanted to etll you how awesome it is and still one of my favs! >__<