Seoul Searching


You have recently moved to Seoul South Korea, with no friends or family, you accidentally ran into Winner's Mino. The adventures that are to follow are so worth telling.


The Big Move

This past summer has been one of the longest you’ve ever had. All your life you’ve never looked forward to August, because before, this meant going back to school with people you disliked, but this time it was different. You were finally going to move away from your small town, a place where no one seemed to understand you and your interests: a place where you felt like an outsider. August meant the beginning of a new life, a fresh beginning and new adventures. You had always talked to your family and friends about moving to Korea but they always took it as a joke, but that stopped when you informed them you were accepted to Ewha Womans University.

You were finally going to make the biggest move of your life. Your family was terrified that they were letting their precious daughter travel across the world. They begged you to change your mind but you stood your ground. You had fallen in love with Korea from the moment this country caught your attention, the food, the people, the culture, and of course the Kpop guys. The thought of you being in the same place as your favorite idol made you giddy. You were born for this moment and no one was gonna persuade you otherwise.

August 10th rolled around and you were ready to say goodbye to your family and friends, and leave behind the place you’ve always known as home. Your parents shed a few tears but you assured them that you’d call them occasionally. “Make sure to call us, and don’t hesitate to came back home if you end up hating it.” “Yes mom,” you said while wiping the tears rolling down your mothers face. Your friends were there too, to bid their goodbyes. Your best friend couldn’t help but say “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this, you’ve really lost your mind.” She hugged you tight, to the point of suffocating you. “Don’t worry I’ll take care of myself and I promise I’ll keep in touch,” you reassured her. “Passengers boarding Flight 730 to Korea, please head to the boarding area,” a soft voice said through the intercom. You knew it was time, and with that said, you waved a final goodbye to your family and headed towards the beginning of forever.....

The flight wasn’t terribly long, since you slept almost the entire time. Once you arrived at Incheon Airport there was someone there from your university ready to pick you up. You breathed in what felt like a familiar environment and couldn’t wait to explore the city. You got to your dorm room in one piece, the room was cute and cozy, it overlooked the beautiful scenery that is Seoul.

It was late at night and due to the time change and sleeping in the plane you weren’t ready to go to bed. You stayed in your room for a while before deciding to go for a walk. It seemed like a bad idea but you couldn’t help yourself. Adventure was calling and you were ready for it. You didn’t know how far you had been walking but it had been a while. Han River looked beautiful under the city lights. You were inspired by the encouraging words displayed on a jumbo screen; you had read somewhere that it was for Suicide awareness. You passed the river and came to a park, “I’ve seen this place in a drama before,” you thought to yourself or maybe it was your imagination tricking you………………………………



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