Chapter 4.

The Heart Of A Criminals...
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Three days went by with boxes of chocolate and notes being given to Tiffany but never did she reply. Tiffany admitted that she feel happy every time ‘the stranger’ gave her a chocolate with notes asking about her condition or sometimes just a random questions. One day, Tiffany decided to reply. ‘I’m going to get fat with all these chocolates and snacks you gave!’ She wrote it on a sticky note and paste it on a green chocolate box that she had ask her friend to send before giving it to Taeyeon trough the curtain.

Taeyeon’s eyes widen when he saw a hand with a green box. He excitedly take the box and read the note. He smile but the smile fade away when he saw the box is green in colour. He took another box of chocolate and wrote a note on it. ‘Teeeennnggg!!! Wrong colour!’ Tiffany giggles reading it. Taeyeon who heard the giggle smile from ear to ear. Tiffany then pick a random box from her side. ‘he might like blue.’ She thought. ‘Am I right this time?’ She wrote it down before giving it to him. Again Taeyeon smile widen. ‘Yes!Yes!Yes!’.

Days passed as they get to know each other more trough the ‘cocholate note’. Tiffany told about her relationship with Nickhun which was in a terrible condition. She told Taeyeon how they usually fight and how she think her feelings for him had been fading away. Whenever Nickhun and Tiffany had a fight in the hospital, Taeyeon would always cheer her up by drawing a funny story on a book and show it to Tiffany.

‘Can I see your face?’ Taeyeon eyes widen by the question he just read. ‘No! :P’ He replied. ‘Why not?’ Tiffany asked again. ‘Because you can’t! :P’ He playfully replied again. “Can I see your face?” Again, his eyes widen when he heard her voice. They’ve only been communicating trough note but just now, Tiffany speak to him for the first time. Taeyeon can’t open his mouth. He afraid that she’ll recognize his voice. He keep his mouth shut listening to her.

“can i?”

“Hey. Are you still there?”

“yah! Can i?”

“I take silent as a yes~”


“I’m gonna open this curtain now~”<

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Chapter 7: Y aún sigo esperando más yulsic
Chapter 3: Que pdo
Chapter 3: Omg
LockSmithLove #4
Chapter 7: i want the sequel <333
Chapter 7: Nice nice story of TaeNy <333
JasKoh89 #6
Chapter 7: Wow. This story is jjiang!!!
Chapter 7: So fastttttt~
Need more~
gabiel #8
Chapter 6: ohh please continue this story of yours author shii