Cheesy dinners

Suburbs love story

one of the best feelings in the world , my thought was erupted as I noticed Chanyeol taking  of his skinny jeans , he was wearing white boxers  , with green polka dots . I pushed him over and sat on his lap while he was lying down , hardly berthing .
   " well someone definitely  let out her beast …"

         I hit his chest goofily "didn’t I said you should stop using reference's from your songs ?"



Suddenly someone slammed the door, I wanted to say something but Chanyeol placed his finger on my lips saying "Shhh…."
You could hear Luhan yelling at someone in Chinese-
-" …. why would you do that?! We all are waiting to you're honor to come and to join us for dinner and you are here photographing a couple in a intimate situation without themknowing ? are you some kind of freak or just messed up?! " Chanyeol hopped and started wearing pajama pants and throw me my shirt as Tao answered- "I just thought it would be sweet, it's not like-" Luhan irrupted him , "I am your elder! Don’t talk to me like that you , you....." you could see he is trying to contain himself and I knew that around this time Tao is either really mad , either on the verge of tears either both.
  " and get your downstairs already ! " you could hear both of their angry footsteps going down stairs.
" what happened to Luhan  hyung?" Chanyeol asked , " I only understood that Tao was making them wait and they were hungry…"
   " he yelled at him because , because he was taking pictures of us . kissing ." I mumbled and ran after Chanyeol who stormed out of the room ,  Chanyeol was running downstairs yelling why would you do that you little messed up guy ?! " he reached the place Tao was standing in , all the guys sitting on the floor close to the table . " Chanyeol-ah it ok  , don’t do that !"  , he pushed Tao toward the wall and kept his hand on his shoulder's he couldn’t move.  " stop it !! " both Xiumin and I yelled , we were  the only ones who snapped out from the overwhelming shock of Chanyeol aggressive  behavior , " stop it " I pushed Chanyeol from Tao and stood between them . " c'mon your both better than this ! " , Suho looked like he woke up from a coma as he said with his calm yet shaking voice , " to your room , now."
Tao started saying "you're no one to tell me what to do" but the serious looking Lay  said almost whispering
"We have only one leader now . go to your room . now ."

Chanyeol held my hand before going up stairs with Baekhyun , " I'm really sorry " and he leaned to kiss me , I stopped him . " it ok honey , we will talk later " and I ran  to take a glass of water to Tao's room , where he was sitting on the floor , close to his bed with his legs folded underneath him , sobbing into his knees , I sat next him . " hi Tao " I said quietly as I place the glass close to him . " I know your sad , it ok , I'm not mad , I won't make you speak with me , but I will sit here if you feel like talking ." he kept crying for about one more minute than drank the entire glass in one shot .
" listen Jia , I thought that I would take one or two pictures and then I will send it to you guys , you were really sweet so I thought  it would be cute . and it's not like I haven't seen you guys kissing… " he was again on the verge of tears , " no Tao , don’t cry " he placed his head on my shoulder but kept staring straight .
" Tao it ok , really , you were really trying to do something good it ok , Chanyeol just didn’t want you to take those pictures and it's understandable and completely reasonable , just ask next time , ok ? he can be very protective of me . "
        " it's because you're amazing " Tao said still staring in the wall in front of us .
               " me ? " I was surprised . 
" no I'm not I just –  " , " just take care of us , clean here , cook for us , sometime you even do our laundry and dishes , and you console us , just right now " Tao said . I couldn't answer and Luhan stepped into the room ,  to mmy other side. " I'm sorry Tao " he also started staring toward the wall in front of us and placed his head on my shoulder . " I just broke into pieces , I didn’t mean to … I just… " Tao irrupted "  I know , al of us are an emotional mess since kris left" they sighted heavily . " yes, pretty much ." and Tao tears were on dripping down his shirt as  Sehun  sat next to Luhan . " I overheard what you were talking about…I miss kris too ." I warped my hands around now sobbing Tao and I could swear I saw Luhan shed a tear .
  Lay , Chen now laid on my legs and Xuimin laid on chens stomach .
" I miss Kris too , but it was his choice " said Lay , " me too " said kai as he laid on Xiumins stomach , " I talked with him a few days " Suho came into the room , tearing up and laying down on lays stomach , " he said he miss's you guise . "
I could only hold myself from crying even thou I was also on the verge of tears . every one of the exo members in the room were crying , and the only ones who weren't in the room were Chanyeol and baekhyun .
" guys I know it's hard , but the important thing is to stay together and support each other , Kris and the fans . right ? " and everyone mumbled yes while choking with tears .
" can we join ? " backhyun said as Chanyeol standing behind him . " sure you can " I said while still hugging Tao and Luhan ,   Lay , Chen laying on both of my legs and everyone crying .

backehyun and chanyeol sat leaning onto the wall Tao was staring at as baekhyun said
"are you guys mad at us ? " Suho  straighten up to a
cross-legged sitting , everyone else did the same and we made a 12 people circle . " of course not " and " why should we ? " was heard across the circle from Luhan and Suho . " we both feel bad because we have , well I know taeyeon is awesome and I know lin-lin  is breathtaking… but you don’t have girlfriends , are you mad  at us? " Chanyeol said embarrassed and Sehun jumped " of course not ! " you could see both baek and chanyeol were  relived  and Sehun continued , " I know I'm only the makne but I can say that yes,  we are jealous sometimes (the members nodded) but that’s only because  you both have amazing girlfriends , I don’t meet taeyeon often but she great , and Jia lives with us and she is completely the best  ! she cooks us and clean and she helpful and both of them make you guys happy and us a little but less lonely so we like them " everyone were nodded and saying "that’s right" and  " so true" and I only could think of  the  fact I wish they don’t look at me because I am super blushing , don’t look , don’t look , don’t look and I looked at the floor , the members started going back to the living room and re-heating their dinners and Chanyeol looked at after everyone left .

he grabbed my chin and made me look up to his eye " your blushing aren’t  you ?"  I hugged him , " I always blush ." , and  we went out to the living room , everyone were eating and drinking Sujo I didn’t  fell like  drinking or eating after I cried with the members so I just went to Chanyeol and mine room  , " Jia before you go to sleep …" Tao started and and Kai continued " I want to do this short , thank you so much for making Chanyeol-ah happy and taking such good care of us , I don’t think we could do this without you. " and everyone bowed for around 7-8 seconds , even Xiumin who's older than me.
 trying not to show I was choking with tears I said  " thank you for letting me be a part of your life ." and I bowed for a bit longer than them , " good night" I waved as I went to take a shower and end up falling a sleep wearing Chanyeols shirt (he never cared) and , the only thing I remember is Chanyeol coming to bed around  1 AM mumbling something about
a TV show and  a " I cant believe , 7 am "

 This was my second episode , did you like it ? feel free to comment and share ! love you guys!

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