song references

Suburbs love story
" what a nice hat " I thought to myself while walking past a hat store close to the Han river,
Chanyeol promised to meet me here. 
I plugged in my white headphones , and played a cover of "don’t cry " , the girl sang into my ears while I leaned at the .fence and looked at the river , kids playing , elders walking together , people exercising  …and couples, so much couples  couples , eating ice cream , couples walking hand in hand , couples  on a bout , couples wearing matching clothes , couples doing this , doing that – how annoying, I looked to my left , couple was eating ramen from one plate , how cute , I conquered a gag reflex .
I'm not the person who hates couples and not the kind of person who hates being cheesy and romantic together with someone , it’s the other way around - I love being romantic with my boyfriend and wearing matching clothes and doing all kind of super cute with him . I just got so frustrated with the fact I couldn’t do that since my boyfriend debuted about three  ago , yes , exo Chanyeol was my boyfriend .
 I knew him since I was 2 years old , we went to the same school , middle school and high school , I was one year younger than him but that never bothered us becoming best friend's and becoming a couple  . the situation was so annoying and frustrating that we had to keep our relationship as a secret , it got even worst a few days ago when SM approved baekhyun and taeyong as a couple , I have nothing against them , but , you can see now why when I saw those couples I felt like vomiting.
I looked to my right .

Just a bunch of tourists. Living most of my life in Korea are quit a lot of tourist this time of year, in the spring  . 8 tourists , all of them are young men talking between them … I wonder who they are. They are getting closer and I can not stop searching for  that beautiful smile I feel in love with – its not here . they hugged be as a group , gave me glasses and a hat ,and that’s when I understood that Suho stayed at home . (not a problem )
" Chanyeol is waiting in our van , because otherwise that would look to suspicious . the van is right near the bridge. Talk in engrish ! yehet !! " – I bet you could guess who said that to me . and we started walking quickly towards the van , pretending to be tourists , talking English (they actually talked engrish ) and only me bursting in laughter every few seconds, and that’s when I saw the van ,  a black long van .
 we got closer and closer , the door was quickly opened and quicker closed and I could feel the air Conditioner, Xiumin is driving , " CHAGIYA ! (baby) , I missed you !! " we both said as I sat next to him and his hand was already around me  . I looked at his lips , he  looked at mine , I looked at his eyes , he winked at me. " guys ? we cant really tame ourselves ." we started leaning towards each other , suddenly Tao opened a fan in front of our faces . " you can kiss each other behind this . " he giggled at his move  , and I would bet that we kissed so hard they could hear , oops .
 but seriously , his hands was on my chicks , mine were on his neck and head , playing with his hair and holding him tight .
" come on love birds , we are home. Get of each other . " exo startred getting our of the van and I heard Kai in the distance " wow , have you seen it ? that was crazy …" we both glanced at each other , giggling .  Chanyeol held my hand , his hand was huge compared to mine , but it looked like two piece of a puzzle. usually  everyone goes to their room, but this time all the members were together in the living room ,  some were sitting on the floor , some were standing next to each other , baekhyun and taeyeon were leaning on a wall , holding hands but they stood straight when I closed the door behind us , Chanyeol was still holding my hand and all the people in the room were looking at both of us , Chanyeol placed his arm on my shoulders. I smiled towards them while Chanyeol asked " what ?"  Sehun  widely smiled  at us ,  and Suho said " its happening tonight . "
"what's happening tonight ? " Chanyeol asked and hugged me closer .
" while you went to get Jia "  Suho looked  at me and continued ,"  I got a phone call manger hyung . he talked with SM , about you guys . "
Chanyeol was squeezing me to his side . " he said you guys can become a public couple ."
A silence of a few seconds . Chanyeol looks at me , I look at Chanyeol , Chanyeol looks at me,  I look at Chanyeol,  Chanyeol looks at me , I look towards the members , the members look at me , I look at Chanyeol..
Suddenly Chanyeol picks me with his hand pushing me towards his upper torso  , hugging me.
 " finally " I hear his voice in my ear and feel my eyes  tearing up  . " this is amazing . "
he says while  I try to control my fillings  , I stand back baring my head in his chest .
Some of you will think we are exaggerating , but you might not understand.
 we could be our self again , now we can wear matching clothes , and eat ramen and ice cream in the park and to walk hand in hand . now we don’t need to hide , now we can go out with baekyeon and  taeyeon on double dates and now I could join them openly  to Inkagayo or go to award shows with them , just like a real couple . I  try to  relax while the members hugging Chanyeol , who also tears up a bit.
" don’t cry, don’t cry " I say to myself and say " thank you " to Sehun who brought me a tissue. now everyone were going back to there rooms, takinh outside how Chanyeol is a sissy  , taking their  showers , cooking and going out to see a movie by themselves (yes ,I am talking about Kyungsoo ).
Chanyeol rushed me to our room and closed the door behind .
" do you even believe this ?" he sat on the bed next to me , grabbing my hand , I could clearly see his wet chicks, I guess he saw the same thing on me because about a second later we both mumbled "don’t cry anymore " followed by both of our childish giggles.
I leaned back to the wall, taking my shoes off putting both of my legs on Chanyeols knees.
" so can we kiss in public ? " he suddenly asked.
      " we can kiss where ever we want " I winked.
             " and whenever we like ? " he had a naughty  smile on his lips.
                    " are you getting to the point ? " I had the same smile.
Chanyeol slowly sat closer next to me, my legs still on his knees  and my back still leaning to the wall as Chanyeol  started kissing me . I pulled him closer and hands went throw his hair , he placed his hand behind my back and both of us fell on the bed , I let out a giggle.
my hands started looking for his shirt , about a second later Chanyeol is shirtless , I placed my hands on his abs and he pushed my on my back and now his leg were over my lap in a few centimeters  , my hand on his neck but were both laying on the bed , I felt his  hands suddenly around my waist and the I helped him to take my shirt of , I was wearing a white and green polka dot  bra, a part of a set Chanyeol and me bought when I moved to the dorms and we got our on room , originally I was supposed to sleep on the sofa .
we kept kissing , taking each other by storm , I almost forgot how much Chanyeol is unique while kissing , regularly he is a romantic gentleman , but when we get to be intimate like this he's a macho men , being rough and naughty at the same time…stunning and amazing.
one of the best feelings in the world , my thought was erupted as I noticed Chanyeol taking  of his skinny jeans , he was wearing white boxers  , with green polka dots . I pushed him over and sat on his lap while he was lying down , hardly berthing .
      " well someone definitely  let out her beast …"      
         I hit his chest goofily " didn’t I said you should stop using reference's from your songs ?"


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