The Bad Boy
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' I hope we get along '

How Seungri wished he had not said those words

A week had passed and with the phrase ' get along ' , it was going way too much from what the young officer had expected. He has been deemed Kwon Jiyong' s fan from day one itself and Seungri still remembers vividly that day which should have never been existed in his life.


' Seungri-shi ' the teacher called ' Can you please deliver this to Dong Youngbae, he is in the music room, 3rd floor '

' Sure sir '

Seungri bowed and taking the papers he went to where the music room was

' Music room ' Seungri muttered looking at the plate on the door ' This is it '

The music room was what Seungri had in mind with all the sophisticated instruments in place and music notes scattered here and there, a group of boys were discussing something together but what he had not expected was to see Kwon Jiyong there stoop over some piece of paper busy scribbling ' There was not a class going over here? '

' Yes? ' a voice woke him up from his thought and he came face to face with a guy shorter than him and muscular in built. Seungri blinked and the man just stared waiting for him to speak

'Uhm.....Dong Youngbae? '

'That would be me ' the guy replied

'Mrs. Song told me to give this ' he handed the papers

Youngbae took the papers and look through it ' Ah, thank you ' he smiled to Seungri

' My pleasure ' he smiled back . Youngbae patted him on the shoulder

' Jiyong-ah ' Youngbae called the busy person who looked up and who had just acknowledged the presence of another person there then his gang of friends ' I am going to go down for some time ' The said person nodded and went back to what he was doing not giving another glance to Seungri

' Seungri-shi, right? ' Youngbae looked up ' You can go now '

Seungri bowed as the muscular man left the room and giving another glance to the busy person he proceeded towards the exit but before he hold the knob he turned back and before he knew himself his voice came out

' Kwon Jiyong shi? '

Jiyong looked up and Seungri 's voice was not coming out now  ' I...'  ' What should I say? '

Moments have passed for others present in the room have stopped their discussion and was now staring at him and Jiyong was still waiting for a continuation of his sentence

Jiyong tilted his head as Seungri still continue to stand like a statue except for his eyes which were blinking continuously, a habit whenever he was nervous ' Seungri, man up ' he told himself and the next moment he was standing infront of Jiyong with his hand stretched out

' I am Lee Seungri, I have heard a lot about you and I was hoping if we could be friends '

' What the hell did I just say? ' Seungri mentally reeled his head

Jiyong looked from Seungri to his outstretched hand and then looked up again with a smirk on his face

' I guess you have not heard enough...... to still want to be my friends '

And just like that he stood up and t

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Chapter 6: Ahh! This story was good! Thank you! <3
Chapter 6: Awwww, thank you!! ❤️
Chapter 5: Loved this story so much!! ❤️
Chapter 4: How adorable...❤️
Chapter 4: How adorable...❤️
Chapter 1: This is interesting...❤️
Chapter 6: Wow! Where can i read it! ~~~
Chapter 5: Awwww police officer and bad boy is falling in love with each other! Love itt! ❤
Chapter 4: Oh oh~ how sweet and how sad! ㅠㅠ