The Day We First Talked

Romance in Summer

It was a cloudy day on September 29. I was running late and quickly made my way to my university. On that particular day, I wasn’t looking my usual best. In fact, I was looking horrendous. I was so unkempt. My hair was in a mess, it didn’t help that the weather was so dark and windy. I have been wearing the same shirt for almost three days now. There are dark circles forming under my eyes. In conclusion, I look ugly.

I had a crush on our school belle and to describe her in one word would be, flawless. From head to toe, she’s doesn’t have any faults. Maybe I’m blinded by love, that whatever I see in her, be it imperfections, I would call it perfect. She is perfect. And on that particular day, she finally noticed me.

She lives across my house and we’re neighbors just that she doesn’t really know I existed. Mind you, I was a loner back then. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, her eyes were bloodshot red and tears continuously lingering down her face.

“What do you think you’re doing? How could you do this to us? To me?” she exclaimed.

The man, Dara’s ex-boyfriend, was trying to calm her down. He put his hands on her bony shoulders and said, “People are looking.. Can we talk things out privately?” 

She let out a snicker, and pushed his hands away from her, “Let them see. You freaking went out yesterday with your group of useless friends. You weren’t even in your house until 8 in the morning!”

“Don’t you dare call my friends useless!” he shouted back. “Look, baby, I’m sorry okay.” He sighed.

“First, you lied to me. Saying that you were out, you decided to stay over at your relatives house. Second, I found out you were out. In the club.” She exclaimed. “In the club!” she emphasized. She wiped her tears away and looks like she finally had it. “Lastly.. you were with a girl. You slept with her, didn’t you?” she said, more like a confirmation than a question.

“No..” he replied. “I didn’t, trust me babe,”

“Tell me the truth, Park Seungjin, you did, right?” she replied sternly. “I won’t be mad..” she add on.

He sighed and grabbed Dara and hugged her tight. “I’m sorry,”

Dara let out a sigh and cried again. She pulled out of his embrace and just looked at him blankly. After few minutes, Sandara finally uttered, “Let’s break up,” She walked away from him and looked at me for a mere minute and then she walked back to him. He smiled, thinking that Dara’s has decided to forgive him. 

He let out a shriek. His balls is on fire. “You ,” he screamed.

Dara let out a laugh, “That’s the price you have to pay,” She approached me and held my hands and we both walked away.


Her face looks exhausted. She keeps on smiling but deep in my heart, I knew that she is hurting. I mustered up my confidence and asked her a silly question.

“Do you want to eat ice-cream?”

“Ice-cream?” she repeated. She giggled and nodded her head. “Sure!”

Dara gorged on the ice-cream and the next minute, she shut her eyes and shrieked, “BRAIN FREEZE!” And we both laughed. She playfully plays with her hair and teasingly said, “You know.. Back there, you were like telling me to kick his crotch. Your eyes were telling me some things.” I let out a huge gummy smile, “And so you did.”

“And so I did.” 

Starting from that day onwards, we became close friends and eventually we started to date each other only after few months of knowing one another.

I look at our first photo together, Dara was dressed in a white oversized top thats paired up with her favorite jeans. And me? We were wearing the same clothes! We look like twins. We both looked happy, as if we have the world at the palm of our hands. “I miss you,” I muffled.




I stared at the phone, trying to collect my thoughts. I let out a huge breath before answering the call. "Hello," I uttered.

"I've sent my clothes to the dry cleaning. Well actually.." the other voice at the end said. "You don't really have to compensate me, well since its my fault."

I paused.

"Are you there? Well, I just want to say that. Goodbye," she said.

"Wait, wait a minute." I replied. "What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Sarang," she said.

"Your full name?"

"Chun. Sa. Rang." She replied sternly. "Or you can just call me what ever you like," she said before ending the call.

The name of the girl lingers on my mind. Chun. Sa. Rang. Chunsa! Is she an angel? I shook my heart and mumbled that I'm thinking too much. There's no angels in this world. In this cruel world, there are only demons who wore human mask.

I lay down on my bed, noticing the big, empty space. The room was silent and I forced myself to sleep, to forget everything.




The sun is up and I showered and quickly make my way down to the hospital. I pressed the apartment's elevator button and I saw her. The Angel.

I cleared my throat, "You live here?" She simply nodded.

"I didn't see before.." I said.

She looked up at me and started to roll her eyes, "Are you indirectly saying I'm stalking you?"

I was taken aback, "Are you?" I asked. "Of course not!" She retorted. I shrugged my shoulders, "Then that's good. See you around, neighbor."

I could hear her going insane and I laugh to myself.



"Doctor Lee, I'm glad you're here. Ms Park has been showing signs." The nurse spoke.

"Signs of what?" I asked, worriedly. Scared that Dara not going to make it this time.

"Signs of brain activity." She broke into smile. "I hope her condition will be more stable now," she adds.

My lips immediately formed a smile and I was so happy. I rushed to her ward and kiss her cheeks before doing the usual routine - wiping her face, switch on the radio etc. 

Finally.. After years of being in a coma, she show some signs. After my meeting with the Angel. Is the girl truly an Angel?

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babyPanda_tao #1
Chapter 2: hope dara wake up from coma ..poor donghae ..
maigad ..i think sarang maybe dara twins !!hohoo ..cannot wait for the next update ...