
Sticky Notes


*alarm rings*

Yah! What the heck! Why did I forget to turn this freakin' alarm off!!! It's only 6am! Aish. What a bad start of my summer! Better get my off. I'll just eat breakfast, jog then buy a book after.


With crossed fingers,''This would be a better summer, right? Fighting, Key,'' I said to myself.


After I ate my breakfast I made myself, I took  a shower, and wore my ''lucky shirt'' that my brother, Taemin,  gave to me. It's a pink shirt with colorful designs on it. It's lucky for me because everytime I wear it, good luck comes. Keke~ Let's see.




''Yahhhh, what a beautiful morning!''' I said as I stretched my arms out and put my earphones on to play ''Lucifer'' on my iPod. Then, I started to jog. What a good start to begin your day with a smile, isn't it? I waved at my every neighbor. ''Good morning, ajumma!'' ''Good morning, little kid!'' Dadadada. Why am I so energetic today? Haha.


As I was looking around and still high because of the extremely-loud-song playing in my ears, I see the people looking at me. What's wrong with me? And they're pointing onto something. When I looked at it, a person in his motocycle, and, uh,  wiggling literally, is about 1 meter before me. I froze and panicked inside. I did nothing and just stood there, with wide-eyes. Wish. Me. Luck.Then, I just closed my eyes. I just felt someone push me and made US fell into the ground. Emphazise on the word US. This boy landed on my top. He smiled, uhm, smirked, no smiled, yeah both and said,


 ''Yah, you okay?'' This arrogant .


''Yes I am. Would you mind, uh, getting off me, MISTER?!''


 Then he stood up and offered a hand and of course, I refused. Ha!


''Hey! Is that your way of saying thank you?! You were almost killed and I, Superman, saved your life! You...'' he said as he was showing his guns  (A/N: Not literally guns like bangbang. Haha.) and muscles. Omo. Ok, shut up, Kibum.


''Did I tell you to sav--Ok, fine. Thank you for saving my life, sir!'' and I bowed slightly.


''Good. Haha. You are very welcome. Bye, kid! And your shirt--it's dirty. Sorry,'' he flashed that beautiful, wait did I just say beautiful, smile and all the girls watching us squealed. What the , these es squealing over an arrogant guy. Tch. And hey, did he just mention that my shirt is dirty?! Not this shirt, man! Aish. This is so ironic, I thought this day would be lucky? Or is it?


I watched as this 'Superman' fly away. hearts thumping so fast like a gazillion times in a row. Ohmygod. Why am I feeling this? Wait, is he floating or is it just my eyes. Aish. Cut the crap out, Key.


''Ah, mister. I'm really s-sorry. I didn't m-mean to hit you. Joesonghamnida,'' this milk delivery boy that almost hit me said.


''Yah! You owe me a laundry for making this precious shirt dirty! Why are you so clumsy? Aish,'' I said as I rolled my eyes and his name his Onew--it's on his shirt, ''Onew: Happy to Serve You!'


''Uhm, I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you.''


''No, I'm just kidding, Onew-ssi.''


''How did you..''


''Know your name? Ha! I can read minds! Ppyong, Onew. Stop pestering others day, okay?''


''Okay,'' he whispered under his breath.


I walked fast to go back home, too embarassed because the back of my shirt's so dirty. When I arrived,I immediately took a bath, got my wallet and rode a bus towards the bookstore.


''Superman, huh,'' I whispered.



Omooo, there comes Jjong to rescueee. Kekeke. Lately, he's been my bias (Jonghyun) idk whyyyy. Hahaha.

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