Meet Jessica

Bad Girls Club: Los Angeles Season 1

Jessica- My name is Jessica Jung and I am 25 years old from Los Angeles, California. 

What makes you a bad girl?

Jessica- I'm not intimidated by anyone easily. I speak my mind which gets me into trouble but es know not to mess with me because I have this don't-mess-with-me air. Many es attack me because I'm a stripper and they like to judge me and I don't care because at the end of the day I just do me.

Why do you want to be in the Bad Girls Club?

Jessica- It's going to be a challenge living with 7 different girls for 3 months. I want to see who I can fight and who I can befriend.

Do you fight on a regular basis? 

Jessica- I'll finish fights, I don't start them. If you hit me or you spit on me or if you attack my dignity, then we have a problem.

Do you talk behind girls' backs? 

Jessica- Yea, it's fun stirring the pot.

Are you a follower?

Jessica- I wouldn't call myself a leader. I prefer to go with the flow. 

Is there anything else you want to say?

Jessica- I'm fierce, I'm fine and I'm the one you need if you want bad.





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