Overwhelming Love

Midnight Stories

Luhan and Joohyun looked at each other with those fearful eyes as the sound of thudding footsteps grew louder. Without saying a thing, Luhan got up to blow out the candles and grabbed Joohyun's hand before he hastily pulled her to the corner of the room. He spontaneously held her from behind, covering with his palm. Both of them did not expect some stranger to wander around the abandoned house and they were scared that it might be some bad person.

The sound of footsteps stopped and they knew that the stranger was already behind the door.

1 second.. 2 seconds.. 3 seconds.. 10 seconds.. There was still no movement from the door and the youngsters were drowned in terror. They stood numb in the blackness of the room with fear. Now they were not only scared of some bad person but they were also scared of some teenagers who wandered around the abandoned house just to challenge themselves like Luhan did with his friends weeks ago. The teenagers in the neighborhood visited the famous mansion from time to time. They would be in a big trouble if anyone caught both of them inside the room at this hour as both of them were the future heir and heiress of their respective families. Luhan and Joohyun cursed in their minds. They should have thought about this before they decided to do this thing inside the mansion but they couldn't blame themselves. They were only teenagers after all, young and impetuous.

Two minutes had passed and they were greeted by the sound of the footsteps leaving them in such a loud noise. They could tell that the stranger was running back in hurry. The thudding grew weak in the distance and faded away a moment later.

Luhan quickly removed his palm from Joohyun's mouth and both of them let out a heavy sigh of relief. Joohyun could feel the gush of Luhan's breath touched her cheek and that was when she realized that the person behind her still had his arms around her. She quickly released herself from him and returned to lit a candle.


"I think we need to find another place." Joohyun said nervously, glancing at the door direction. 


"This room has a bad history. There are many rooms inside this house. We just need to stay away from this room and we'll be fine." Luhan said with his handsome smile as Joohyun looked up at him. They stared at each other for a moment until Joohyun thought about what had he told her earlier before the stranger interrupted them. Joohyun looked away from him as she felt her face reddened.

An awkward silence took place and all that could be heard was the sound of their breaths that filled the dim room.





Yoona ran down the stairs of Choi mansion in such a hurry, hot tears streaming down her pretty face. She ended up walking inside the mansion just after she found out the terrible truth about herself from the mouth of her own parents. She was heading to the room where the twins killed themselves seventeen years ago but as she stood in front of the door, she just couldn't get herself to walk inside. She was terrified and hurt.


"What should I do now?..." She said in between her tears as she walked outside the dark mansion weakly like a person who had just lost everything. She gazed up at the moon above her that shone so brightly. The moonlight gave her a slight joy and somehow compensated the overwhelming sadness inside her. 





Joohyun's evil auntie had been patiently waiting inside her car, observing the dark and quiet mansion from a far. About 20 minutes ago she was about to enter the house but she stopped herself as she spotted a teen girl probably around Joohyun's age walked inside the gate with her bicycle. This just changed her thought about her niece. Her niece was not alone with a boy inside the house but a teen girl also joined them. She decided to do this again the next day, she was sure that she would find something to destroy her niece.

Without  taking another glance at the mansion, she went off with her car.





Joohyun and Luhan were sitting on the bed and both of them had not said a single word in the last 15 minutes they had been sitting side by side on the bed. They just sat there stared down at their laps and occasionally they stole a glance at each other.

Luhan glanced nervously at the girl beside him and he took a deep breath before he decided to break the silence.


"Seohyun." Luhan called out, keeping his eyes on her beautiful face. Joohyun slowly averted her gaze to him and met his eyes.


"Yes?" She asked, staring at a pair of beautiful eyes that were doing the same thing to hers.

There was this sensation that they couldn't explain as their eyes locked together for such a long time. The sensation was beyond words. Joohyun did not know that she was starting to have a romantic feelings towards him and she didn't realize it. They continued to stare at each other's eyes but something inside Joohyun's mind kept telling her that this had to stop.

She looked away from him and closed her eyes before she stood up and gave Luhan her signature cold stare.


"I have to go." Joohyun said abruptly and a look of perplexity crossed Luhan's face.

In fast motion, Luhan rose and grabbed Joohyun's arm, pulling her to face him.


"I said I have to go." Joohyun said curtly.


"We're not done yet." Luhan said, holding her arm tighter.


"What do you want?" Joohyun asked, not looking at him. She was trying so hard not to look into his eyes.

Luhan paused for a moment before replying.


"I love you." He softly said as he slowly released her arm.


"Love. I know nothing about that word but one thing I am so sure about love is, my mother died because of love, and I don't want to fall in love. Especially with you." Joohyun replied with her harsh tone. She knew she would hurt him by her words but she couldn't control herself. Her mother died because of love and she didn't want to feel the same thing.


"And there's one more thing. Lets not meeting each other anymore. Lets forget about this deal, just lets us forget about each other." She continued with cold tone.

And with that, she left the room and slammed the door shut, leaving Luhan despondently staring at the door. 





"Baekhyun, I can't believe you just woke me up at 4am in the morning." Mr. Seo Hoon said as he stepped inside his office where his assistant who also his bestfriend, Mr. Byun Baekhyun had waited for him.

He was awakened by a phone call from his bestfriend who told him that he was inside his house, waiting for him in his office.


"Seo Hoon, I paid someone to follow Im Man Hee and his brother as you told me to and guess what? I have a shocking news and I just need to tell you this right now." Mr. Byun Baekhyun said as they sat across from each other.

Mr. Seo frowned but he didn't say anything, gesturing his bestfriend to continue.


"This is huge. 18 years ago just a few hours after your wedding with Seohyun, Luhan got drunk and he slept with his fiancee, Lee Yoona. That happened right before he came to your house to take Seohyun to run away with him." Mr. Byun Baekhyun said, taking off his glasses. 


"Yoona found out that she was pregnant with Luhan's child just a few weeks after Luhan and Seohyun ran away together." Mr. Byun continued on, fiddling his thumbs together.


"Yoona and Luhan had a child?" Mr. Seo was appalled, his stared at him with his mouth slightly open. He didn't expect that Luhan passed away leaving two children. The one he had with Seohyun and the one he had with Yoona.


"I heard Yoona married Mr. Xi when she was five months pregnant." Mr. Byun said again.


"Don't tell me that this child is Xi Luhan, the future heir of XY Group."


"No Seo Hoon, Yoona and Luhan had a baby girl."





Joohyun stepped inside her room and shutted the door behind her before she leaned her back against it.


"There is something wrong with me." She whispered as she placed both of her hands on her chest, she could feel her heart was pounding so hard like crazy and the only thing inside her mind was the face of the guy who she hated. The more she thought about him the more her heart raced and she didn't want it.

She wildly shook her head, trying to erase his face that kept appearing in her mind but somehow his handsome face always lingered inside her mind and she couldn't do anything to stop it.


"Lady Joohyun. Lady Joohyun." A familiar sound of an old woman snapped her out of her thoughts and she quickly turned around to open the door.


"Yes, Minjoo?" 


"Lady Joohyun, where have you been? Your community service hours just ended two days ago. Where did you go last night?" The old woman asked with an angry look and Joohyun did not know what to tell her. There's no way she would tell her that she was inside the dark mansion with some guy.


"I'll explain to you later. Now I just want to take a short nap before I go to school. I'm really tired." Joohyun said as she quickly closed the door.


"But my Lady-."

Joohyun ignored her and walked over to her bed. But suddenly,

'I love you'

These words suddenly struck her and she froze in her tracks.

'I love you.'

These words repeated again as the clear image of the boy who said those words reappeared in her mind.Her heart raced again.


"This is crazy."





Luhan was riding his bicycle along the banks of the river when he noticed a familiar yellow bicycle was lying on the river bank. He got off his bike and observed the yellow bike. His eyes widened when he recognized the owner of this bike and he knew something wasn't right was happening to his dear friend.


"Yoona!" He shouted, glancing around nervously. 


"Yoona! Yoona!" He called out and started to stroll along the river bank.

As he walked farther he heard a crying sound of a girl from behind a tree across from where he stood. He walked towards the tree and was greeted by the image of his bestfriend crying her eyes out. She was sitting under the tree with her arms hugging her legs.


"Yoona are you okay?" Luhan asked worriedly, approaching her from her side. Yoona glanced up at him, her tears running down her face and soaking her sleeve.


"What's wrong?" He asked in his softest voice and the long haired girl threw her arms around him as she continued to cry.


"Shh, it's fine. I'm right here with you." Luhan hugged her softly and patted her back. He never saw her like this before and it saddened him to see a bright and cheerful girl was drowned in tears.


"Xi Luhan. What are you doing in this place at this hour with a girl. You are the future heir of XY Group, you can't do this kind of thing." The two of them turned to see a teen guy approaching them with a smirk. He was still in his school uniform and Luhan didn't want to know what was he doing in that place at 4am in the morning. Luhan didn't have any idea who he was but from his uniform, he could tell that this teen guy was from the same school as Taeyeon's. 

Luhan ignored him and stood up with Yoona holding his arm. She looked at the ground as they walked away from the guy.


"She's pretty." The teen guy commented, brushing a strand of hair from her cheek. Yoona burried her face in Luhan's arm in fear.


"Hey!" Luhan shouted, pushing him away from her. The guy just smirked and Yoona's long hair, causing Yoona to hold Luhan's tighter. She was scared. 

Seeing this, Luhan just couldn't stand and do nothing. He walked over the guy and started to beat him up. Every punch made him to wince in pain and he couldn't get the chance to throw a single punch at Luhan.


"Luhan, enough." Yoona said, pulling him away from beating the poor guy.


"I just wanna go home now." She said again and walked to her bicycle. Luhan glared at the guy who was now lying on the ground before he left.





One week later.



At lunchtime Luhan was still in his seat, ignoring all his classmates who were already gone to dining hall to have their lunch. Luhan rested his chin on his palm, elbow on the table, staring outside the window with a vacant stare. 


"Hey, Luhan. You're not going to have lunch?" An abrupt familiar voice startled him slightly but did not make him to shift his gaze to face the owner of the voice.


"Hmm, I'm not really hungry." Luhan said, not looking at the person who was now sitting beside him. 


"What's wrong? You've been like this lately and I don't like it." Yoona asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder. When there was no reply from him, she decided to tell him the thing that she had been keeping inside her mind lately.


"Things aren't going so well with her, huh?" These words caused Luhan to turn his attention to the girl beside him. He narrowed his eyes and gave her a small frown before responding.


"How do you know?" Luhan asked, scrutinizing her. 

Yoona just let out a chuckle before answering.


"Its so obvious since you're my bestfriend. You're in love with a girl and she drives you crazy." Yoona said, taking a pen from his desk and started to draw something mindlessly on Luhan's note book. Luhan stared at her in fascination, she didn't seem bothered by the fact that he had fallen in love with some other girl when just a month ago he asked her to be his girlfriend. 


"Yoona, you never failed to wow me." Luhan said as he looked at her with his warm smile.


"I care for you Luhan. I really do. I am happy as long as you're happy." Yoona replied, drawing a heart shape on his note book.





Joohyun threw herself on her bed after a very long and tiring day at school. She closed her eyes but somehow she just couldn't get herself to sleep though she was very sleepy. Her mind was busy thinking about the guy who made her heart raced.

She didn't like this but she couldn't stop herself from thinking of him. 


"Lu... han.." She whispered his name over and over again as she stared at the ceiling.





Luhan with Yoona just walked out the school gate when suddenly a group of teenagers came out of nowhere and blocked their way. They recognized one of them, he had a bandage on his cheek, the one who got beaten up by Luhan one week ago and now he brought his friends.

Luhan turned to Yoona and beckoned her to leave. She stared at him worriedly and shook her head no.


"Just leave!" Luhan shouted and she hesitantly ran to other direction from Luhan and the troubled boys.





"Joohyun, so I heard you got stationed at Shin Hospital for your community service hours last week." Taeyeon said, breaking the awkward silence between the two. They were sitting in the livingroom, watching a tv show and Taeyeon had been dying to talk to her cousin. Eversince her auntie told her about Joohyun's real parents, her opinion of Joohyun just changed. She didn't see anymore spoiled rich kid but she saw a fragile seventeen year old girl who grew up without a mother. Perhaps that's why she became so cold and unfriendly.


"Yeah, I got midnight assignment." Joohyun replied, not taking her eyes off of the tv. Taeyeon almost choked. Her cousin got to work with Xi Luhan, her bestfriend and also the biggest enemy of her cousin. She wondered why Luhan didn't tell her that he got to work with her cousin. He knew exactly that his enemy's name was Seo Joohyun.


"Mi-mi-midnight assignment?" Taeyeon stammered, her eyes staring at Joohyun with eyes wide open. Joohyun shifted her gaze to Taeyeon, eyeing her strangely.


"Yeah? Something wrong with that?" Joohyun asked, arching her brow slightly. Taeyeon gulped and perched next to Joohyun.


"My friend. I mean my bestfriend. Your enemy. He. Um well. Did you. I mean. I." Taeyeon splutered. She was too surprise that she even forgot how to speak properly.


"What are you trying to say?" Joohyun asked, still eyeing her strangely.

Taeyeon took a deep breath and faced her cousin again.


"Well, you know. Your enemy Xi-" Taeyeon stopped abruptly when she felt her phone vibrated from inside her pocket. She quickly took out her cellphone and answered it. Joohyun sighed and locked her eyes on the tv once again.


"Hello, Yoona." Taeyeon asked. She heard the girl from the other line was talking frantically.


"Okay, why you sound like that? What happened?" Taeyeon asked and a moment later her eyes widened again at the news that Yoona just told her.


"Luhan! No. We have to do something, they will beat him up for sure."

Once Taeyeon mentioned his name, Joohyun quickly turned her attention to the girl who was talking on the phone in a frantic way. Joohyun was unsure if Taeyeon was talking about the same Luhan or not but her mind was going crazy thinking about him getting hurt somewhere.


"Okay, I'll call Sehun and the others." Taeyeon said before she hung up the phone.


"You know Luhan?" Joohyun asked Taeyeon worriedly, holding both of her arms tightly. Taeyeon stared at her and blinked her eyes. Her cold-hearted cousin was worrying about some guy, that was something strange, very strange. Then she remembered the thing she was going to ask her before Yoona called her.


"Luhan, he's my friend. The one whom got to work with you for the community service hours." Taeyeon said, studying her cousin's features. Her worried face said it all. Luhan was someone who had a place in her heart and Taeyeon wondered if she even knew that he was her biggest enemy.


"What is going on? Where is he?" Joohyun asked, the worry was clear in her voice and all over her face.


"A group of teenagers from our school came to his school and they might hurt him. Luhan goes to a public school just a few blocks away from our school." Taeyeon replied and Joohyun's face grew pale.

Without saying a thing, Joohyun stormed out of the livingroom, leaving Taeyeon in dazed for a minute or two.


'Joohyun and Luhan. What is going on between them?' Taeyeon thought. Then she let her jaw dropped as the most terrifying thought crossed her mind. 


"No, no. It can't be." Taeyeon started to talk to herself agitatedly. The thought of Joohyun and Luhan having a romantic relationship just made her went insane.


"No.. the tragedy will surely happen if they are really in love."





Joohyun's auntie parked her car near Joohyun's house gate, doing what she had been doing for the last 7 days, spying on her niece. She realized she started to do the ridiculous things just to bring her niece down but she didn't care, she hated her too much and she wouldn't stop until she destroy her.

She took a quick look at her watch, it was 3pm. She waited and waited until she saw Joohyun emerged from inside the gigantic house gate in her black mercedes.

A smile formed on her face as she followed the black mercedes.

'Finally.' She thought.





Luhan found himself being dragged to the back of his school and the troubled boys started to punch him everywhere. Luhan couldn't do anything as the two of them held both of his arms, preventing him to return a single punch. There were five of them in total. While the two of them held both of Luhan's arms, the other three punched him endlessly.


"Ahh!" He screamed in pain as they punched him repeatedly on his stomach and his face.


"Lets stop this now. We've agreed to hurt him not to kill him! His father is powerful, he could get us in jail and left our parents jobless." One of them who had blond hair told his friends as he pulled them away from punching Luhan.


"Just one more time." The guy with bandage on his cheek said as he turned to Luhan again.

The guy was about to throw Luhan a punch on his face when suddenly he felt something hard on his back.


"What the-." He turned around and saw a girl staring at them furiously. He narrowed his eyes at the sight of her, he swore he saw her somewhere before but he just couldn't remember where he saw her.

Joohyun ran to Luhan who was now sitting against the wall weakly. He had some bruises on his face and fresh blood came from his mouth. Joohyun stared at him with teary eyes as she touched his cheek.


"What are you doing here?" Luhan asked weakly.


"I don't know..." Joohyun replied, staring at his face sadly. 


"How many girlfriends does he have?" The guy with bandage on his cheek wondered, looking at the lovers who were touching each other's face.


"Rich boys." Came the reply from the boy with blond hair as he scoffed.

Joohyun then stood up and spun around, glowering at the troubled boys in front of her. They all were still in in their school uniforms and Joohyun knew exactly that they went to the same school as hers.


"What did you do to him?! You piece of !" Joohyun spit out, her eyes were fierce.


"You, your name is Kim Yoonjun right?" Joohyun said to the boy who had bandage on his right cheek.


"I heard your father works in a company under SH Group. I wonder what will happen if he lose his job." Joohyun continued on, sending a glare to the boy. That Yoonjun boy swallowed hard and was numb for seconds. He didn't have any idea how in the world did she knew about him and his father.

With anger he pushed Joohyun to the ground and smirked before he clenched his fist. Luhan stared at it in horror, fear storming his face. Ignoring the pain in his stomach, he got up from his seat. Staggering to Joohyun who was trying to get up.


"You touch her and I swear I'll kill you with my own hands!" A stern voice came from his mouth as he stood between Joohyun and the boy.

A blond haired boy who was standing not far from them had his eyes glued to the girl who cursed at them earlier.  He gulped hard upon realizing who she was.


"Hey, lets get outta here!" The blond haired boy said, pulling the Yoonjun boy away from Luhan and Joohyun.


"What? Why?" 


"I'll explain to you later."





"That girl is Seo Joohyun." The blond haired boy said to his friends as they walked to their vehicle and his four other friends widened their eyes.


"What? But I heard her family and Xi Luhan's family are enemies." One of the boys said, shaking his head in disbelief.


"I don't know and I don't care. We should think about ourselves right now. She might get us expelled from school after what we did earlier to her boyfriend. Her father is just as powerful as Luhan's father." The blond haired girl responded in angry way.


As the boys left, Joohyun's auntie appeared from behind a tree, she was stufefied.


"What is Seo Joohyun doing with her biggest enemy?" She wondered out loud.





"Seohyun, are you hurt somewhere?" Luhan asked her with a worried expression all over his face as he helped Joohyun standing up.


"I'm fine." Joohyun replied softly, brushing her skirt.


"What are you even doing here?! You might get yourself hurt!" Luhan yelled at her, taking a step back.


"I don't know." Joohyun replied softly, not looking at him.


"You shouldn't have come here! Why are you doing this? Why?!" Luhan yelled at her again as he stared at her solemnly.


"Because I love you, you fool!" Joohyun bursted out, tears flooding her eyes. Luhan went silent. He was petrified.


"I think I love you..." Joohyun said quietly, staring down at her feet.

There was this silence that hung in the air and slowly Joohyun looked up to meet his eyes. The youngsters gazed at each other wordlessly, observing each other's facial features.


"Seohyun..." Luhan started, walking closer to her.


"I keep thinking about you. I can't spend a day without thinking of you and it's driving me crazy! I have been longing to see you and I thought I was going to die at the thought of you getting hurt somewhere!" Joohyun said as she looked away from him. Her heart was beating like crazy, she couldn't let him seeing her reddening face.

Luhan ran his hands to her petite body and embraced her with so much love. Joohyun took a moment to stand frozen in her spot before she finally threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly.


"I hate you. You jerk." She mumbled and cracked a smile.


"I love you." Luhan softly replied.


"I thought you don't want to fall in love, especially with me." Luhan said, smiling blissfully without breaking their hug.


"Like you've said before, love comes unexpectedly. We can't choose with whom we fall in love with and we can't run away from it once we fall in love." Joohyun replied, pulling away from the hug and touched Luhan's bruised lip.


"I think you won't be able to kiss me." Joohyun chuckled.


"Are you asking me to kiss you? Now that you fall for me." Luhan said with a grin.

Joohyun just shook her head as she continued to touch his lips.


"I don't want to taste blood from your lips."


"But your lips are the only thing I want at this moment. Um no, I want your lips for the rest of my life." Luhan said, leaning his face closer to hers.


"So you want me to taste blood from your lips." Joohyun softly replied, their faces were so close to each other. Luhan's nose touching Joohyun's. 


"No, I want you to taste my overwhelming love for you." Luhan whispered, as he pulled her closer by her waist.


"Then kiss me."

And just like that, their warm lips met, brushing each other's softly and tenderly. Their small kiss turned passionate as their lips found their way to melt together and tongues slipped inside each other's mouth as if it found their real homes.

It last long. Much longer than their first kiss. 


"Seohyun, you know what?" Luhan said after the kiss, his eyes staring at hers lovingly.


"Hm?" Joohyun still had her hands around his neck.


"It's the first time we're meeting each other during the day." He said in his soft tone, not taking his eyes off of hers. Joohyun nodded with a wide smile.


"You're more beautiful when you smile."


"You'll be seeing it often from now on."


"I couldn't be happier." Luhan whispered before his lips found hers again.



Somewhere in the distance, a scary lady who turned out to be Joohyun's evil auntie stood callously, holding her camera with her evil smirk. She had witnessed everything that happened between the youngsters and her camera captured their every move.

This day finally came, the day she would witness the child of the sinners to meet her pain. Fate was playing with Seo Joohyun for she had fallen for her biggest enemy, the only person who would give her nothing but sadness.

The scary lady stared down at her camera before saying.


"I'll send these pictures to their fathers and by the end of the day, both families will be in chaos."





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and i am so so so so sorry guys >…<


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Chapter 13: I am still waiting for this story to finish T_T
This is one of the best story here
Chapter 13: Please finish this story. Still waiting for this.
Chapter 13: I'm still waiting for this story until now.
Still hoping for an update. ☺️
Chapter 13: Please update soon ^ - ^ because I really like your story ♡
Shisha_diva11 #5
Chapter 13: Omg i love this story plssssssss Update. I already read it 10x so plssss i need an Update
ambai90 #6
Chapter 13: omg... please update soon !!!
pipipo27 #7
Chapter 13: oh my it's great story totally, i fell in love since the first time i read it
too complicated that make me wanna read it more and more
you truly have done great job, please update next chapter really soon, i can't wait for another great story of you
Chapter 13: Seohyun have so many problem ♥♥btw update soon ♥♥
gina_strawberry08 #9
Chapter 12: I read the part where it was Taeyoon's part to have the nightmare thing.. and it creeped me out since I read the whole fictionat evening. And it was already 12am then. By the way, I'm already curious to death.. nice work author-nim! Update soon~