The Beginning Of Love

Midnight Stories

"Now leave." Joohyun coldly said before she turned around and put her huge backpack on the table in front of her. She was clearly annoyed by the guy who stood behind her.

Luhan on the other hand was so curious about this cold girl. She was definately that kind of girl whom Luhan never wanted to mingle with but there was something about this girl who made him so curious about.

Luhan saw her taking out many candles from inside her backpack and he chuckled, thinking that it's weird when she could just bring battery lamps to brighten the dark room.


"Seohyun." He called out and the girl who had her back facing him turned around lazily.


"What now? I thought you'd leave." Joohyun said, flashing Luhan with her flashlight in annoyance. Luhan just let out a smile and walked passed her.


"What are you doing, weird guy?" Joohyun asked, continued to flash him with her flashlight. She watched as Luhan opened the window and sat down on window sill.


"Come here, you'll like it." Luhan said, beckoning her to sit beside him. Joohyun eyed him strangely but found herself walking towards him.


"What is it?" Joohyun asked as she sat down beside him. Both of them now sat on window sill with their legs hanging outside the window.


"Turned off your flashlight." Luhan said before he glued his eyes to the night sky. Joohyun did as he told and followed his gaze.


"What do you see?" Luhan asked, tilting his head slightly. Joohyun didn't reply, her eyes were busy observing the moonless night sky.


"It's a total moonless night and we are staying in a complete darkness. We can't see anything except the clear night sky. We still can see the stars though the moon is absent because the glow of lights from earth’s surface brightens the sky." Luhan added, his eyes were still on the night sky.


"It's.... beautiful." That words escaped from Joohyun's mouth and she smiled, a smile she rarely showed to everyone around her. Luhan couldn't see it for it was so dark. So dark that they couldn't see each other's face or the things around them. They could only see the stars that freckled the moonless night sky and the city lights from the distance.

There was a peaceful stillness that filled the room. The youngsters were drowned in their own thoughts as they stared at the moonless night sky above them. Luhan thought about his beloved mother who had left this world as well as Joohyun who had been thinking about her mother whom she had never seen. 


"My mother died when I was ten. For months since her death, I spent so many times alone in the dark attic of my house, staring at the night sky." Luhan said softly but sadness was clear in his voice. Joohyun glanced at the silhouette of the guy beside her before she turned her gaze back to the night sky.


"My mother died when I was still a new born baby. I don't know anything about her. I don't even know her face." She responded in a very low voice, almost whispering but Luhan could hear everything that she said.


"I'm sorry..." He replied, almost in the same voice she was giving him earlier. 


"It's okay, since I don't have any memory about her." Joohyun quickly replied in unwavering tone.

Her words were followed by a very long silence, then Luhan thought about what the girl told him yesterday night.


"So, I was wondering about what you told me yesterday, that you're scared of having a bad dream when you sleep. Would you mind telling me about it?" Luhan asked her as he looked at her silhouette. Joohyun was surprised that he asked in polite way, not expecting this from a guy like him.


"I keep having a bad dream everytime I close my eyes at nighttime." Joohyun replied softly and Luhan widened his eyes upon hearing her reply. He experienced the same thing when he was younger.

Luhan then quickly got up and lit a candle that Joohyun had put on the table near them so they could see each other's face clearly. He sat down on the window sill again, facing Joohyun who was now looking at him confusedly.


"Midnight stories." Luhan said and looked into her eyes, taking in the depths of her pretty eyes.


"Hm?" Joohyun furrowed her brow, not knowing what he was talking about and for the first time she noticed that the weird guy had a pair of beautiful eyes as they looked into one another's eyes. She suddenly felt uncomfortable and looked away from him.


"Midnight stories. I experienced the same thing for months after my mother died, then my father started to tell me stories every midnight. It helped me to slowly forget about my sadness upon losing my mother. It's not the same as bedtime stories because my father told me the stories to make me love the midnight. He told me the stories from midnight till 3am and I could sleep well afterward." Luhan said and gave her his sweet smile.


"That's absurd." Joohyun scoffed, not believing any single thing that Luhan had told her.


"Well, I just told you the truth." Luhan said quickly.

Joohyun thought about what had he told her for a moment but then she realized that she had talked too much to some stranger and she didn't like it.

Joohyun stood up and her flashlight once again.


"You should leave." Joohyun said, walking away from the window sill.


"But you'll be alone in this spooky house." Luhan closed the window and came over to her who was taking more candles from inside her backpack.


"You should mind your own business. I need to find out about something inside this room." Her cold tone was back again and Luhan froze in his spot, not knowing what to say to this cold girl.

Joohyun lit the candles and placed them around the room. The dark room became bright in an instant and now they could clearly see all the things inside the room.


"Wow. This room looks awesome." Luhan exclaimed, astonished.

But not for the girl who was standing in front of the large bed. She had a terrified look all over her face.


"No... no... this can't be happening!" Joohyun screamed as she clutched her face and fell on her knees. Luhan who saw this hastily ran to her.


"Seohyun, are you okay?" He worriedly asked as he looked at her terrified face.

Joohyun closed her eyes, clutching her head tightly. 


"Lady Joohyun." Minjoo looked at Joohyun sadly.

"Yes?" Joohyun stared at the old woman with so many questions in her mind.

"Go back to the room where your auntie left you inside last night. Perhaps, you will find the answer."



"Nooo!..." Joohyun continued to scream. Luhan didn't know what was happening and his arms just spontaneously embraced the girl who was screaming and crying non stop beside him. He couldn't say anything to calm her down, he just embracing her in his arms like a father does to his daughter.





Taeyeon found a ladder from inside the storage and quickly ran to find Joohyun's balcony.


"I don't know what I'm doing..." Taeyeon said, placing the ladder to the Young Lady's balcony.


"Okay, I'll just do what my auntie told me to, then I'll tell Joohyun everything." She said to herself like a lunatic as she climbed the ladder.


"Yeah, right. Like she's gonna forgive me." She continued, climbing the ladder faster.


"Of course she'll forgive me. I'm her cousin and she's Seo Joohyun..." She paused for a moment before saying.


"The cold-hearted girl." She gulped hard and continued to climb to her cousin's balcony in fear.

The mere thought about her cousin made her wanted to abort her auntie's plan but she was too scared. Her auntie was too scary.


"What am I getting myself into?" She whispered as she reached the railing of the balcony.





Joohyun stopped crying when she came to the sudden realization that the stranger had been hugging her this entire time. She couldn't accept this, she only allowed her father and Minjoo to hug her and now, she was angry. Very angry. 


"Get your hands off of me!" Joohyun said harshly, pushing the guy away from her.


"Hey, I didn't mean anything. You were crying and screaming like mad. I was-"


"Shut up!" Joohyun cut him off, sending a glare to the guy in front of her who had a look of confusion on his face.


"I can't believe this."Joohyun murmured as she stood up, brushing her knees.

Luhan looked at her in disbelief. He never met someone like her before and he definately didn't want to meet her ever again. He looked at her angrily before he stood up.

Luhan took the flashlight and rushed out the room without saying a thing. 


"What was I even thinking? I hope I'll never see her ever again." He said out loud.





Joohyun walked through the hallway of her house, putting on a dark look on her face. She was angry, confused, terrified and sad at the same time. Angry because she let some stranger to hug her, confused and terrified because the room in Choi mansion was the room that she saw in her bad dream, and sad because she finally realized that the crying girl in her dream was actually her mother.

She opened the door to her room and a look of confusion spread across her face as she spotted her cousin standing beside her computer desk. Taeyeon was shocked to see the owner of the room was standing in the doorway with an unpleasant look, her eyes were swollen like she had been crying and she didn't look okay. Taeyeon swallowed hard, wanting to explain about everything but no words came from .


"What are you doing in my room?" Joohyun asked, giving her an angry look.


"I.. I um well I kinda lost. Your house... is too big and I ...was looking for my room." Taeyeon stuttered with an awkward smile while Joohyun continued to give her an angry look. Taeyeon felt like she wanted to shoot herself on the head at that moment.


"I'm leaving. Bye." With that, Taeyeon ran and left the room. 

Joohyun threw herself on her bed once her cousin was out of her room. She buried her face on the pillow and started to cry again.





Two weeks later


The evil auntie was seen in a dim apartment room, watching the video recording of her niece inside her room over and over again. It's been two weeks since she told Taeyeon to put a hidden camera inside Joohyun's room and so far she found nothing to bring Joohyun down but she noticed something strange about her niece. She stayed awake for all night and she went to sleep after she came from school.

She quickly shutted her laptop when she heard the door was pushed open. She swallowed hard when she saw her brother came inside her apartment angrily.


"How dare you to leave Joohyun inside that room!" Mr. Seo yelled, his eyes fierce and angry.


"Why? Why do you hate her so much?!" He continued as the woman in front of her hadn't said anything.


"Why? Because she's not even your real daughter but she will be the heiress to all the fortune! And what makes me even angry is that she was born as a result of a forbidden act. She shouldn't have even born!" The woman yelled back at him, ignoring the fact that he was her brother.


"Enough! You hurt Joohyun once again and you are my sister no more." And with that, Mr. Seo walked away, leaving the evil woman stood weakly.

She opened her laptop again and stared at the screen.


"There must be something that I can use to destroy Seo Joohyun."





Luhan locked his eyes on his laptop's screen as he scrolled down the page mindlessly. He had been like that since he first opening his laptop. He should be studying but his mind was elsewhere, thinking about the cold-hearted girl. Two weeks had passed since the last time he saw her but he kept thinking about her and it bothered him.

'We only met twice.' He thought, shaking his head wildly.

Yoona came over with a cup of hot chocolate, watching him with her solemn eyes.


"Thanks." Luhan looked up from his laptop and gave her a smile as she put the cup on the table.


"Taeyeon and Sehun are coming over. They just gave me a call." Yoona informed him as she sat down next to Luhan on the sofa.


"At this hour?" Luhan glanced at his wristwatch. 


"It's almost midnight." He continued on, raising his eyebrow.


"They want to tell us about their community service. Oh I'm so excited since I got stationed at the same hospital as Taeyeon's." Yoona exclaimed, clapping her hands but the guy beside her didn't give any reaction. He seemed so lost in his own thoughts as he took a sip of his hot chocolate with a blank look on his face.


"Hey, Luhan. What's wrong?" Yoona tapped his shoulder and Luhan turned to her.


"It's nothing." Luhan smiled at her and glanced at his wristwatch again.


"You know what? I should go home. I've been here for 5 hours already. You must be feeling uncomfortable" Luhan said, arranging his books inside his backpack.


"It's okay, I love having you around. Besides my parents are not home." Yoona said, smiling shyly. Luhan didn't noticed this though, he kept his eyes on arranging his stuff.

Yoona sat silently, watching the guy beside her arranging his stuff with so much love in her eyes. She realized that she had fallen for him but she knew that his heart now belongs to someone else. This was the reason why she didn't accept his feelings back then because she always knew that his heart was never hers. Now she was sure that he had given his heart to some other girl, he just hadn't realized it.

Luhan turned his attention to the girl beside him as he done arranging his stuff and something caught his eyes. Yoona didn't look fine, her eyes rimmed with tears.


"Yoona why are you crying?" He asked worriedly, wiping her tears with this thumb. Yoona looked away and forced a fake smile as she faced him again.


"It's nothing." 





"Lady Joohyun, whose t-shirt is this?" Minjoo came from the doorway, bringing an unfamiliar long sleeve t-shirt in her hand. Joohyun looked up from her book that she was holding and eyed the t-shirt.


"Oh, that t-shirt. Just throw it away. I don't care." She said coldly and turned her attention back to her book. The old woman then sat down beside Joohyun on the sofa and held her hand in hers causing Joohyun to shift her gaze to the old woman beside her.


"My Lady, I just got a phone call from your school. They said that you are assigned to Shin Hospital for your community service hours. Are you sure you really want to take midnight assignment? Shin Hospital is far away from here." The old woman said to Joohyun in a motherly way.


"You know I can't sleep at nighttime Minjoo. It's fine, don't worry."





"This , look I got stationed in the children's ward." Taeyeon showed her friends a sheet of paper that she just received earlier that day at school.


"I got worse. I got stationed at the home for elderly. I don't like old people." Sehun grumbled.


"I don't like children." Taeyeon added, making a face.


"I love children." Yoona happily said and the other two glared at her. She wasn't helping at all.

Yoona then turned her head to the guy beside her, still with her happy expression.


"So Luhan. Which hospital you got assigned to?" Yoona asked with her pretty smile.


"I am assigned to Shin Hospital." Luhan replied and the rest of the teenagers put on a surprise look.


"What? That place is so far away from here. Like an hour drive from here." Sehun said with his mouth slightly open. Luhan nodded before he added.


"I'll start my community service from tomorrow night." 


"Tomorrow night?" Yoona tilted her head to the side in confusion.


"Yeah, I got midnight assignment." Luhan replied again and his friends looked at him with their mouth dropped.


"That's crazy, how could they send an underage student to do school assignment at midnight?" Taeyeon said out loud.


"Actually, I was the one who offered myself to do this at midnight." Luhan explained, earning a quizzical look from his friends.


"Why?" Yoona asked softly.


"Because they lack of volunteers for that time and I love the midnight." Luhan answered with a smile.


"You're weird." Sehun and Taeyeon said in unison as they gave him a weird look while Yoona stared at him with her perfect smile.

'I love you!' She screamed in her mind.





"Wow, you have such a nice car Taeyeon." Luhan exclaimed as he, Taeyeon and Sehun entered a grey BMW. It was past midnight and Taeyeon offered to give them rides. Luhan sat on the passenger seats with Taeyeon while Sehun sat on the back seat.


"This isn't mine. My cousin who owns this car, she has five different cars." Taeyeon quickly replied, starting the engine.


"Wow. Five different cars at the age of seventeen?" Luhan said, completely flabbergasted.


"Look at you, you are so rich like her but you don't even own a damn car." Taeyeon commented, earning snickers from Sehun who sat in the back seat. Luhan ignored it and continued to ask her a question.


"Anyway, can you tell me about Seo Joohyun? That's her name right?" Luhan asked curiously.


"Why would you even want to know about her?" Taeyeon asked, her eyes focused on the road.


"Since my father told me to stay away from her I think I need to know about my enemy." Luhan explained.


"Seo Joohyun. Hm.. she's the most beautiful girl in the whole school and everyone knows that she will be the most beautiful heiress in the future. I think your father is afraid that you will fall for her." Taeyeon answered, not taking her eyes off of the road.


"That's ridiculous." Luhan responded with a chuckle.


"Yeah, I don't think you would fall for her since she's not your type. She's cold, unfriendly and rude. Total opposite from Yoona who is kind-hearted, polite and sweet." Sehun said from behind.


"I know, I like Yoona. I like her a lot. But..." Luhan paused, looking at the other direction.


"But what?" Sehun asked, popping his head out from the back seat, placing it in between the two of them. 


"I can't stop thinking about other girl."





It was almost midnight when Joohyun stepped out of her car in front of Shin Hospital. The hospital was so huge and towering yet so spooky. The building stood in a silent place that was located far away from residential neighborhood.

Joohyun felt cold breeze rushed through her as she made her way to the main entrance. 


"You must be Seo Joohyun. We've been waiting for you." A lady behind the desk said as she gave her a very warm smile. Joohyun just stood still, waiting for the lady to continue. 


"There are only two students who volunteer for midnight assignment. Head upstairs and look for room 132C you will meet your partner. He has arrived since 20 minutes ago." 


"Thank you." Joohyun said softly before she made her way upstairs.

The journey to reach the said room was very quiet and somewhat dark since she was the only one who was wandering the hall and most of the lights had been turned off. The atmosphere freaked her out. The place was more like a haunted house than a hospital and now she regreted her decision to volunteer for midnight assignment.

As she walked passed one of the wards, she noticed a bright light came from one of the rooms and she could see a few nurses inside the room since the door was widely open. She continued to walk and heard their conversation from the distance.


"The old lady was found dead on the floor with her eyes wide open."


"I heard she was stabbed repeatedly on her back."

Gulping, Joohyun walked faster but then she heard another conversation from other room.


"Lets take this body to morgue. It looks awful and make sure to look for his other body parts." She cringed upon hearing the conversation. Well who wouldn't?

Joohyun felt a sudden creep of horror as she walked through another empty hall.

'This is not a community service. I wanna go home.' She cried in her thought. She hung her head low as she walked through the empty and dim hall. Afraid that she would be seeing things.

But as she walked further she accidentally crashed herself into another body and stumbled before they both fell on the ground. The next thing she knew, she was sitting on the floor with a guy in front of her.


"Owh...." A manly voice was heard and she lifted her head slightly to face the owner of the voice. She blinked her eyes when she recognized who it was. It turned out to be someone whom she didn't even want to see. The guy had the same expression as Joohyun as they looked at each other.

Luhan didn't expect to see her in this kind of place and he hated to admit that he was actually happy to be able to see her again. While Joohyun was clearly unhappy seeing the guy again. 


"What are you doing in this place?" Luhan asked, his eyes followed her every move.


"Community service." She replied coldly, standing on her feet. And Luhan found himself smiling widely at this.


"So you're the one who's gonna work with me here for one week." Luhan stood up and flashed her a wide smile.


"Huh? So you're the other one who volunteer for midnight assignment. Oh great." Joohyun looked at him with wide eyed and rolled her eyes.


"Why do we always meeting each other at midnight?" Luhan wondered out loud.


"I don't know. You tell me." Joohyun said as she walked away from him. Luhan grinned, catching up with her.


"I thought you don't want to see me ever again." Joohyun said in annoyance as they walked through the dim hall and Luhan remembered about that night when he said those things outside the room in Choi mansion. He regreted it.


"When did I say that?" Luhan asked with a grin, pretending he didn't have any idea about what was she talking about. 


"Stop grinning like a fool, weird guy." Joohyun said hoarsely.


"Luhan. I have a name and it's Luhan." Luhan stopped her from walking and faced her. Joohyun sighed heavily before she said.


"Look, Luhan. I came here for my school assignment, I didn't come here for making any friends. So stay away from me." Joohyun retorted and continued to walk.

'I'll enjoy this.' Luhan thought and grinned as he chased after her.





It's been three nights since Luhan and Joohyun worked together for their community service and so far, they did great. The nurses were pleased with them and the patients liked them. Luhan got to know Joohyun better, behind her cold and unfriendly attitude actually she was really a nice girl. She treated patients nicely and not even once Luhan heard she complained though he knew that she came from a rich family. But he found something weird, she was nice to the patients and the nurses but he never saw her smiling. She smiled a little when she treated the patients and that's it. 

The girl kept avoiding him and telling him to stay away from her but the problem was he started to fall for her and he didn't realized that.


"You should go back to your ward, Sir." Joohyun said, holding an old man by his arm.


"Hospital is boring. I want to go back to my family." The old man pouted but eventually let Joohyun taking him back to his ward.


"Mr. Lee was acting like a child again huh?" Luhan asked Joohyun as they sat down on a bench near the old man's ward. Joohyun just gave him a small nod. Not even bothered to look at him.

Unknown to her, Luhan had been staring at her since she first came. He didn't know why he felt this way towards her, he found himself thinking about her even when he was with Yoona and it's strange that he didn't even think about Yoona when he was with Seohyun.

'There's no way that I like her, I barely know her.' Luhan thought as he kept his eyes to the girl beside him.

Joohyun stood up and ready to leave but Luhan suddenly held her wrist. Stopping her from going anywhere.


"What are you doing?" Joohyun asked, glaring at him.


"Seohyun." Luhan called out, his heart was pounding so hard.


"Hm?" Was all her reply.


"Are you free this saturday?"





"Lady Joohyun, you're back early. It's only 4.30am in the morning." Minjoo helped Joohyun taking off her coat as she reached her bedroom.

Joohyun threw herself on her bed and pulled the blanket up to her chin.


"My Lady must be so tired. I'll let you sleep and I'll wake you up at 8am for school." Minjoo said and turned to leave.


"Minjoo." Joohyun suddenly called her, she was still in the same position under the blanket and her eyes closed.


"Yes, my Lady?"


"A guy just asked me out." Joohyun said without opening her eyes. Minjoo smiled and walked back to her, it's the first time her Lady told her that a guy asked her out though she knew that many guys had asked her out before.


"Did you say yes?" The old woman asked curiously.






"I don't like him. He's a playboy. He likes someone else but he asked me out."





It was 15 minutes before midnight, Joohyun was sitting on a bench in the backyard of the hospital staring at the night sky. This time, the moon was present and the moonlight shone brightly.


"Hey, Seohyun." Luhan took seat next to her with a handsome smile on his face. Joohyun didn't look at him, she just sat there in silence like there was no one else who sat beside her on the bench. She did it on purpose, hoping that the guy beside her would stop bothering her.

There was an awkward silence between the two before Luhan decided to talk to her again.


"Why do you keep ignoring me?" Luhan asked in a soft yet unwavering tone but still there was no reply from the girl beside him. At that moment, he wanted to have the ability to read people's mind so he could read her mind.

Sighing, he continued to stare at her and studied her closely. Her milky complexion was glowed in the dark like the moon that shone its light on the darkest place on earth. Her expression was somewhat downcast but he found her so beautiful in the moonlight.

Luhan took a glance at his wristwatch, it was 12am, it was midnight. At midnight he confirmed his feelings towards her. He confirmed that he had fallen in love with the cold-hearted girl.

The bad thing that Luhan's father had been afraid of had already happened, his only son had fallen for his biggest enemy and no one could stop it.


"Seohyun." Luhan called out and this time she turned her head and faced him. 


"Hm?" Joohyun looked at him with her usual look she always gave to him. Cold and expressionless.


"Please forgive me." Luhan said, piercing his eyes on hers.


"For what?" Joohyun arched her brow, still with her cold expression.


"For this." Luhan cupped her face with his palms and pressed his lips against hers.





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and i am so so so so sorry guys >…<


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Chapter 13: I am still waiting for this story to finish T_T
This is one of the best story here
Chapter 13: Please finish this story. Still waiting for this.
Chapter 13: I'm still waiting for this story until now.
Still hoping for an update. ☺️
Chapter 13: Please update soon ^ - ^ because I really like your story ♡
Shisha_diva11 #5
Chapter 13: Omg i love this story plssssssss Update. I already read it 10x so plssss i need an Update
ambai90 #6
Chapter 13: omg... please update soon !!!
pipipo27 #7
Chapter 13: oh my it's great story totally, i fell in love since the first time i read it
too complicated that make me wanna read it more and more
you truly have done great job, please update next chapter really soon, i can't wait for another great story of you
Chapter 13: Seohyun have so many problem ♥♥btw update soon ♥♥
gina_strawberry08 #9
Chapter 12: I read the part where it was Taeyoon's part to have the nightmare thing.. and it creeped me out since I read the whole fictionat evening. And it was already 12am then. By the way, I'm already curious to death.. nice work author-nim! Update soon~