Chapter 5

My Sweet Cakes

Yoona was at her bakery. She went to her shop earlier than the others and started making cakes and pastries. Yoona couldn't sleep last night. Her mind was completely baffled about Tiffany's words.

"You cannot love me, TIffany."

"Why? Why can't I love you?"

"I cannot give you happiness."

"I dont need your happiness. I need your love."

"The last girl left me because I couldn't love her properly."

"I'm not that last girl. I'm Tiffany Hwang."

"TIffany, I'm so afraid to fall in love. My heart broke into a million pieces. I even attempted to commit suicide. It was so difficult for me to move on and go on with life. If not for my friends, I'd be gone by now."

"You haven't given me the chance to love you."

"I could but I'm afraid that I couldn't love you the way you wanted me to."

"Then let's give it a try. If you really cannot fall in love with me some day, then I'll give you up."

"Tiffany, are you sure about this?"

"I have never been so sure."

Yoona was still thinking whether she should give Tiffany a chance to be with her. She has never been so confused before; and Yoona wondered she was confused in the first place.

Her rational was simple. If she doesn't have feelings for Tiffany, she wouldn't have to be so confused. She must have liked Tiffany to a certain extent to feel confused about her confession.

She was totally losing it and gave up on her baking. She just stared at the oven blankly.

“Why are you staring at that poor oven?”

Yoona turned to find Tiffany smiling at her. She wasn’t too sure if she should walk away or stay. Eventually, she sat there quietly as Tiffany made her way towards her instead. Tiffany was still smiling widely.

“What are you doing here, Tiffany?”

“I was passing by. Nobody’s outside.”


Yoona mumbled something.

“Why are you so frustrated?”

“Nothing, I’m just thinking.”

“You’re thinking about what I’ve said?”

Yoona kept quiet.

“Don’t take it too seriously. I told you I’ll not give up on you. I don’t need you to fall in love with me immediately.”

“Am I that worthy of you?”

Tiffany nodded.

“Don’t ask me how worthy you are. I just fell in love with you and that’s all. I don’t need to weigh my love for you or whether you deserve me.”

“Give me some time, Tiffany.”

“I will. Just don’t give up on love yet. Don’t give up on me just like that.”

Tiffany left the bakery with a sad smile.


“What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“What did you say to her?”

“I didn’t say anything to her.”

“Yuri ah, she just dumped the cake on your face.”

Yuri’s face was stuffed with cake. Jessica came by earlier on and without any warning; she grabbed the freshly baked cake from Yoona’s hands and dumped onto Yuri’s face. Everybody in the kitchen was stunned. Jessica gave a sharp glare before leaving in a huff. Yuri looked guilty.

“She must be unhappy.”

“What the hell did you say?”

Yuri sighed.

“I rejected her advance.”


“Why do you keep saying things like that?”

“What did I say?”

“Why would I fall in love with you?”

“You will.”

“What makes you so confident of that?”

“I can see it in your eyes.”

Yuri rolled her eyes. But that didn’t stop Jessica from showering her care for Yuri. She continued feeding Yuri despite the girl’s protests. Yuri just couldn’t win Jessica. The silence was awkward. Yuri kept staring at the girl in front of her; Jessica’s cheeks blushed each time their eyes met. Yuri was a little taken aback each time that happened.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”


“My cheeks are hot enough.”

“Are they so?”

Yuri then gently cupped both of her palms on Jessica’s red cheeks. Indeed they were warm; and Yuri was confused. Jessica was looking away; shy for that moment. But Yuri was adamant to look into her eyes; so she slowly shifted Jessica’s face aligned to hers; their eyes met and Yuri could sense that Jessica was falling deeper. Her eyes were dreamy. Yuri knew she made a mistake.

But she didn’t move her hands away; they were stuck comfortably to Jessica’s cheeks.

“What are you planning to do now?”

Jessica whispered softly.

“I don’t know.”

“Are you still going to deny that you don’t have feelings for me?”

“I...I’m still confused.”

“Why are you so confused?”

“My hands refused to move.”

“Then what does your heart say?”


Yuri was stunned with that question.

“Does it say you should love me?”

How the hell did Jessica know?

But Yuri chose to lie.

“No, it doesn’t say anything.”

“Are you going to lie about everything?”

“You don’t come in here and invade my privacy. And then force me to accept your heart.”

Yuri’s words were harsh. Yuri regretted but she couldn’t take them back. Jessica’s eyes turned watery and pushed Yuri away. Yuri remained rooted to the ground when Jessica slapped her.

“Your heart says you love me. But you keep denying it. How dare you! If you don’t love me, then don’t touch me at all. I hate you!”

Jessica ran away after that.


Tiffany was sitting at the diner alone. She had just finished her meeting with her client and decided to remain to grab a bite. She was waiting for her food as she flipped through her documents. Suddenly a waiter came by and apologetically smiled at her.

“Hi, I’m sorry, Miss. Today’s a full house so I’m just wondering if you could share a table with somebody.”

“Sure, I can move my things away.”

“Thank you so much.”

Tiffany nodded. She kept her files away and was just reading her tab instead. Her food came but Tiffany was still checking on some of her clients’ investments.

“Miss, if you don’t mind, you can join this lady at her table.”

“Oh, it’s okay. I don’t mind.”

“Here’s your menu. If you’re ready to order, just call us.”


Tiffany looked up to find a lady sitting across her. Her porcelain white skin and her blondish brown hair were shining thoroughly. The lady smiled widely and Tiffany returned with a polite nod.

“I’m sorry to share this space with you.”

“It’s okay.”

“I heard this restaurant’s food is really good. I just wanted to try for myself.”

“Ah, yes. This is a famous restaurant.”

“You’re a regular here?”

“Well, I brought my clients here for meetings. So I guess I am.”

“Awesome! So, do you mind recommending me some of their signature dishes?”

Tiffany looked on; the lady was smiling widely. Tiffany obligated and took the menu from her.

“You should try this.”

Tiffany was pointing to a certain dish and the lady nodded eagerly.

“Is this spicy?”

“No, I don’t eat spicy food.”

“Oh, is this your personal favourite?”

“Yes it is.”


Tiffany was tickled. The lady seems to love the word “awesome”. She just let out a soft chuckle but the lady could hear her. She started grinning. Tiffany was greatly amused.

“Are you the giggly type?”

“Only with pretty girls like you.”

God, did this giggly woman just flirt?

“I’m Taeyeon. Full name is Kim Taeyeon.”

“I’m Tiffany.”

“Ah, I see. Have I seen you before?”

“No, I don’t remember.”

“I heard your name before. But where did I hear it from?”

Taeyeon was trying hard to recall; her expression was priceless. Tiffany let out a soft laugh. Taeyeon stared at her.

“You’re a dork, aren’t you?”

“How did you know?”

“You have the funniest expression on your face right now.”

“You think I’m stupid, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Well, your expression said so.”

Taeyeon puffed up her cheeks and pouted her lips. Tiffany was amused yet again. She hardly knew this lady but she felt so comfortable with her.

“Stop doing that.”


“Stop staring at me like as though you’re reading me.”

“I’m sorry. It’s my force of nature.”

“Force of nature? What are you? A detective?”

“Do I look like one to you?”

“No, not really. You look very office.”

Tiffany laughed again.

“What’s wrong with my words?”

“You said I look like very office.”

“I mean you look like someone who works in the office in big management firm.”

“That sounds better.”

“It was too long so I just cut it short.”

Tiffany couldn’t stop laughing. Kim Taeyeon was too funny.


Soo Young was waiting in queue. She was going to buy up all the snacks from her favourite store. Soon it was her turn and as what she wanted, she bought all the rice cakes.

“Soo Young ah, are you sure you can eat all these?”

The ahjumma who tended the stall asked.

“Ahjumma, I’m a big eater.”

“Then why are you still so skinny?”

“I have no idea. My mom’s jealous of my body.”

Ahjumma was laughing away but nevertheless packed all the rice cakes available. Lucky for Soo Young, there weren’t too many customers at the stall.

“Are you going to close up soon?”

“Yes, I’m so lucky each time you turn up. I can close earlier since you bought most of the rice cakes.”

Soo Young grinned widely. She paid extra; in fact Soo Young did that all the time. The old lady would reject but Soo Young would adamantly place the money into her box so that it would get mix up with the rest of the monies.

“Why are you paying me so much each time you come by?”

“Ahjumma, I feel sorry for you. You have to work so hard despite old age. I just hope that this amount could help you to retire earlier.”

“You silly girl, I work because I’m bored at home. I have enough for my retirement.”

“Well, you can keep aside for any emergencies. Or you can buy gifts for your grandchildren.”

“Your parents are so lucky to have you.”

Soo Young smiled. She spent time talking to the old lady before helping her to pack up. Soo Young’s a nice child. But she would get with her friends especially Kim Hyoyeon and Kim Taeyeon. Her phone rang shortly. She looked at her ID caller – Kim Midget 2 was calling.

She rolled her eyes.

“Yes Midget 2.”

“Stop calling me midget!”

“You’re one so don’t try to stop me.”

“Shut up.”

“Why are you calling me for?”

“I’m hungry.”

“Why are you such a lazy bum? Where’s Midget 1?”

“She’s out somewhere. She said she’s having a date.”


“What again?”

“Who is she dating now? She told me she was on date this morning!”

“You should know Kim Taeyeon by now. She’s such a player.”

“Are you alone?”


“Where’s Yoona?”

“She said she’s not going home.”

“Why not?”

“She said I’m noisy.”

“Yes you are.”

“Just shut up and come home with food!”

“Fine fine, wait, is Yuri home too?”

“I didn’t see her since her face was dunked with a cake.”

“Sheesh, I have weird friends.”

“Are you coming home?”

“Stop whining, Kim Hyoyeon. I’ll be home shortly.”

Soo Young hung up immediately. She made her way home after saying goodbye. She took her rice cakes and walked towards her car. Soo Young was in a meeting with her suppliers earlier on so she took the car. She has brought some bags of floor and trays of eggs home. Soo Young was such a stingy businesswoman. She refused to pay for the horrendous delivery charges. So she opted to drive the van and brought them back to the shop herself.

She drove Yoona crazy sometimes.

Or rather, she claimed Yoona drove her crazy for carelessly spent money on unnecessary charges such as delivery charges. Soo Young spent most of her time outside; so she hardly knew what was happening at the bakery.

She the engine and waited for it to warm up. She was smiling widely because she saved $150 on the delivery charges and she had boxes of rice cakes to eat later on. She lightly stepped on her accelerator and the van moved forward. Suddenly a lady happened to walk past her van and Soo Young had to jam brake immediately. A few trays of eggs broke and Soo Young was infuriated.


She quickly got out from her van and almost shouted at the lady.


The lady turned.

“Are you blind?!”

“Why are you so noisy?”

“What the hell!”

The lady just rolled her eyes and was about to walk off when Soo Young grabbed her arm.

“YA~ you almost got me into an accident! I had to jam brake because you just crossed the road without looking!”

“I couldn’t see it.”

“Are you kidding me?!”

Soo Young was pointing to her van.

“My van is such a huge vehicle and you cannot see?!”

“I have poor night vision.”

“That’s a stupid excuse!”

“You’re so freaking loud.”

“My eggs are broken!”

“Buy new ones then.”

“It’s for my business!”

The lady was exasperated. She eventually took out her card and shoved it into Soo Young’s hands. Soo Young held on to it.

“Calculate the loss and email to me. I’m not in the mood to talk with you right now.”

The lady walked away; dragging her feet with her. Soo Young just looked on; she was clearly annoyed. She then looked at the card.


“She’s an American?”

Soo Young was asking to nobody.


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Chapter 12: Simplemente hermoso
Chapter 11: Owww
Chapter 1: Me gusta es comico
imzara #4
Chapter 12: I love this story.

Love seeing yulsic & yoonfany develop their relationship ^^
shella11 #5
Chapter 12: Woww.., i like ypur story!
I love yoonfany they are cute, romantic, and sweet.
More yoonfany please~~~~
Anhann #6
Chapter 12: beautiful story! I love yoonfany they're cute and romantic.

Sequel please.
Chapter 12: Great story!!!

More on the fluffy and not so dramatic side making it a perfect story.

Great job as usual author-ssi!! Keep it up
Chapter 12: Woah.. another great story..


good job author.
I see forward for your another fic.
Chapter 3: update soon please