Chapter One (1)

Started From Hell, and Now We Here.

Chapter Summary:

We start off our story different than many others, not about a boy struggling for his crush to like him, but about a couple who was already deep in love, and headed on their first out of country trip together to sunny Anaheim California to visit the world famous Disneyland.


Chapter One:

It had started with just his hands shaking, moved to puking in the toilet, begging to still go, and wobbling legs. Now he sat on the couch, watching as his boyfriend carried things out to the cab, and then carried Kibum out. He wasn’t sick, just afraid. Afraid of the very thing they were about to go do, get on an airplane. They had been planning a trip out to California for a long while, and only now did Minho’s job give the time for it to actually happen. Kibum did pretty good with the idea of being on a plane until that morning. For whatever reason, (Minho had no idea why), his mind had switched to a plane being a very bad idea. As much as Minho outwardly assured him that it was fine, he was still concerned about Kibum’s well being.


“You feeling fine, Princess?” He pushed a lock of blond hair behind Kibum’s ear and watched as pale cheeks went pink from the touch of his fingertips gliding over them; dark orbs peered into lighter ones.


“I… I can’t feel my legs anymore. I mean I can tell they’re there but I don’t think I could walk steady on them.” He looked down, ashamed by how fearful he was being. He just couldn’t help but be worried, it was his personality type.


“That’s okay because I don’t mind if I have to carry you.” Minho whispered, kissing his ear. The cab stopped at the airport and Minho tipped him nicely, grabbing a cart so he could keep Kibum on his back and pull the luggage behind them. The whole time that Minho was checking them in Kibum was shaking, his face hiding in the crook that was between Minho’s neck and his shoulder. By the time Minho had gotten Kibum through the checkpoint and was sitting in a seat with him, he could feel drops of wet tears again his skin. “Baby no, don’t cry.”


Kibum sniffled and looked up at him. “What if we crash?” His voice trembled just at the thought of the plane going down and them being trapped in it.


“Then neither of us will die and if you get hurt I will take such good care of you.. But don’t worry babe because we aren’t going to crash.” Minho handed him the starbucks drink they were sharing and she held his with both hands cutely, fingers overlapping.



He almost cried getting on, did cry when the plane lifted off the ground, and ended up passing out not until almost 3 in the morning. That was a difference about the mortality between Kibum and Minho. Kibum slept. While Minho could sleep if he made himself, he didn’t really have to. It would have been a dumb idea, one of the kings of the underworld himself having nappy time, it just made no sense and it didn’t have to. It was different for Kibum. In a sense, Kibum had sold his soul to be with an immortal forever (though the certain one was long gone) but how it had to go through was him selling his soul to be forever youthful. What this meant was while Kibum was forever youthful and did not have the ability to experience death, he still had every other feature of a human. He got tired and hungry and scared… at least twice a day. And while it seemed like a lot to Minho at first, he fell in love with how curious it made him, how much more it made him crave Kibum.



It was a long flight before they landed, and they were both exhausted by the time that they got there. In Pacific Time Zone it was 1 in the morning, and thanks to the flight they had been able to adjust to the different timing, so they were ready to head to bed by the time that they made it to the hotel. Kibum’s eyes were going dark underneath and it seemed like he was really struggling to keep them open as Minho checked them into the room. They got their room key however without passing out and Minho took the luggage, leading Kibum close behind him to the elevator and up towards the room. Kibum fell on the bed and Minho didn’t even consider trying to speak to him, well knowing that his boyfriend was already fast asleep.


Minho didn’t blame him at all, they would be waking up around Seven and be up till at least one in the morning again the next day. He however, never slept, so instead he watched TV for awhile, made sure the Hotel room was totally clean for his germ fearful boyfriend. Once he was sure that everything was at a comfortable level, he helped change his sleeping boyfriend into some pajamas and played a little with the soft blonde hair, singing quietly. Minho thought of Kibum was the cutest human alive (since basically human was what Kibum considered himself), he got frightened by the dark and slept better with background noise.


Eventually he had to get up and finish doing things, unpacking and putting their airline information in the safe. It was around three or four by the time that he was finished, and he just sat in bed watching Disney movies because the hotel offered a channel that plays them.


Somewhere around almost seven in the morning he felt the smaller man starting to move, and since Minho was going to have to wake Kibum up soon anyway, he just went ahead and did it then.


    “Honey…” He leaned down and kissed along the pale soft skin. “Are you hungry? Why don’t you wake up and get a shower and we can get you some yummies.” He helped the tired man sit up and wiped the hair away that was sticking to the drool on his face.


    “I need a shower..” Kibum repeated, rubbing his eyes and smearing the makeup he had fallen asleep with. He nodded and didn’t make any smart remarks about how he had just suggested that, standing and picking the other up, carrying him into the bathroom and making sure the water was nice before leaving to get dressed (having already taken a shower while Kibum was sleeping).

    After Kibum was showered and dressed they went down and ate some waffles with eggs and bacon (and some whipped cream for Kibum). Minho did make a note that Kibum ate more whipped cream than he did waffles but he didn't mind of course, or say anything for that matter). He was happy and to Minho that was all that mattered. They went up to the hotel room, grabbed Kibum’s Hello Kitty back that ended up on Minho’s shoulder, and the tickets then left.

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GdNee43v32 #1
Can't wait for the first chapter..