Shin Su Min

His Sunshine and Punishment

Six Years Later.



Jung Jinyoung ran into the daycare center frantically and let out a deep breath when he saw his little Su Min sitting at the coat rack like he had instructed him to do.

            Shin Su Min was small for his age with a chubby-cheeked baby face despite his advanced wisdom and creativity. He had large eyes that sat behind thick glasses and a friendly smile that graced everyone he came in contact with.

            He hadn’t quite grown into his features yet, so resembled Jinyoung more than anything, but the young father knew he was already changing to look more like his other parent. The small teeth coming out large in the front, his lengthening limbs that predicted the height and stature and his eloquent way of speaking.

            Sometimes it hurt to look at Su Min and now that he was talking, it was painful to hear the words that might as well have come out of his other parent’s mouth.

Especially when Su Min had just been born and Jinyoung was in the hospital alone- he would cry over his newborn son as he imagined that what he was given should have been Sandeul’s instead. The beautiful gift he received was supposed to be to be with Sandeul, Shinwoo and the others, experiencing the life of a celebrities’ child. Jinyoung regretted every day that Su Min had to live in isolation in the lower-middle class lifestyle since Jinyoung couldn’t let anyone know he was once apart of B1A4.

            “ Daddy?” Su Min asked, snapping the young man out of his stormy mind.

Jinyoung fixed his face right away and went to his son’s side.

“Su Min’s Dad is late everyday”, A not-so discreet caretaker said, standing just a little ways away from the oblivious five-year old.

            Jinyoung ignored the woman and took his son’s hand.

“Did you have a good day today?” Jinyoung cooed at the small boy.

“ Yeah~”, Su Min hummed. “ We played a game, but I still had fun even though the teachers kept writing about us~. I think that they want us to do something special.”

Jinyoung laughed. It was so typical for Su Min to see through the teacher’s weak excuses for games when they were only documenting how he was developing. It was also typical of him to still enjoy the game even with that knowledge.

“They want to make sure that you’re growing up well”, Jinyoung told the small intellectual.

As they walked by the caretaker that had been looking down on Jinyoung earlier, she whispered to a woman next to her, “ At least that nice man comes and keeps Su Min company everyday . . . I was worried till I heard he was a celebrity. He didn’t necessarily look like on though, with those glasses and all that hair- ehh. Maybe I should keep him away from the center . . .”

“What did you say!?” Jinyoung exclaimed, rushing at the young women with an anxious face. His heart was in the pit of his stomach. He heard too many key words. Too many things that would lead him to believe- no, he couldn’t make assumptions.

Jinyoung was struggling not to grip his son’s hand too tight as he repeated the question to the baffled women.

The woman that had been talking so rudely before now bowed deeply, apologizing profusely. “I’m sorry sir. I should have told you about the stranger visiting everyday- but he seemed nice and Su Min made no issue about it. I thought maybe you knew each other.” She kept bowing and apologizing as Jinyoung walked away, dragging Su Min along with him.

The walk home was silent.

He couldn’t necessarily question Su Min without making the small boy worried, but he couldn’t tell him to tell the stranger to go away in case it was really who he thought.

            There was only one solution: he would have to go up to the school early tomorrow and try to catch the visitor.

            If it really was who he thought- if it really was Shin Dong Woo, then Jinyoung would have to protect his son no matter what.

            Shin Woo might try to take his sunshine away.


Okayy- I know it took awhile but I'm trying my best here guys. Little kids are hard to write.

I fear I may have made Su Min a little bit too smart- but the few small children I've been around have actually been very intellegent so . . . I will try hard to make more frequent updates. I apologize~

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Chapter 9: This has got to be the best slice of life fic that doesn't speak of fkcu so much. I kove this.
I love how Jinyoung tried and proved to himself that he's a grown man now. I utterly love this. This is gold. This is beautiful. Great job!
Chapter 9: I am sorry for this late comment!

I am not going to lie I am feeling teary especially when you described what a family is. That was beautiful ~ this was a good story I really am going to miss it
Chapter 8: Oh god what in the world just happened here......
Chapter 7: Oh my.... I am so happy the baby is good but what are they up to? This is not going to turn out good. Just please don't let Sumin be taken away from Jinyoungie.
Hitomie #5
Chapter 7: wahhh faking Sandeuls pregnancy o_O wouldn´t Shinwoo be even more mad at JY as he is right now if he find out the truth?? omo I fee so sad for Jinyoung :( having the fear to lose his child and be hated by kinda all around him T__T poor Jinny :( give this poor guy some love too (not only from his son XD) :D
Chapter 6: I have just noticed I have not commented....
So hi there! I truly feel bad for Jinyoung and Deullie. Shinwoo I am not sure. I have like mixed feelings about him. I remember when he accused Jinyoung of being crazy I got so mad at him! That was just low. *sigh* I just hope that Jinyoung doesn't lose his baby.