
It's complicated.


I woke up. It was a slow start of the day and I was blinded with the opening of the curtains in our room. Aigoo Taemin. You little rascal. The boy saw me already woken up and ran out the room. Probably want to wake up all the other members. Today was going to be a practice day for the end of year shows. It was always a drag in the mornings but through the day, I get used to it. The sleepless nights and tired mornings was gone. What happened?


Oh yeah. It was time to get ready. So, I quickly showered up, got changed but before going out. I styled my hair with wax and spray. That was usually my routine. While going out the door, I checked my phone

*no new messages*

Meh. It was only 9am anyway. I joined the other boys as they started calling me. These guys... they never fail to shout at me. Even the maknae does it. Whether it is about cooking or to waking up. Its still the same.


We're gonna practice with SNSD today. Manager hyung told us to share the practice room. Every one was practicing already so they made us share. I didn't mind..

We arrived in the room with the cloud wallpaper. I love this room. This was where we always practiced ever since before debut. Oh the days.. i got my sneakers out due the to pain that other shoes cause me when we perform, I forever chose sneakers to practice with from now on.I put them on and looked around while the others are still getting ready. The practice room looked extremely clean today. The chairs are all stacked properly, the tables all on one side. The aircon stayed in it supposed position. It feels refreshing. I took a deep breath. The fresh wind from the windows was relaxing. It was going to be a great day. The other noonas didn't arrive yet so we decided to practice first. Starting from Replay to Hello, it all went smoothly. No mistakes even though we haven't performed in quite a long time. Then, we heard the door open. 9 girls went inside smiling and bowing to us. They all stood at one side.

"Hello guys! How is practice?" Yoona said.

"Not bad noona! We haven't got any mistakes yet! Isn't that great?" The maknae said smiling. Aish. This guy with his crush on Yoona. I need to teach him a lesson.

"That's great guys! Keep up the work. We'll wait till you want a break then it will be our turn to practice, okay?" Taeyeon finished.

"Yep, okay." All of us said in unison.

The girls sat on the floor and they were watching us practice.

"Lets start Reply from top again." Onew hyung ordered.

The music started. I could feel the noonas watching me. I don't feel nervous. Not at all. I wouldn't be an idol if I start getting stage fright.

It was all going well, no mistakes... yet. It was nearing the of the song where Taemin will start his dance solo. Then it happened. I missed a beat. NG NG.

"Jonghyun. Whats up?" Onew stopped the music.

"I need I break hyung. Let the noonas practice too" I replied. Wow. What happened back there?  The SNSD noonas stood up and got ready for their turn to practice. I walked to their spot and went pass a certain person. 


She completely went pass me like I was a ghost. No bow, or any greeting whatsoever. I thought she was happy. I left it for now. They started stretching before they actually dance. I took a biscuit that they noonas bought and started snacking. Its a good thing the noonas were here. They always brings snacks and they don't mind to share.

They started dancing. I stared at her. She was tired. Felt like she didn't want to be there and her stares just goes through you. What is wrong with her?


Break Time:

Jonghyun hyung was sitting on the only chair that was put out in the practice room, playing with his phone while the others converse and catch up with any stories.Jessica was the only person not joining us because she decided to cool herself near the aircon beside the door. Hyung stood up, looked at us and said

"Hey everyone, I'll just go out. I need some fresh air." Hyung said and everyone just nodded.I looked at hyung go out the door and he noticed Jessica noona. Hyung stopped beside Jessica noona and then said something. It was inaudible due to everyone talking and suddenly both of them went out the door, with out anyone noticing them.


Argh. Jonghyun you are getting closer, just ask if she wants to hang out with you. Stop talking to yourself. You're here next to her. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around. Her hair flipped smoothly, that seemed like it came from a shampoo commercial. She was beautiful. Little beads of sweat was on Jessica's face and then, I came back to reality. 3.2.1.

"Hey Sica noona. Wanna get some fresh air?" She slightly smiled and wiped her forehead. She was exhausted, so going outside would be good. 

"Y..yeah sure Jonghyun" Jessica replied with another mind-melting smile. She's gorgeous even though she was only practicing. She used to be mine.


We went out the practice room and walked towards the rooftop. I was opening doors for her like a gentleman and Jessica would just laugh when I do these things. Her humour was easily captured. After a few doors and stairs, we got up the rooftop. It was a lovely day. The weather was not that hot but not that cold too. The temperature was just right. Me and Jessica both stood there. Without saying anything. Staring into the distance. It was not awkward or anything. It was just...right. Yeah I like this. Suddenly, my phone beeped. A photo message. From Taemin. Jessica, who was beside me got curious looked in to see it too.

*1 photo message recieved*

I opened the message. I shouldn't have let Jessica seen this. At the same time. We gasped. It was a picture of Jessica holding my hand while sleeping beside me in the hospital. I looked at Jessica to see her reaction and she was really red. When she noticed my presence, she looked away. Putting her hands behind her back and looking down. I laugh at her movement and looked back at the message.

Aish Lee Taemin! I'll get you so bad. Why send that now though?!




Hiya! My update for today!

I know my chaps are kinda short but I hope it is enough to keep the story going :]

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Thank you for reading! I will update again soon :]

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Chapter 10: I haven't read this in such a long time! Naww, JongSica <333 I hope they're together again ^^
LoveXOXO2256 #2
luv this fanfic
update soon!!<3
update soon !! ^^ <3
nerdscandy #4
Update pleaseeeeee!
Omo! You finally updated! I've been waiting for a long time! This chapter is so sweet, wish there were more Jongsica fanfics out there. Yours is one of the best!
Annalise93 #6
awwh..love it ")
Omo! Please update can't wait to find out what will happen next!
mar5122 #9
cant wait to see what happens on the plane !! cant wait till you update xD