Unexpectedly Absent

What Did You Write?

Although my morning was a little rough, the rest of the day went smoothly. All of my classes are in one room, so I'm stuck in the same seat all day but at lunch time the boys like to leave the room and I can actually get some work done. I'm not too bad of a student, so it wasn't hard to catch up on everything in an hours time but I'd like to be able to get work done in class, too. 

At the end of the day, I started to walk home. I hadn't my license and I also didn't have any parents to drive me back and forth to school and back. My dad had a vehicle, but it was old and rusty, and they only used it to go to his work in another city a few hours away. Since he was gone all day, that meant that I needed to walk since mom had no vehicle. She walked to work when she had to, which was only a few days on the weekend since she was a maid at the hotel nearby our house. She was mainly a house-mom which I didn't mind, because she liked to keep the house clean and bake and it was nice to go home to a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies that she just learned to make. (On her own, if I must add). 

I started to walk home, just off the school grounds and that same car from the morning earlier comes racing past me. The shiny exterior and super high spoiler on the back make it seem like a race car. It must have been really expensive. I also wonder if those boys are all brothers. They seem like they could be, by the way they talk. They all seem really close but none of them look alike. I want to ask, because sometimes the curiousity of my mind gets the best of me, but I know that's not an option considering how rude they were to me this morning. I guess this is a "pick on the new kid" kind of school. You would think since I was a girl they'd go easy. Even then, they could be going easy by just taking my money. I think I feel more grateful than scared now.

Their music is as loud as usual. The red car passes by me which must had been going atleaset 100km per hour, which was a little risky. The city is crowded, I'm surprised they've basically tripled the speed limit. 

I glance at the boys faces which are hanging out the windows. They wave their hands at me, which seemed a little funny and gave me a chuckle. I really wonder if they are as bad as they seem to be, or if it is all an act. I'm already going a little crazy and it's only the first day.

I get home quickly, trying to dodge the chance that I happen to see anybody from school around my house. We don't exactly live in the richest house in the neighborhood. More like small houses that have overly-expensive rent but just enough space for my family which includes me, dad and mom. Occassionally my cousin that decides to come by every month or so just to see how we're doing. I knock on the door and nobody answers. I decide that after a few more bangs on the door that I should get my keys out and manually open the door. I walk inside and see nobody, but a note on the kitchen island in bold letters.

"Hi honey. Me and your father have decided we need a little vacation to ourselves. We never did go on our honeymoon, you know that. We are out of town, without cellphone or any devices. I'm leaving you this note and some money, too, so that you are not completely abandoned. We will be gone maybe a week. If we choose to stay longer, I'll get ahold of you somehow. Don't worry about us, okay? 
Anyways, there's a good amount of money so don't spend it all in one go. Of course, I know you never would anyways. I love you honey. I hope you have a good couple days of school. I know it's a change and you want to do better than freshman year so we are supporting your choice. Okay, love you!!! -Mom"

There's nothing mean in the letter, but somehow I feel left alone and sad. I mean, they don't need to take me since it's a couples vacation. But I get lonely far too easy. I guess I need to join a club or something to get my mind off things. I hope that I can find something to fill the void.

I set my backpack down as I enter my room upstairs. We have a two story house. My room is very bright, as the walls and hardwood are all neutral colors. White walls, beige hardwood. All my furniture is either beige or dark brown. The furniture is mix and matched, as we do not buy the expensive sets from the stores rather we collect and keep what is good from garage sales and online websites that sell things that can't be sold in store. It's a easy way of living, sometimes we even get free furniture so it's not that bad. I like how my room looks despite what anybody says. The random pieces give it character. It's kind of like my own little story.

The blankets are Pororo. It was my favorite show back when I was a little kid, and the quilt my grandmother made with the Pororo penguin on it is super warm, so I decided to keep it. It looks really cute next to the pile of sheep on my bed, too. I like to collect sheep as my teddy bears. I know it's awkward, and I'm sixteen so it's a little inappropriate, but again, I don't really care.

I lay down on my bed and pull up my Samsung phone. It's huge and I have to hold it with both hands which makes me laugh sometimes. I run through facebook and see how everybody is. Then I go on all my other social media websites, which consists of mainly instagram. I really like to take photos, edit them, and upload. Sometimes the likes are really unexpectedly high and it makes me feel good sometimes. All in all, I enjoy the editing apps on my phone far too much than I should.

Suddenly I get a random text and I squint while clicking on it.

"Hi, little red~"

"Who is this?"

I leave the message alone and go downstairs to make some dinner for myself. I just make some kimchi stew which we had the other day and I warmed up. It tasted even better the second time. I sat infront of the TV with my phone on the side of the couch and watched the Music Bank. I enjoyed watching the new preformances by Girls Day, EXO, and even more than that. I wasn't a regular fangirl, though. I rarely got excited over the comebacks and new CD's like some of my old friends used too.

My phone rings and I look at it and glide to see the textmessage. 

"Your cousin~ I got a new phone. Remember this number! Now!! Put Oppa in your phone right now!" 

I laugh at his message and of course, save it in my phone. But not as Oppa, as his real name. HanByun Jung. He usually asks me to call him Oppa, but I never do. It's not that it's uncomfortable. I'd just rather call him it on my own rather than him telling me. It's not a big deal, it's just a wierd thing about me.

I finish watching the shows and get ready for bed. Usual skincare routine as, well, usual and then jump onto my bed. After plugging my phone into my charger and getting comfortable, I easy fall asleep into a deep rest as ... usual.

This morning I decide that I will walk earlier to school. This way I can sit down and get my desk ready before those boys show up, and it'll be easier to get ready for the first lecture of the morning without as much hassle as the other day with them talking and knocking over my books constantly, whenever I sat up or went to the washroom.

With my pencil case and books set out, I'm ready for the first lesson of the day. I sit there and plug in my headphones to my phone and listen to some music. I'm really into K-Indie and some rap music, but it's not my personality and nobody really suspects it, I guess. My old friends used to say I was wierd for the way I dressed and then the music I listened too not really corresponding.

The boys came into class in unison. The bleach haired boy say behind me again today, the shortest one with light brown hair sat beside him and they just continued to surround me until I was in the middle of the 7 boys. The red haired boy sat on my right like he did the other day, and a guy that goes by the name of "V" sat on my left. The boys beside me looked at me before settling into their seats and slouching without a book or pencil in hand. 

Bleached hair boy decided to kick his feet up on the back of my seat which caused me to immediately hunch over in my spot.

"Ah.." I said quietly, but it was so quiet that I knew they all heard. Then the teacher walked in behind him and slapped his feet with the same ruler as the other day. He put his feet down as he chuckled and I went back to my upright postered position. The lesson started.

Lunch was approaching and I stuck my headphones back into my phone and started the music like in the morning. I opened my books again and continued to study as all of the boys left the room. The bleached haired boy looked at me and took out one of my headphones.

"Hey. I'm Joon." His face expressed a slight smile that didn't seem as scary as the other day when he snatched my lunch money from me infront of all of his friends who laughed and supported him through it.

"Hi." I looked back at my work and started to highlight a sentence when he grabbed my hand and made an 'X' on the page with my highlighter while I still hung onto it.

"You don't seem like you want to talk today." He sat down in "V"'s spot and leaned over towards my way.

"I'm trying to study. You know, since you guys were a little loud throughout classes today. It's hard to concentrate." I looked at him for a few seconds as he examined my face and posture.

"Didn't mean to do that. But oh well, there's nothing that can help it. Might as well stop complaining about it now, if there's nothing you can do." He pats my back and laughs as he stands up and brushes off his school uniform.

"Okay." I look back at my book and plug my headphone back into my ear again. I really don't understand his need to talk to me after what he did yesterday. I also don't understand why all of his friends were waiting by the door outside of the room while he talked to me. I really wish he would just leave as he continued to stare at me. "May I help you? Joon, was it?" I look at him cluelessly and blink alot.

"No." He walks out with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his uniform and laughs quietly as he walks out, murmuring to himself.

I didn't make out what he was saying, but it didn't realy matter to me by then. He is just a bother. 

Then again, it's only the second day. It could have been a one day thing and he may have regretted it. I'm also into giving more than second chances. 

That first week of being a Sophomore was painful. There was alot of talking, alot of questions I didn't answer and alot of homework at the end of the day. On the bright side of all of the negative things, the boy named V is actually the nice one out of the group. Joon stole my money a number of 3 times that week, and each day after V gave it back to me. He also did the extra effort of bringing a water to class to give to me and would sometimes do some of my homework or correct me when I was wrong on my homework. It was hard for him to do all of this, considering the leader of the pack is Joon and he sits right behind me. Me and V pass notes, too, so Joon doesn't see that we talk. And I actually don't mind the secretsy. 

I'm actually not sure if I want the entire class knowing that I'm becoming friends with one of the meanest people in school. And not only that, but apparently these boys were all a year older but they all failed last year due to bad attendance. They have a good reputation already as supposed "juniors" and alot of girls like their badboy attitudes. Especially V, since he is the supposed 'nicest' out of all of them.

On Thursday he passed me a note saying that he was sorry for how Joon was teaching me. He also told me all of the other guys' names and how their personalities were. Apparently the guy with the light brown hair's name is Jimin. He's really short and V says that he is really funny. He likes to think that he's the best looking out of their group of friends. I could see him becoming my friend, but I'm a bit too scared to bother with any of them. 

V's real name is Taehyung and I think I' mgoing to call him that instead. I prefer real names over nicknames anyday. I also really like it when somebody calls me my real name, Ri Eun, instead of something like 'Ri Ri'. That's what my grandparents called me before they passed away. They were the only people who were allowed to call me that because for them I would tolerate it, but my cousin tried to call me that once and I threw my phone at him for it. It's not that I'm violent, it's just he wouldn't stop. He's that type.

Taehyung also said that he would like to be friends with me if possible. And I said yes. Any friends at this point would be nice. My old friends from freshman year either transfered because they were bullied, or jus stopped talking to me. Three friends transfered and two friends just stopped talking to me. I guess I wasn't that special too keep around, and I wouldn't blame them. I'm more of a 'stay at home and read or draw or watch Music Bank or sleep' kind of person. I like to go outside, don't get me wrong. But it's usually hot in my city and I strongly dislike how hot it gets outside. Plus, wearing super short shorts and tank tops at the same time aren't my thing. Another personal choice of mine. 

I made plans with Taehyung this weekend since I'm all home alone. I thought it would be nice to get out once and a while anyways, and what better way to spend it than with my new 'friend'?

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keybha #1
Chapter 2: woah update soon ♥
Chapter 2: Uwaah,keep writing author-nim...seriously,i just love how the story going..can't wait for the next chapter.Keep writing author-nim!Fighting!