Gangs, Baggy Clothing and a Glare

What Did You Write?

My morning was the same as usual. My mom left for work around six thirty in the morning, which left dad to leave around the same time. I usually wake up around that time, since they make alot of noise leaving the house. Sometimes they have fights in the morning, which lead to more fights the next day, but never any other time than the morning. I try to sleep with my headphones in, but I always find them scattered on my bedspread and not in my ears by morning. 

I woke up, had a shower and let my hair air dry as usual while I ate some breakfast and made a smoothie. I sat on the couch and the TV to watch some early morning cartoons and soon got dressed in a nice flowy white dress and a jean jacket. I wore my cute white converse and some pink bracelets and braided my hair in the back. I applied some light makeup, so I could make a nice impression on the first day of grade ten. I wanted everybody to know the real me, instead of being a scared freshman and wearing sweats everyday. 

I grabbed my beige leather backpack and my keys and locked the door on my way out. I walk because I don't have my drivers license yet, which is okay for me since I like the exercise. As I was walking I seen a ton of boys in a squished black car that was practically racing down the street. I heard the loud rock and hiphop music from the car. I was frightened as it roamed past me, splashing a shallow puddle onto my white dress and I screamed.

"Ah, what the heck!!" I flung my arms up in the air and one boy peaked his head out of the window to laugh at point at me as the car drove away. I frowned and turned around to go home and change into a different outfit, which left me just enough time to run myself to school and be late to my first class but five minutes.

I knocked on the door as it was already shut, and seen the teacher glance over at me. She then opened the door with a stern look on her face. It was as if I just interupted her teaching the president. I smiled at her, trying to somehow show her through expression how sorry I was, and that it wasn't really my fault. I suppose if she had a brown stained white dress that she would have turned around and went home as well.

"You're late."

"I'm also sorry." I looked down as she pointed her ruler to a desk in the far corner.

"Sit there. It's the only seat available." She stared at me until I walked down to the seat and sat. The boys around me looked pretty familiar, and were all wearing black beanies or silver chains around their necks or arms. They all had several rings and fancy watches, too. One boy had dark blue-black hair, which looked really cool but I knew it was against the rules at the school we were at and I wondered how he got through the gates without getting a punishment. Another boy had short, red hair and I thought he looked the most meanout of the group. He didn't smile alot and never made eyecontact with me considering he sat beside me and always looked around.

I tried to concentrate on the board and the teacher who was talking, but somehow the boys around me managed to talk about the most off-topic things and all of the time. They whispered to eachother just quiet enough for our older teacher not to hear and it didn't necessarily bug me, but it did distract me. They talked about things like cars and music and the new CD that was coming out by their favourite singer or rap artist. I could recognize a few but they were so into hiphop that I didn't know much of what they were talking about neverless the slang. Not to mention, they all had raspy voices as if they smoked a million cigarettes in the past hour.

The class ended after two hours of constant studying and constant whispers which led to constant distraction. I didn't do very well on the mini quiz we had  after the short clip we watched, but she said it didn't count for marks so I was fine.

I picked up my bag from behind my chair for it to be quickly grabbed away out of my hands and searched through by one of the boys behind me. He had bleach blonde hair and it was styled nicely but his face was mean. He began to throw out my belongings onto the floor one by one. First my pencil case, then my diary, and next I know my wallet. He picked it up and searched through, taking the cash out and finally throwing my bag to the floor. 

"What are you doing?" I say calmly. My usual emotionless-facial-expressions were the same and you couldn't tell that I was angry or frustrated that this random guy just threw my stuff onto the floor.

He smirked and showed the money he just snatched from me. "This. It's mine now."

I squinted at him slightly, not understanding his need to take money from me. It's never happened before until today. "What gives you the right-"

The boy with red hair stepped infront of me, fairly close I may add and looked down at me. He was significantly taller than I was. I took a step back which led me hitting my against the desk and not even a inch between my stomach and his. 

"Yes?" I asked.

He smirked and leaned close to my head. "You let him have your money, n' you'll be fine." He backed away and sat down again, putting on his headphones and taking one last glance at me before he looked out of the window and stared for the next little while. I stayed sitting in my desk to work on the math that I just learnt, gathering my belongings by myself as the guys around me stayed in their desks, too. I put in my headphones to try blast out all of the distractions and it actually worked for a bit.

I could only hope that the next year wouldn't be that bad and thatmaybe these guys will have some mercy on me.

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keybha #1
Chapter 2: woah update soon ♥
Chapter 2: Uwaah,keep writing author-nim...seriously,i just love how the story going..can't wait for the next chapter.Keep writing author-nim!Fighting!