Coin Toss

Series of Changmin drabbles

Changmin watched Chiharu stare blindly outside the classroom window, as he flipped a coin over and over his hand. They were waiting for their group mates to arrive.


            “I’m bored.” Chiharu said a minute later, still staring out the window.


            Changmin silently agreed with her, knowing she wasn’t actually expecting a reply. Things are a bit awkward between them since he confessed his feelings for her three days ago.  She wouldn’t look him in the eye and she didn’t hang out with him alone anymore. She said she’d give him an answer, but that she still needed time.


            How much time does she need exactly? Changmin wondered. He was staring at the coin in his hand when an idea popped into his head.


            “Ne, Haru.” He called.


            “Hmm? Nani(what)?” She replied.


            “Wanna toss coin while waiting for them?”


            She shrugged, “Sure, why not?”


            Chiharu stood up from her seat beside the window and went to the teacher’s desk where Changmin was.


            “If it’s heads…” Changmin began, trailing off as he smirked.


            She looked at him suspiciously. “If it’s heads?”


            He smirked again as he declared, “Then YOU”RE MINE.”


            She raised an eyebrow at that, and then asked, “What if it’s tails?”


            “If it’s tails, then…I’M YOURS.” He answered.


            She couldn’t stop her grin as she stared at him, amusement sparkling in her eyes. Three hours later, after the group meeting, they were boyfriend-girlfriend.


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