I only want you good (1/?)

Woogyu stories collection


Sunggyu Pov

First week of school I already fall for someone,

he is so beautiful!!! cute!!!!

Then I know that his name is Nam Woohyun...

but unfortunately we don’t study in the same class but our class doesn’t really far from each other so we meet alot.

he is so friendly he smile at me although we never know each other.

he look even great when he smile, just so cute!!!!

I fall for him really hard.

so I ask my friend, Hoya for his phone number since hoya is his friend. but he never introduce him to me!! bad friend!!

After got his phone number I start call him and we talk alot, like I thought he is really friendly. Talking with him really make me happy, his voice is just so sweet as how he goes.

we talk with each other everyday, get to know each other more and more and my love for him is stronger and stronger until I can’t stand it but to confess.



“Woohyun, I like you” I said also feel really nervous cause I afraid that he would hate me after I told him

“what??” he said and he look surprise, he must think that I weird but I don’t care cause I can’t stand with only watch him and can’t make him mine.

“I mean Can you be mine?” I ask him shyly and I saw he is blushing

He is just so cute with that face!!!

“I...like...you too” he said, aish he is just so shy!!!

I smile widely and pinch his cheek

“aigoo... you so cute!!”

his face is redder and redder then I pull him in a hug

“you’re mine now and I’m only your!!”

He ask me back and nod silently


Since that day we really happy together, but soon the happiness is not last longer cause I realize that I don’t deserve him

All friends, especially his friends said that we are bit suit each other.

I love him so much but somehow I agree with them cause Woohyun is good student and try hard in studying unlike me who is the poor student who like skipping school.

He always ask me to not skip school and come to study everyday but it just, it not like I don’t want but I can’t. I really feel bored cause I can’t understand anything and when teacher asks me, I don’t know how to answer and that embarrassing not only me but also him and also skip school already become my habit. habit that hard to change.

but he still care about me, still concern about me. he is so kind... I really want to be with him but he just too good that I can’t reach. so I start to make him hate me so that he can broke up with me and forget a jerk like me. I can’t say that word broke up with him all of sudden, I need to make him hate me first.

Soon I start reject his call and skip class like usual.

I talkless with him whenever I pickup his phone or meet him.

The distance growing bigger and bigger everyday between us.

I miss him like crazy but I don’t want to keep this relationship, like I don’t want to destroy his future.

I know he still love me like before, Hoya said his rank is failing down cause he can’t do the test properly. he also said he call him and crying talking about.

I usually took a glare at him too, I saw his trouble face and I can tell he is lack of sleep.

I can’t take this anymore, I must tell him the broke up between so he can forget me and get back to his old life.



long time no update!!! sorry guys~~ cause I can't concentrate due to my study~~ but I'm here now with another angst story of woogyu...

42 subbie~~ Love you guys alot!!!!

and don't forget to comment!!!!!


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 8: Reading it after a long time. This is one of my favorites 💗.
Chapter 12: Thank you for your stories.. I love them ^^
woosoogyu #3
Urgh....! 'I only want you good' is even better... ^_^

So sorry to hear that, author... T__T Hope you are already better by now... Anyway.. There're lots of trees out there in the forest... One of them is namu... :D
I'm sure an awesome author like you will be able to find a person suitable for you...

Shall wait patiently for another great story from you... ^_^
woosoogyu #4
Alright, fine... I think I like 'confused feeling' more... ^_^
Haha :D
Love how Sunggyu gets jealous... Thanks to Sungjong, making the confused leader knows his real feeling... ^_^
awesome story...
woosoogyu #5
Hi! I'm a new reader here...!
Hmm... Author, think it has been long since you last updated... Wondering when will your next update be...
So far, I've read till chapter 4 & I like this story 'Paradise'... It was as if a fairy tale coming true... woogyu gets to be together... ^_^
Alright, I shall continue to read... ^_^
woogyulover #6
no sunggyu of cos u suit wif woo.poease dont break up.n update soon :-)
xhoyadicted #7
woahh update soooon
Oooh rawr!!!!! Gyu is jealous!!!!<br />
And Key is such a good friend!!!! With Eomma instinct :P
aww, sunggyu got his parents & woohyun in the end!!! ^^<br />
but I can't handle the cheese~~~~
jooni3pi3 #10
Awww I'm so happy for them^^ sweet ending~