Paradise (2/3)

Woogyu stories collection

Sungkyu pov 
I live with my uncle since I was young, I never know my parent's since they leave me since I was very young. Suddenly my uncle's sick so I need to take responsible for his work at Nam Mansion as manager in temporary. I shouldn't agree with my uncle because after I work at here I met woohyun, he is the son of this family. Everything that shouldn't happen had happened, I love him since the first slight but I don't think he love me back cause he is too high from me, how can he love the person like me. I always make argument with him since I want to talk with him. But what I don't believe him is after a month I work there he has confess 
today is dayoff my work of week so I decide to stay at my home better than Nam mansion cause woohyun will make me dizzy since he always order me around. But he's weird nowaday, he treat me better I don't know why too. 
Feel so relax at home. I throw myself to bed and close my eyes I should sleep before visit my uncle but maybe 10 minute later I close my eyes, I hear the door bell ring 
"ahh~ so Annoying!! Who could it be?" I grin and walk to open the door and I saw woohyun, I wide my eyes, what is he doing here?? My heart skip a beat 
"Kim Sunggyu, I want to tell you something" he said I can tell he is nervous 
"talk tomorrow, I need some rest" I said and close the door but he stop me from doing that 
"there only a few word, please let me say it. I always think alot of day ago" he said while look down, I also nervous but try to pretend that I don't 
"Just said it~" 
"Kim sunggyu, I like you" I shock and blinking with what a man infront of me said, I laugh awkwardly 
"Are you serious? Don't joke with something like this" I really want to hear this words but I afraid he end tell me that he just playing with me. 
"I'm not! I really serious!! I already think alot of day" he said and look at my face like waiting for my answer 
"I know you don't like me cause I had done alot of bad thing to you" I saw his eyes was tear up as he turn back and run to his car but I grab his hand and pull him for a kiss, he surprise with what I do but he kiss me back. I break the kiss before we run out of breath, he face look like question mark now 
"pabo~ who said I don't like you?" I said and wipe the tear from his face 
"so you...." 
"I like you for a long time" I said and pinch his cheek, his lip form a smile and hug me. 
End of flashback 
I smile to myself thinking of the past with him. But there no more happiest between me and him after his mom find out about us. She doesn't want me to be with him since we're so different. 
we just head back from our date, and when we enter the house still hand in hand but when enter the house Mrs Nam was sitting angrily on sofa, I quickly release his hand 
"Woohyun, come here!!" she call woohyun and woohyun walk and sit infront of her, I was about to leave but 
", you too! Come here!!" she said so I walk and stand near where woohyun sitting then she take something out of her bag. 
It was photos of us walking in amusement part, hand in hand even hug and kiss, woohyun and I wide our eyes 
"Explain this Mr. Kim" she said and look at me, I look down and said nothing 
"Omma, I..." woohyun said but Mrs. Nam cut him 
"Silent woohyun! I don't ask you" she said then turn back to me 
"answer me! Why silent?" 
"Sorry, ma'am" 
"I hire you to be his manager not to be his lover, I know you're smart you should know that you and him can't be together, you guys are really different!" 
"sorry ma'am I won't let it happen anymore" I said and bow, woohyun look at me surprise with what I said 
"gyu~ what are you saying?" 
"but still I can't let you stay here, you know what I mean I won't stop your uncle but I'll find someone replace you " she said and put envelop on table 
"you don't need to give me money to leave ma'am I can just leave" I said
"take it as your salary for this month, your uncle can't surport you since he is ill, you don't wan to be burden for your uncle right??" she said, so I take that envelop and walk away but woohyun pull my hand 

"gyu~what are you doing?" I turn to look at him and smile at him then release my hand from him, you can find anyone better than me woohyun

"gyu~ don't leave me please~ " he said while his tear are falling from his eyes

End of flashback

Since the day I leave him, I change to other house also my phone number!! but the wrost thing is that I can't forget him, I heard him cry my name every night, I sleep and see him crying begging me not to leave him!. I cry when i wake up from that nightmare.

I sigh I should stop thinking about him. I should get some fresh air. so I decide to go out, I walk a lo9ng side the river then stop to stare at the sunset, I sit down on the grass. I remembered thet we also used to watch sunset together, I tear up thinking about him.

"Woohyun, I really miss you~ I really want you here with me, but I know I can’t, you are too far to reach!!! I really want to see your face, I really want to kiss your lip, I miss your beautiful face" I mumble while crying 
"sunggyu??" I heard someone call my name so I turn back and saw woohyun, I rub my eyes and talk to myself 
"It can't be, I just miss him so much" 
"gyu~ it's really you" he said and hug me, I shock so I'm not imagine 
"why you leave your house? why you change your phone number? You know I try to find you everywhere" he said start crying, How I want to hug him back, How I want to wipe his tear and confort him but I can't. So I pull him from him and walk away from him without saying anything  but he hug my waist from my back, I was about to pull his hand away from my body but I surprise cause his hand is now so small, it's feel like I touch his bone.
"don't act like this toward me!!you just mumble my name, you said you miss me, I really miss you so much, gyu~ please stay like this for abit, please don't pull me away, I only ask you for this favor" he said and sobbing on my back. it's hurt me to heard he cry, I don't want to see him cry I want to see his smile, his laugh~ I can't stand this, I know i must live without you but rightnow I think I need you, I turn around and pull him in the hug

"Woohyun ah~ I think i need you"



done with part two, i was plan writing only 2 part but now it's three part!! Thank for comment and sub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment are always welcome!!!!!!!!!! Forgive if I have mistake!!! thank again!!! 

Did you guys know that woogyu still shared room in their new dorm?? I happy to heard that they still share room!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^!!

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Simran20 #1
Chapter 8: Reading it after a long time. This is one of my favorites 💗.
Chapter 12: Thank you for your stories.. I love them ^^
woosoogyu #3
Urgh....! 'I only want you good' is even better... ^_^

So sorry to hear that, author... T__T Hope you are already better by now... Anyway.. There're lots of trees out there in the forest... One of them is namu... :D
I'm sure an awesome author like you will be able to find a person suitable for you...

Shall wait patiently for another great story from you... ^_^
woosoogyu #4
Alright, fine... I think I like 'confused feeling' more... ^_^
Haha :D
Love how Sunggyu gets jealous... Thanks to Sungjong, making the confused leader knows his real feeling... ^_^
awesome story...
woosoogyu #5
Hi! I'm a new reader here...!
Hmm... Author, think it has been long since you last updated... Wondering when will your next update be...
So far, I've read till chapter 4 & I like this story 'Paradise'... It was as if a fairy tale coming true... woogyu gets to be together... ^_^
Alright, I shall continue to read... ^_^
woogyulover #6
no sunggyu of cos u suit wif woo.poease dont break up.n update soon :-)
xhoyadicted #7
woahh update soooon
Oooh rawr!!!!! Gyu is jealous!!!!<br />
And Key is such a good friend!!!! With Eomma instinct :P
aww, sunggyu got his parents & woohyun in the end!!! ^^<br />
but I can't handle the cheese~~~~
jooni3pi3 #10
Awww I'm so happy for them^^ sweet ending~