Grown Up

Grown Up

-Taemin’s POV-

“Hahaha! OMO! You are so funny Onew!” I was cracking up with laughter, slapping my hands together and falling into Onew’s lap... Even though I had heard that joke before, it was always hilarious to me. Onew laughed too and put his arm around me. I really loved spending time with my hyung.

“Haha... You’re so cute, Taemin!” He squeezed my cheeks... I hated being called cute, but I didn’t mind if it was said by Onew. “Ah... Taemin, do you have your watch on you? I forgot to put mine on. I need to know when my programme is on...” I looked at my wrist, but didn’t have one on either. I patted at my legs and pulled my phone out of my back pocket and showed it to Onew.

“... 4:25pm... Thanks, Taemin.”

“That’s alright... Wait... WHAT?!” I too looked down at my phone... It was now 4:36.

“AHHHH! NO!” I pushed Onew away and shot up from my seat. I quickly grabbed my jacket from the arm of the chair and rushed towards the hallway.

“Yah! Taemin?” Onew called out. “Why are you in such a rush?”

“Sorry, Onew, I can’t talk right now. I’m really late. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?” I bounced on my feet as I removed my slippers one by one and quickly shoved on my trainers – so quickly in fact, that my heels were still poking out the back. I ran towards the door... How could I have let this slip my mind?

I reached out for the door handle and went to turn it, but then the door seemed to open by itself... My body, resting on this handle, fell through the doorway and onto a figure in front of me... Luckily, they caught me. I staggered back onto my feet and quickly bowed my head.

“Sorry!” I said and without even looking up, I pushed passed them and jumped down the steps and left the dorm. I was in too much of a rush to bother with who it was... I just had to get to my appointment! I was already 10 minutes late!

-Minho’s POV-

Woah! And suddenly, Taemin pushed straight past me, knocking me backwards as he ran. What's wrong with Taemin? He didn’t even look up at me! At least he said sorry. I wonder where he’s going... I wandered into the dorm and closed the door behind me. I took off my shoes and walked towards the kitchen.

“Key? Here you go. Everything you asked for!” I handed Key a bag of newly bought groceries.

“Ahh! Good timing, Minho! Thank you.” He smiled at me and returned to the cooking. I wanted to ask him about Taemin, but I thought it might be best if I left him alone now... He was sometimes scary when he was cooking. I walked over to Onew and sat with him instead.

“Hey, Onew!”

“Hi, Minho... Everything alright?”

“Yeah... Just... What’s up with Taemin?” I really wanted to know why he didn’t even look at me let alone say ‘hello’.

“Oh... I’m not sure. He said he was late for something.” Onew scratched at his head and looked away.

Late for something? Late for what? I was trying my best to think of what it might be, but nothing sprang to my mind. If he had told me what it was, I would certainly have remembered it, so why couldn’t I remember? I guess he just didn’t tell anyone.

“Hey, Minho!” I looked up and saw Jonghyun looking over me.

“Hey, hyung!”

“Have any of you seen Taemin? Only, I’ve got his phone.” He said as he lifted it up.

“What?” I looked at him, shocked.

“Well he just ran out.” Said Onew. “Where did you find that? He literally just had it on him!”

“It was on the floor in the hallway. I nearly trod on it!”

“Haha... Ah well. Just put it on the table. It’s not unusual for him to lose things.” Onew said whilst smiling.

“Look who’s talking!” Jonghyun said whilst placing the phone on the table. Whilst they both laughed at each other, I couldn’t help but be worried. Sure Taemin always lost things, but this time, we didn’t even know where he was. What if he needed to contact us? I stood up sharply.

“I’ll take it! I’ll go and find him.” They all stared at me.

“Are you sure? He could be anywhere.” Said Onew.

“Taemin will be alright." Key said as he emerged from the kitchen. "Don’t worry so much! He is old enough to look after himself now. Anyway, it’s only half 4. Don’t panic so much.” And he smiled and walked over to Jonghyun who was also displaying a slightly worried face.

How could I not panic! Taemin was on his own, God only knows where and without his phone. I bit my lip, but I soon sat back down. I suppose Taemin was old enough to look after himself.... He is all grown up now, but I just can’t help but feel nervous.


A few hours had passed and Taemin still wasn’t home yet. He’d completely missed dinner too... Where could that boy be? I was probably being silly for worrying so much, but I hated not knowing. I looked at my phone... 8:38... I guess it wasn’t too late yet. I’ll give him a little longer.

So I just sat there.

The others were busy doing their own thing, but I couldn’t focus my mind on anything other than the whereabouts of the maknae. Then I was too busy staring out into space to even notice Jonghyun standing in front of me...

“Minho...! Hey... Minho..?” He shook my shoulder and brought me back to reality.

“Oh... Hyung. What is it?” 

“Are you feeling okay? You haven’t moved from that spot for quite a while.” He was right. I had just been sitting here in this same position for about two hours.

“Err... Yeah. I’m alright thanks, hyung. Are you going upstairs now?” I tried to change the subject.

“Yeah... Me and Key are anyway. We need to get some rest for tomorrow’s rehearsal. You should go to bed soon too you know Minho.”

“Yeah... I will. I’m just gonna stay up a bit longer and wait for Taemin.”

“I’ll wait with you!” Onew said sitting next to me.

“Ah, no, don’t worry! I’ll wait for him. You all go to bed.” I smiled at them.

“Are you sure, Minho?” Onew placed his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and gestured for them all to go.

“Yeah, it’s fine. Go get some sleep. I’m sure Taemin will be home soon anyway.” I hoped.

“Thanks Minho. We’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” Key said dragging Jonghyun away.

“Night!” And they soon all left me alone in the living room. I fell back into the couch and placed my hands on my head whilst letting out a huge sigh.

Come on Taemin... Come home.

-Taemin’s POV-

I was walking down the street and looking into various shops to see if I could see a clock anywhere... I put my face up to a window and looked in... I could just about see one propped up against a till and tried to make out the time...

8:45! WHAT! How could it be that late already? But then I realised that I had less than 5 minutes to get to my bus stop. AISH! So I ran as fast as I could across town.

Damn buses! Could this day get any worse? But it could. I was a few paces away from the bus stop, when I noticed the bus starting to pull away. NOOO! WAIT! With the last of my energy, I ran furiously after the bus and attempted to get the driver's attention... But I was too late. It was too far away now. AHHH! I let out a shout and cowered over panting heavily. Why was everything going so wrong for me today? Great... I had completely missed the last bus of the night.

Now what?

I stood up straight and hobbled over to the bus stop to sit down for a moment. All that running for nothing. I inhaled heavily as I tried to catch my breath... I guess I’ll just have to walk home now. If only I managed to find my phone, I could have rung one of the hyungs.

I just want to go home now...

-Minho’s POV-

Right... This is getting silly now. Where could Taemin be? It’s 9:30 now and he still isn’t here. I paced up and down the living room. I was really worried now. Sudden thoughts came into my head... What if Taemin was hurt? What if he was in trouble? Please come home Taemin. Come home...

But just then, I heard the sound of a key in the lock so I stood still and listened.

A sudden breeze came in through the door and filled the living room. I heard shuffling and the sound of slow footsteps when just then, a little head poked round the door...

It was Taemin, but he didn’t seem to see me standing by the kitchen as he creeped in to place his bag down.

“T-Taemin?” I said quietly. He nearly jumped out of his skin and he turned around to face the voice.

“M-Minho? You scared the hell out of me! What are...” But I cut off his words with a firm embrace. I wrapped my arms tightly around his cold and slender body and held him close to my chest. I was so relieved to see him home. I nuzzled into his hair.

“Are you okay, Taemin? I was so worried!” I could feel Taemin’s heart beginning to pound strongly in his chest.

“Um... Yeah. I’m okay. I’ve just had a bit of a hectic day. I didn’t mean to worry you. I’m really sorry Minho.” Taemin wrapped his little arms around me to reassure me that he was okay. I smiled, but then I remembered that I should be kind of angry at him. I pulled him out of the embrace and looked at him sternly.

“So where have you been, Taemin?”

“In town.”

“Doing what?”

“I had an appointment, but it got cancelled.”

“An appointment? An appointment for what?”

“Well, for my hair.” I looked at him confused.

“Right... Um... Sorry...? What? You took this long because of an appointment at the hairdresser's?”

“Well, I had a hairdresser’s appointment for 4:15, which I was already late to, but when I got there, the person who was supposed to be doing my hair had to go to a family emergency so I was told to wait for her to come back. I asked if there was anyone else who could do my hair, but they were completely booked. So I just waited... But it got to about 6 and she still wasn’t back and they had to close the salon. And now my hair is still black! And it needs to be blonde! I've got to shoot the 'Danger' MV tomorrow morning and it is supposed to be blonde, Minho!” Taemin looked like he was going to cry. I couldn’t believe that I got so worried about him when he was just waiting for his hair to be bleached! But it didn’t explain why he had only just got home.

“So what did you do next?”

“I walked around the town to see if there were any other salons, but they were all closed. So I was going to ring our manager and ask him if our hair and make-up artist was available, but then I realised I didn’t have my phone. So I figured I must have dropped it somewhere and spent another two hours trying to find it, but I couldn't find it. So I went and got some food and then had to get a bus back; which I missed, so I had to walk home, so that is why I am so late.” I just looked at him, blinking continuously. He really was unbelievable. My mouth twitched into a smile and I started laughing. “Yah! Minho? Why are you laughing at me?”

“It’s nothing... I’m just glad that nothing bad happened to you.”

“What do you mean nothing bad happened to me!? I’ve lost my phone and my hair is the wrong colour!” I smiled and pulled his phone out of my pocket and waved it in his face.

“I’ve got your phone. You dropped it in the hallway when you bumped into me this morning.”

“Ahhh! Yay! Thank you, Minho..! But my hair is still black... What am I going to do, hyung? The manager and the director are going to be so angry at me...” I looked at him carefully and saw how worried and sad he looked. But then I had a light bulb moment…

“Well, why can't you just leave it black?"


"... This might be a crazy idea, but why don't you shoot half of the MV with black hair, and the other half when you've had it bleached by the hair team? I think it'd look really cool."


"Well, it would show two sides of you then, like the innocent and dangerous side. It is called 'Danger' after all, and it would be a cool way to show how much you've grown as a person and as a singer!"


"It would look so good! Have you in a white room with blonde hair and in the dark with black hair... It would add such a cool concept to your solo, Taeminnie!"

"Minho... I... I..." But he looked away, and I realised that he clearly didn't like the idea so I sighed.

"No, you're right. It's a stupid idea. Black and white. It's been done... Sorry I couldn't be of any help." But suddenly, his little face beamed.

“HYUNG! THANK YOU!” Taemin shouted before bounding forward and taking me into an embrace. "YOU'RE A GENIUS!" I felt my cheeks go bright red, but I smiled and laughed into his hair.

“Ssshh Taemin… You’ll wake the others.” Taemin cutely covered his mouth and giggled.

"Minho! Black and white hair to show two sides of me... It's brilliant! You're so clever!" I blushed and ruffled his hair.

"No I'm not. I just want your solo to be perfect, Taemin." And then he looked into my eyes and his mouth curled into a sweet smile.

"Minho... You're the best, you know that..?" And suddenly, his hands were clasped with mine and he went up onto tip toes, his face close to mine. Looking into my eyes, he slightly pursed his lips and gradually he moved forward... And then they suddenly met with mine stunning me for a moment. My eyes were wide and his were shut, but just as I started to relax and melt into the sweet kiss, he pulled away and looked at me with a smirk.

And I blushed again.

"Mmm, you're right, Minho..."

"W-what? W-what about?" I stuttered, still confused by his actions.

"I have grown up, haven't I?" And he bounded away through the door, giggling and waving before I could even answer, leaving me all alone in the dim light of the living room. 

Still standing shocked, I suddenly laughed to myself and ruffled my own hair. 

Oh, Taemin... No matter what you do... Whether you've grown up or not, you'll always be the cute little maknae to me.

~The End~


(Note: And there it was! A bit rubbish, but hey! It was cute and now we know who came up with the black and white hair idea ;) (or at least I like to think it happened this way haha) I can't believe the Ace era is over now :( I'll miss it, but I hope you all offered Taemin lots of love and support for his solo and really hope you enjoyed this little fic too. Please subscribe, comment and upvote as it means the world to me \(^•^)/ love you all little nuggets! 

Love Chippy ♡)

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Chapter 1: HOW DID I MISS THIS !!!! loveeeeeed it :3.
Chapter 1: I'm having a crisis!!! Unnie it was very sweet and innocent. Poor Taemin~~~ Taemin never learn to go with things. Even if he getting old, he will always remain a huge silly.
BaeJoohyunIsMyBae #3
Chapter 1: oh my noodles that was cute~ Good job!
BaeJoohyunIsMyBae #4
Oh my gosh I am going to read this yo <3
Chapter 1: Aww that was so adorable and squishy and cute and lovely, Chippy!!! Taemin has definitely grown up, but he's still the sweet little maknae to us all I think. I really loved this fic! You're even good at one-shots, you're amazing! I hope you'll do more in the future :D love you! ♡♡♡
Yay!! *whispers* Chippy's back, back, back, back! ♡ Can't wait to read this! It sounds super cute ^^ love you amazing author-nim! ♡
I started to laugh reading the description because I am one thousand percent sure that Taemin wrote that song ABOUT him and Minho. The whole album reminds me of 50 shades of grey - 2min version lol XD