What Can Change?


     I've had this idea swirling in my mind for a while. A family of beautiful boys - Joon Gi, Tae Min, Min Hyun, and Min Ki. A teacher, Hyun Woo, who has taken responsilbility for a group of trouble makers - Aron, JR, and Baek Ho. Their lives become entertwined over one school semester, only to have to be split apart. For how long? Who knows? Will they be able to meet again? Maybe, maybe not. Love? Duh.


     Screaming. Doors slamming. Min Hyun crying, Min Ki shouting for him to get lost, and Tae Min shaking his head in exasperated disapproval. This is the headache Lee Joon Gi had the privilage of coming home to. He always wondered why his parents packed their things and took of out of the blue; the last two months told him the reason. These three were impossible, but he couldn't ever find it in himself to abandoned them, too.




     The place was about to be demolished anyway. What harm would come from moving the process along? 


     The night's activities had started with Baek Ho wanting to graffiti the whole front of the arcade, but JR, being the pyro-maniac he is, suggested they burn it down. It wasn't near anything, actually it was outside of the city. That was probably the reason the city was going to demolish it. It got no business. So, they decided that Baek Ho could get his spray paint fix, and JR could get his fire fix. 


     And Aron was only there to supervise. And spread the gasoline. 


     Ji Hyun Woo, high school art teacher, was saddened to see Baek Ho use his skill as he was currently doing. The boy had such artistic talent. And he was pissed to no end to see his brother, Aron, helping the two younger boys break the law.


Let me know what you think, and if I should continue or not.

Keep 4D personality


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