Blurry lot



Kai and you glared Taemin, who was still trying to catch his breathe. His body became wobbly. You looked at Kai. "Is he okay?" as you heard a thud echo through the lot. Kai's eyes soon widened. "Taemin!"

Kai ran to Taemin's collapsed body and placed his hand on his chest. "He is still breathing."

"Will he be okay?" as everyone turned to assist. Kibum his teeth. "Oh, he must be going through a mix of emotions again. This happened before."


Taemin laid in stillness, yet still breathing at a normal pace.



The color mixed in his eyes. ~What was going on?~ he asked himself. He felt himself moving up and down gradually, but he was too dizzy to dare to look around him. "-Yo--ar--o--k" he heard a voice says. The dizzy shades of black began to shake around in his sight as the movement kept going. He couldn't quite understand where he was. The man had forgotten that he had a voice, better yet, a mouth to voice words. He could only use his eyes, which were blurring everything in front of him. "Ta--mii-" the sound was heard. Just as he heard the sound, he noticed his head was lying on a blonde, soft object. ~What is this?~ The movement continued to happen. What was this thing that he laid on? Suddenly, his feeling of touch came back to him, realizing that his legs were wrapped around something as someone held up by his under thighs. What was this thing that had a hold of him? He then felt his arms around a strong muscle. His senses were coming back, but his sight was still far behind. Thinking and thinking, the man just tried to stay calm. ~Who could be this? Blonde hair, grabbing my legs, me grabbing something....Are we fighting? Who would be fighting with me?...Wait, Blonde hair?!~ The man froze. Who was this person? The man became confused as he opened his eyes widely and kicked his feet while yanking the muscle his arms were wrapped around.

"Wh-at are you- doing?!!!"

"Daemim, I'm done. Stop this now!" Taemin exclaimed.

"I'm not Daemim!" the person tried to say. Taemin continued to yank until he realized he could fully see once again. Taemin stopped, noticing that the blonde he saw a lot shorter than what he remembered. "Jonghyun?"

"*cough cough* Yea?" he said kneeling down, breathing heavy as Taemin got off. "Did you have a bad dream or- somethi-ng?!"

Taemin stared at him in pure regret. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else...."

Jonghyun stood straight up again. "It's fine. Just be careful next time."

Jonghyun walked on, leaving him standing there, staring around. Apparently, they were halfway out the parking lot.

"Is everything... over? Is Daemim gone?"

"Yea, it is all over..."

"Jonghyun!" he called over to him. Jonghyun turned as they were still in the parking lot as everyone else had already left. "Can we talk?" Taemin asked. Jonghyun nodded. Not long from that, they were outside, walking along the sidewalk to Key's house. 

"Jonghyun....thank you. We wouldn't have found him if it wasn't for you."

"But it was really all of us."

"But you got there first."

"But still..." as Taemin stopped in his tracks.

He bowed as Jonghyun stopped and turned. "Thank you....buddy." as he picked his head up, glaring at 's face. His buddy stared in shock, with his head filling with happiness and confusion.  "You are welcome. Now come on!! We need to get to the house. She's waiting for you, you know!"

Taemin blushed as he scratched the back of his neck. "But I need to give you something in return." as they then kept trailing on.

"You can give me something."


Jonghyun stopped first this time. "Let me protect you." as the his words made the maknae stop in pace. "....NO..."

"Let me do it." Jonghyun called.



"For what?"

"From the person you have been fighting for the longest time. The person that we just saved the girl from?"

"My brother?"


"But that is over."

"But what if he comes after you again?"

"Then I have him. He's not going to take my career again. I promised myself that."

"Just let me look after you. Like, be your protector, a person that looks after you. Someone to lean on."

"I don't want to burden you."

"Taemin!!" as Taemin looked in his eyes. "Let me do this!!...I want to do this. I saw what he put you through and we will all protect you but if you believe in me...."


"..If you do that...I will feel more useful."

"But I'm still performing on stage. How will you protect me then?"


"Well..."as he began to chuckle to himself. "I could...go solo as well?"


He nodded. "I can do it." as he walked passed him.

"Wait... what happened to Kibum...and everyone else?"

Jonghyun stopped and turned. "They are at home. I insisted them to go home and get the girl to safety while I take care of you.........

"What happened before?" you asked angrily.

"Well....." Kibum started. "I was walking home after treating myself for dinner and I ran into Taemin on the street. It was raining that night and he was across the street and  didn't have an umbrella. It actually looked like he was there for a while since his hair was soaked. The way he looked, the way he stared into the sky. It was like he fell in love with something, but somehow I knew something was wrong. So I called him. He didn't answer me. I thought at first I was a bit too low in speaking. So I called again....and again..and again....No responds. Then he collapsed in the rain..on the concrete in a second."

"What happened after that?!" you said worriedly. Everyone stared at Key. "Well,...

I ran to pick him up, and he was out cold. I picked him up and put him on my back while carrying the umbrella. When I got home, I placed him on my couch and let him sleep. He later woke up in the middle of the night and said...umm....unimportant things. But it ended with me staying and sleeping in the living room with him. On the other couch."

"Why did he do that? What unimportant stuff?"

" something that you should ask him for yourself. I wouldn't be right for me to say it."

You glared down at the unconscious Taemin as everyone else looked at each other. They knew very well what Taemin needed to say. Jonghyun stood up. "You guys should go get her to Kibum's house. I will carry Taemin back home."

"Wait, what about the ride we had?" Minho asked.

"He is on his way, but not everyone can fit inside. Taemin should go in with you guys. We can walk." Kibum replied.

"No, you guys worked hard. I feel like I didn't do much so I will walk home with Taemin on my back. Hopefully, he will wake up." Jonghyun insisted.

"But that is a long walk. Plus, you did do a lot. Without you, we probably wouldn't have found Daemim."

"Just let me do this. I don't think he will be out for long."

"Okay, no. How about this. We will take Kai home then I will drop Minho and Onew off and then I will come back to get you guys. Sounds good?" Kibum suggested.

Jonghyun nodded. "Sure."

They all hugged and went to different ways.



Sorry for not posting in a while. Don't be mad. :D

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Chapter 35: Was nice story author-nim!!!
noomin #2
Chapter 34: Update sooon plzzzz
noomin #3
Chapter 33: Update soooon plzzz
noomin #4
Chapter 32: Update soon plzzze
noomin #5
Chapter 31: Finally an update luv this chap
noomin #6
Chapter 30: It's getting more interesting than before i luv ittt plzz update soon
alifahleo #7
Chapter 30: woooahhh.. JStalker love it so much
Pleaseeee continue to update, im still waiting for ur story ^^
Smteamint #8
Chapter 30: Continue to update!!! Love the story ^_^
Chapter 26: Omg omg omg o.o pls update soon! Not can wait !!!
noomin #10
Chapter 25: Omgggg this is the TRUE side of daenim