


Taemin began to crack up. "Okay! Okay!....I won't." he stopped and smiled. You stood back up and asked a guard if there was a restroom nearby. You waved goodbye to Taemin as the guard pointed to the right and you followed his finger. Down the hall, you saw the boys' and girls' bathroom. You smiled and jumped in the hall. "I just met Taemi-iiin" you sung in a low tone. You froze to make sure no one heard your jumping as you then heard something come from the boys' restroom. "Is that coughing?" you asked yourself. You were conflicted whether to check since it was the 'boys' BATHROOM, however since you continued to hear the painful coughing, you rushed without another thought. The sound got louder as you glanced at the five stalls. You glimpsed at the mirror to see hand prints on each one. "Hello?" you yelled in nervousness. The coughing continued as you realized it came from the middle stall. You put your ear on the door. "You okay?"

It suddenly slid open slowly. The stall revealed a man with black hair, wearing a red tux, coughing on the floor next to the wall of the stall. "Taemin?"


Taemin began to wipe the blood from his mouth as he looked up at you.

"Taemin?" you asked in confusion. He attempted to stand up but collapsed because of his pain. "Why are you here and not on the couch? Weren't you just there? And why is your hair not blonde?" you kept asking the strange man. He just continued to look up at you while he coughed in pain, then tried to speak. "I...am... Taemin.."

"No, you're an imposter!! I'm leaving!" you declared as you backed away from the stall. He put his hand out as he faintly yelled "No!" which made you stop in your tracks as he continued. "Nuna neomu yeppeo...Replay..Replay...Replay...." he sang. It sounded as if Taemin were to sing it. "Taemin?" you turned in suspense as he continued. "Chagaun nunbiche paein nae...simjang jungsim gipsugi bein chae...
I sangcheoreul mot gochimyeon jugeobeorilji...Dangjang michyeobeorilji...eojjidoelji moreugesseo.."he began to cough afterwards. You could hear the exhaustion in his voice however, it still sounded just like him. It didn't just resemble him, but was identical to him. You went to take a second look at him as he had collapsed his head on the door of the stall. "You sound just like him." you said with a surprising glare. He continued to look up as he said, "I...am.. the real...Taemin."

"The real Taemin?" you thought to yourself. "What was going on? He had to be the real one if he looks and sounds like him, right? But he could still be fake."

You looked back at him as he attempted to get up once again. This time, you helped him get to his feet. "Thank you." he said with a soft tone. He tried to walk to the mirrors as he gripped the sides of the sink. "My face has blood on it." still in his faint voice. You walked behind him. " What happened to you?"

His left hand touched his face then wiped his mouth. "Him..."


He nodded.

"You mean Taemin outside on the couch?" you asked. He looked at you in confusion through the mirror then shrugged. "Yea. Him..."

"Yea, Taemin."

"I guess you don't believe me huh?"

"That you're the real Taemin?"


"No, I don't."

He sighed.

"Wait." you yelled as he continued to look at you through the mirror. "What is the meaning of Danger?"

"Why is that important now?"

"Answer it please!" you said in excitement.

"It is about man that attempted to seduce someone he likes...however ends up being seduced by her." he said while keeping eye contact. You froze in shock. You knew it matched the meaning that you looked up before coming here. You even remembered him saying it himself in a video you had seen. "It is you Taemin." you said slowly as he turned to face you. "Really? How did that prove it?"

"I looked it up before I came. The other Taemin didn't say what you said."

Taemin's face went blank as he trailed slowly walked towards you. You tried to move away from him by backing up but you couldn't go any further because of the door of the first stall. When he was close enough, he stretched out his arm near your face as his face got closer to you. He looked you dead in the eyes and you couldn't look away. "What are you doing, Taemin?" you asked in fear. He shook his head from side to side. "I am Taemin. There is no 'other Taemin', so please do not refer to him as another me." he said as he moved away and glared back at the mirror to arrange his tie. You gulped. "Joesonghamnida." you said softly. "...But what happens now?" you asked as you stood up straight once again. "You have to come with me. We have to get out of here."

"But I can't I just go home! The other Tae.....the guy in there doesn't know that I know."

Taemin grinned while still fixing his tie. "Well, I know. That you know. And if he finds out, he will come looking for you. After he looks for me."

"But can't I just go home and be safe there? Why will he be looking for you? Who is he?"

He chuckled. "You don't know him as much as I do. I'll explain it later." 

He opened the door then looked at you.

"But what am I going to tell my parents?"

"...You're at a friend's house." he said as he shrugged.

When got to the door, he grabbed you by the shoulders gently and started walking you to the backdoor down the hall. You could hear footsteps about to come down the hall. "Hurry!!" he whispered as you both began to run. Before the person could walk into hallway, you had already made it out the building with him. It was pitch-black outside. He grabbed your hand as you guys ran to the sidewalk. He waved his right hand at the edge of the sidewalk as a blue cab responded to it. He got into the cab first then pulled you in as he spoke the destination address.

"Where are we going?"

He gave you a serious expression. "Kibum's house.

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Chapter 35: Was nice story author-nim!!!
noomin #2
Chapter 34: Update sooon plzzzz
noomin #3
Chapter 33: Update soooon plzzz
noomin #4
Chapter 32: Update soon plzzze
noomin #5
Chapter 31: Finally an update luv this chap
noomin #6
Chapter 30: It's getting more interesting than before i luv ittt plzz update soon
alifahleo #7
Chapter 30: woooahhh.. JStalker love it so much
Pleaseeee continue to update, im still waiting for ur story ^^
Smteamint #8
Chapter 30: Continue to update!!! Love the story ^_^
Chapter 26: Omg omg omg o.o pls update soon! Not can wait !!!
noomin #10
Chapter 25: Omgggg this is the TRUE side of daenim