My Heaven

Anyone's Guess

Jiyong Pov

I heard from Kiko that she saw someone who looked like Sarah in Shibuya but that girl appeared to have blonde hair with pink tips at the bottom and an infinity tattoo at the back of her neck. Before Kiko could approach her, Sarah took a turn and left the area. Kiko has volunteered to leave me. She said that she felt my love for her but she's not my spark and if Sarah would bring my spark back then I should go ahead and go after her. I don't know what I was thinking when I left her and not tell her that I was cheating. I thought I was sparing her the pain but I actually forgot that she was our social media manager so obviously she would have seen the shots of me and Kiko together. Even the paparazzis loved her as she was sweet to them. I actually got egged by one when they saw that I was cheating on Sarah. Only reason why me and Sarah's relationship never made it out to the public was cause she earned the respect and love of the paparazzis. She understood that they were just doing a job and made a deal with them to be nice to them and give them exclusives as long as they don't go to the extreme.

That was how she handled Seungri's accident, she knew it would make headlines but yet things were not bad. Speculations of drunk driving were done by netizens but the media said Seungri could have been sleepy which was the truth and I knew it was her doing. How could I have let this angel out of my grasp and not cherish her? Even after Seunghyun actually lost her to me and even through all of Youngbae's protests, she still wanted to be with me and I just let her slipped out of my hands just like that. I booked a first class ticket to Tokyo to leave in two days at once cause even if that blond pink haired girl is not Sarah, I want to make sure of it for myself. I posted a Big Bang MV "My Heaven" on my Twitter and just said "Dedicated to the one who should listen to this."

Taeyang POV

Mino just came back from Tokyo as he went there for a quick recharge trip and informed me that he saw a girl that looked like Sarah in Shibuya. Difference was that this girl had an infinity tattoo at the back of her neck and seems to have blonde hair with pink tips at the bottom. Mino ran to catch up to her but missed her in the crowd. I booked a first class ticket to fly to Tokyo the next day straightaway as I could not let her out of my sight again. The last time I did so, she got together with Jiyong and the next time I did so, I found her in a delirious fever state hallucinating me as Jiyong and the last time I did it, she slept with hyung and disappeared altogether after that.

I do not know what made her disappear or what she said to hyung and Sajangnim in her letters but all I know is that I cannot lose her again. She is the air that I breathe, the love of my life and the only one who can make everything seem right in this crazy life. I don't know how could I have spoken to her like I did the last time we spoke but all I know is that I can only beg for forgiveness and hope that she will forgive me despite everything that has happened because if she can't forgive me, I don't know what to do anymore. I desperately need her in my life and she is my heaven. I tweeted the Big Bang MV "My Heaven" and just captioned it "You are always my heaven no matter what."

Seunghyun Pov

I saw both of Jiyong and Taeyang's tweets. I may not have an SNS account but I try to keep updated especially since Sarah disappeared, this is the only avenue that I hope to get news of her. Someone posted on Instagram with the hashtag "Sarah Unnie Sighting" as Sarah's fan started missing her and created this hashtag. I saw the location tagged was Shibuya but Sarah appeared to have blonde hair with pink tips with an infinity tattoo on the back of her neck. The caption of the photo said " We spotted Sarah unnie today in Shibuya, she looked great with her new hair and tattoo but appeared to have lost weight :( We wanted to go up to her and say hi but we lost her in the crowd :( Hope she comes back to YG Ent soon!"

That girl really did it. I remember us joking around about her turning blonde and getting a tattoo. She said she might one day if she feels that she wants a total transformation and I guess she really did feel a need for that especially after disappearing on us. Only Sajangnim knows exactly where she is as she still uses the YG Ent issued credit card and she has been getting paid an allowance because YG feels like she is like his daughter and he feels responsible for getting her tangled into this mess as he was the one to hire her back then. I booked a first class ticket on the next flight to Tokyo as I felt that one month plus is too long a time for me to go by without seeing her. She is both my heaven and my hell. Only her brings light into my bleak life. I texted her "Listen to My Heaven, that's how I feel about you. I'm coming to get you back. I love you." and I just threw some clothes into a bagpack, grabbed a passport and left for the airport.

Narrator's Pov

Next stop for all three guys is Narita International Airport with a difference of just days apart. Who will be the first to find Sarah and get through to her? Will Sarah still be in Tokyo by then? The chances for Seunghyun is looking higher at this point and he falls asleep on the flight while listening to "My Heaven" on repeat.

My Heaven

Love you girl only you are my heaven 
sing it together
big bang
Hey T, let’s do it bro
Go go go…

24/7 If I try going to heaven
24/7 it feels like dreams, heaven
24/7 eternity, heaven
24/7 heaven let’s go

It’s the truth if I say you are my eternal lover
everything in the past is like never let go 
never knew that love could come and go just like that yo
waiting for you day and night in my dreams and go 
summer flow in the night, take flight and glow 
that’s forever love

That “you would be with me tomorrow”, it’s gone
Even though we had great times together, why have you gone
Love has always failed to grab my hands
Only you somehow are a little different
I always felt this was fate
From now on 
you’re the only one in my life

I want to see you, I want to see you
I’m waiting for you by that sea
My feelings for you
Whether it’s the morning, the afternoon, or the evening
I want to see you, you are my heaven


sky・・・stars・・・and my heaven

Only you are missing
But the world is so colorless
The depth of the damage is immeasurable
Those lips of that days are still warm
But even if I keep remembering them, I’m at loss of knowing what to do

Oh baby, memories of you are still in my heart
Oh baby, your messages still remain on my body
So that this unable-to-cool-down heat can be stopped
Oh baby, the cold rain is falling

Because of you

Please don’t vanish, don’t vanish
Please stop the time at that summer
I’m still holding those memories, whether it’s autumn, winter, or spring
For eternity, you are my heaven

Hey, hey, listen to me

Finally the message came
There’s only “I’m sorry”, I really don’t understand at all
Just one more time, come to my side, smiling like those times

I want to see you, I want to see you
I’m waiting for you by that sea
My feelings for you
Whether it’s the morning, the afternoon, or the evening
I want to see you, you are my heaven

24/7 My heaven


So who do you think will find Sarah first? Who are you shipping Sarah with? Leave comments and upvotes please :) 

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Chapter 20: That was awesome! I really liked reading this story :3 I'm not gonna lie, i did ship Ji-Yong and Sarah :P Either way, great ending!
nazurahhaziqah #2
Chapter 20: Such a wonderful story! Enjoyed reading it :-)
Chapter 20: Well what a journey for Sarah..wouldn't want to be in her shoes..well allend well?
Chapter 20: And it has come to an end and my Bae finally got some balls!!!!!!! Yeeey!!!!!!
Hahahahaha despite u have me pulling my hair half the time n some other time i though she was going to end up alone, im happy to see how u wrap things up
Indeed it was anyone's guess
chicklet #5
Chapter 20: Just like that? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa
chicklet #6

UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: i never swear.... but KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
You really do love giving me a coronary? but why Bae, sweet Bae T_T /still way too overly attached to him through RISE/ n
Chapter 15: And I just die freaking perfect this chapter was!!
Chapter 14: Awww still that migrane bothering u?
Ok im really happy what you did with Pete there, i believe we all have a friend like that
I love how we lay it out for her. And jiyong! Orz
I hope you feel better soon!
Chapter 13: SERIOUSLY PETE???? /pulls hair/ you n your mind blowing plot twists... is this revange coz im ending RISE???