Who is She?

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Chapter Two: Who is She?



“I came back because… “


“ I just miss you so badly that I really feel lonely” I lied. I know I’ve never kept any secrets from her but it doesn’t feel right to be telling her and recounting everything that had happened these past few years. Damn it! It was like putting alcohol on your open wound. It stings like hell but you know you have to do it.


“Okay… ill accept your lame reason for now. Just tell me when you’re ready.” I sighed in relief.


“But don’t take too long. You know I hate waiting and I always have my ways.” I did just say she knows me so well, I feel defeated.


I will eventually tell her everything in time but not just now. Come to think of it I never shared any of my love problems with her and I doubt if she will be of help. Moreover, I never heard about her dating anybody so I think that’s the best reason to keep my lips sealed for the mean time.


“Hey.. ” She snapped her fingers in front of my face feeling a little irritated, maybe because I didn’t reply. Not that I need to anyways.


“If you will just be in a daze the whole afternoon your food will get cold.” She scolded.


I drifted my gaze from her to the platter in front of me. I did not notice that it has been served. Looking at the sumptuous meal made me feel that I was really hungry. Before I start digging the mouthwatering food laid in front and make Eugene think I’m neglecting her  I said… “Let’s eat…” andthen she nodded.






I was debating with myself,  should go out or not. I’ve been stuck at work most of my waking hours so I really am at loss when I’m forced to have a day off.


Finally deciding to just grab something outside since if anyone must know I live alone. Being the modern businesswoman that I am I don’t really have time to explore my kitchen. I prefer rummaging business proposals than cutting and chopping onions. All you can see in my drawers are kitchen utensils I never used. So everything had been sparkly clean.


I’m walking towards my front door when I realized that I don’t have my car keys so I went back to the living room. Grabbing the keys and walking back I heard my door knob turn and slowly open. Waiting for the trespasser to show himself/herself, the shadow turned and I gasped.


What is he doing here? Is he even allowed to come here? I randomly thought. After a second or two I made my presence known.


“What have I done good that you finally graced me with you presence?” He was taken aback. He looked like a kid who is caught doing something he was not supposed to or he just didn’t expect me to be here in broad daylight.


“And I love you too…”  That had always been his reply. I kind of gotten used to it by now.


“It’s been more than a decade since the last time I’ve seen you… and I missed you so much…” I slowly went up to him and engulfed him in a tight hug. I got too carried away that I didn’t notice he is nearly choking gave him a peck as a consolation for what I did.


“Hey Jong-Ineee…” I miss calling him by his nickname.


“Hmmm…?” He mumbled. There are a lot of questions that’s been bugging me the moment he stepped into my front door but I guess the most important one that I can come up with was…


“How long are you going to stay? “


Back then we were so close to the point where we became inseparable,  but as time took its course, we drifted apart as we grow up. You can compare it to couples that are in a long distance relationship. At first, you miss each other terribly sharing every little thing you do from the moment you wake up to the time you go to sleep. They said distance makes the heart go fonder. I admit that it happens that’s just the positive part. What about the heartbreaking part? It can also make you forget, yes sad to say but  it happens, and I’m just  thankful that we are a different case because our bond had been established we enough for it to break.


“Not too soon Genie-yah… besides we are of age wherein we can decide for ourselves and I think the elders won’t mind now… would they?” He replied with a smirk. Well he does have a point. We are two independent individuals wherein our parents let us do whatever we want as long as we multiply our own empires. That’s how rich kids had been controlled or might I say brought up. After years of living alone here in a foreign land I focused all my precious time on making a lot of money so I can break free from my parent’s claws. I don’t hate them but sometimes they do certain and unbelievable things that annoys me.


I finally smiled thinking that being with fellow I can make the most of my day off.


“Yah! I’m hungry …” I jerked when he suddenly shouted. Out of habit I automatically pulled one of his ears. It was my kind of my little revenge everytime he does something stupid. This dude never chan

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