Chapter 14

Inner Beast
Please Subscribe to read the full chapter Taeyeon- I   ☽Power Hungry☽     Yura plopped down onto the available seat, resting her chin against her fist.   "So you're not screaming your head off in the middle of the night anymore. I take it that your nightmares and hallucination problems are gone?"   Dana lazily munched on an apple, her eyes glued to her biology textbook on the table. It was lunch hour and Dana almost flipped when her classmate had reminded her of the class test next period. She had been too busy with all this witchcraft that she almost forgot her own penmanship. She clicked the back of the pen impatiently as her eyes swiftly scanned the contents of the page.    "Somewhat," she replied distractedly.   Yura raised an eyebrow at the unexpected sight.   "What're you doing mugging during lunch. It's making me lose my apetite." Yura carelessly threw a piece of fry back into the basket.   "I haven't studied for my test."   Yura was taken aback. Dana hadn't studied? Those words sounded foreign when they were put together like that.    "Hold up?? You of all people have not studied?"   "I'm serious, Yura." Dana took a last bite of her apple and tossed it into a nearby bin. She dusted her hands and resumed cramming her brain.    Just as Yura was about to make another  snarky remark, she spotted two lean figures coming her way. Kai had his signature smirk tugging on his lips while Sehun remained stoic, hands neatly tucked in his pockets. They both gave Yura a brief nod as they pulled out a chair each.    Kai loosened his tie before sliding into the seat next to Dana. He roughly tore his cup of chocolate pudding open, eyeing his mate's side profile.    "Morning."   Dana startled in her seat. She had belatedly noticed the two new additions to the table and the sudden spike of onlookers gazing towards their table.   After the previous day, Kai had waited for Dana to fall asleep before driving home to inform Lara of his new discovery. The witch was impressed at how rapidly Dana's magic was unfolding; especially since the girl had barely done anything special.    Dana's been doing her reading that was for sure. Her grimoire was always  open on her study table, and Kai would catch glimpses of the runes she was learning.    "Dana's freaking out because she hasn't studied for her test. Care to share who's responsible for the current befuddlement of my roommate?" Yura raised her eyebrows at the tanned brunette who was slurping in pudding.   "Why are you pointing fingers at me?"    "Who else do you think she's been hanging out with lately?" Yura muttered cynically and Sehun slipped a small cough.   "She's got a point."   "Shut up." Both Kai and Dana muttered at the same time as Kai whacked his Beta in the head.   Kai gazed at his mate with worry swimming in his eyes. He gently placed his hand over her own, shifting Dana's focus on him.    "Nothing's gonna get into your head if you keep cramming everything in like that."    Dana's lower lip jutted out slightly and Kai swore by Goddess that it was the cutest pout he had ever seen in his entire life.    Yura's eyes sparkled with interest at the brief exchange. "So are you guys like, going to admit that you're official or what? Because people talk; and man, you do not want to know what those ugly chicks are saying about you two."   Dana rolled her eyes at the annoying thought of people talking behind her back. She really hated gettin
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Hey guys a little announcement, I'll only be updating my stories after the 23rd of Nov so I hope you guys will be a little patient till then xx thanks u guys!


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janelle15 #1
Chapter 22: I knew it!! Ha. What a dumb girl. Lol. Yeah yeah everything's your fault so go and solve it.
janelle15 #2
Chapter 13: For someone who studies medicine she is undeniably an idiot. Lol even kai new of the reason she shouldn't go. Her mother, her adopted mother and another person told her it's dangerous and look at what she did. Lol. She also barely knew kai so their bond is weak compared to others. I don't really like her kind of character, oh well it's not like persons with same character as her are supposed to like me. Lol
Fighting and hope you can update this.!
Chapter 22: Gosh, even I trusted that witch...
Now I know I wouldn't last long in this world hehehe ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Chapter 21: Man, I'm scared for her.
You really managed one hell of a good story~
But she's so stubborn...
I really hope to read more soon ^-^
Chapter 21: What an intense chapter!
Chapter 20: its been awhile ㅠㅠ update soon!!
Chapter 20: Oh gosh it's been fo forever! Lmao wow xDD somewhat confused .-. But ehm I'll just have to reread again >< Wolves are territorial •_•' Aish....
lilia_ #8
I really love your story...Please update soon!!
Putripranata #9
Chapter 4: Oh my! Tao new wolf isnt he? Stupid tao! Jongin is fully playful if be a leader, i imagine jongin the leader of exo.
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 19: hello ~ im a new subscriber to this story ^_^
im speechless to how things are going in this story :D (in a good way ;) ) and damn not shownu is inside :o monsta x is here :o
things are so getting serious and down and maybe dirty xD :3