One of a kind girl

Secrets Between You and Me

 Yuri pov


 "What the... who call me so early like this...."

 I yawned as i slowly open my eyes. I look around as i saw familiar ceiling that i always looked at night. And then i remembered why i woked up so early on national sleep day. I searched for my phone and look at the caller ID.

 "You hungry giant! Don't you have better things to do than call me so early on Sunday? And do i have to remind you... WE LIVE IN THE SAME APARTMENT SMARTPANTS!" I yelled as loud as i can. I know she's outside laughing like crazy. Its a ritual for her to call me on sunday morning to wake me up since the last time she woke me up on sunday morning so early... Well lets just say she got some scars in her hand... Pretty long scars...

 "You don't need to yell like that miss Kwon, just woke up already and take a bath, we need to teach those girls how to dance"

 "Kay i'm waking up. You already prepare breakfast right?"

 "Of course!"

 "Kay, be there in a minute"

 "Yul... before you hung up... I finished all the breakfast... Sorry!"

 And the next thing i heard is a door slam shut.


 I walk to the bathroom, take a quick shower, put on my dancing clothes on and ready to hunt Sooyoung down and kick her off. Real hard.

 I get out from the apartment and wait for my lift to come. As the lift door open, i saw a girl cover her face with a glasses and hat.

 I tilt my head a bit and look at her curiously

 'She look suspicious... and she smells wierd...' Pardon me if i like to sniff people scent. Its a habit and its a pretty good way to know peoples personality.

 I just step in and stand beside her. I took a few glances at her as i curiously look at her.

 Her blonde hair is visible even though she wear hat and she's got white milky skin just like a baby. And her black shirt and black jeans really remind me of Mission Impossible. 

 'Is she a celebrity or something?'

 'Or is she a secret spy agent?! That would be so cool!' 

 "Do you have problem with me miss?" I snap out from my train of thoughts and she look at me. Her voice is pretty but not to pretty when she pissed off like this.

 "I-its nothing miss, i just curious about something" I try to look away.

 "Well whatever it is i believe its not my problem" She said kinda rude and look away.

 "Hm yeah i guess so..." I answer.

 Silent. A super mega ultra awkward silent. And i hate super mega ultra awkward silent.

 "So... You live here huh?"

 "Of course i am, do you have to ask something so simple like that" Mocking me. From any people i know, any day i live and any ground i stand. i got mock by this strange i'm-so-superior-girl girl. I shall never forget this day...

 "Oh i see... Sorry to ask you a SIMPLE QUESTION like that your majesty" As i bow a bit and smile a bit. She look at me with disbelieve face.

 "How dare you..." She glared at me.

 *ding dong*

 'Thank god you save me from the wrath of the princess'

 "Oh i'm sorry i need to go right now, nice to meet you... your majesty" As i bow like a prince in a fairy tale story, i smile victoriously while looking at her pissed off face as the lift door closed slowly.

 "That is one scary glare... Jeez that is kinda creep me out..."

 "Who do she think she is? Pfft such a crazy girl... But crazily gorgeous..." i looked back at the closed lift door.

 'I wonder if i ever see her again...'

 "Why would i want to see her again? Next time i see her, she maybe kill me right where i stand... And why am i talking to myself out loud again?!"

 'I really need to stop that...'

 I walk out from the building and call a cab... And still thinking about her. I guess i need to meet my emotion doctor like asap.



 So chapter 1 D.O.N.E

 I hope you guys enjoy and like my story. I will update if theres more than 5 comments and subscribers so please comment and subscribe if you guys like it!!! ^^

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Chapter 2: I really like the story! I like the Idea of Sooyoung and Yoona being together *-*
But i hope Yuri end up with Sica! Thank you for your effort author =)