The fansign


Okay so I decided that I want to write more of this story, hope you guys don't mind~~~ I'm so sorry this is short ///.\\ I'll make the next one longer!

So my friend just asked me if Bts stood for Buck the , I have no idea where she got that or what it even means but I was crying laughing for like 5 minutes straight.  Ladies and gentlemen, can you tell that she is obviously not one of us Army's??? 

Anyways so yeah enjoy!!!!


"All right. We're off to the fansign!!!" Jimin declares as we all stumble out to the van, the cold air kissing my face, fresh and pure. I look over at him. He has way to much energy at this time of the morning.

I shake my head, hugging my jacket to my body as I climb into the van, Hoseok climbing in next to me.


"Woah wait fansign?" I say, looking at Namjoon, who's in the passagers seat, the manager driving. He nods tiredly, looking out the window, his head resting on his hand as he watches the trees start to go on by.


"I thought we were recording today?" I say, Kookie,Yoongi and Jin all already sleeping again.


"No That's next week. We have a fansign today, but we won't be there for a few hours. Taehyung-ah get some rest" Hoseok says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I rest my head on his shoulder and he gives a soft, relaxed sigh. Lucky for us, we're in the very back row, so the manager can't see us well.


Everyone is either asleep or has music plugging in to drown out the others. Non of them feel like talking right now, being that it's really early and we all got a rude wake up call. I almost had a heart attack when the guys woke me up.


Moves his arm off my shoulder to check a text, and I look at him with a small sigh. He looks over at me and smiles, his beautiful, bright, hopeful smile. I can't help but smile back.


We spend about twenty minutes looking out the window as the van drives through town, manager honking at a few cars from time to time. I wouldn't exactly say it's peaceful, no. But at least we aren't at home, curled up in each other's arms, enjoying laying with each other, our bodies fitting perfectly with each other's.


I mean that's the last thing I want right? Wrong. Being in this cramped van is the last thing I want. I want to still be in bed with Hoseok, his arms wrapped around me, maybe even some kissing. I just want to be against him again, to feel his bare skin on my finger tips. 


I sigh heavily and Hoseok must have noticed because he looks over at me. I just shake my head and look out the window, not really wanting to have to explain what's wrong, and not really even knowing how to either.


I know I have feelings for him. That's undeniable. The thing is... I don't think I like him. At all. I think it's love. I think that I love Hoseok, for all that he is. I've known him for so long and I've always had feelings for him, but I never thought he would like me back. I've only ever kept my feelings to myself... but now that he knows I just want to touch him and to kiss him and to just, be with him. But I can't. We can't. The managers would never allow it.


I feel his hand on my thigh, rubbing soft, relaxing circles with his palm. I don't look at him, but start to hold my breath a little as his hand slowly starts to make its way up, towards the front of my pants.


"Tae..." he whispers, his face now In the crook of my neck. He kisses at the skin softly, hands still rubbing my leg and I can feel myself blush.


"Hoseok no... they can't see us.." I say carefully, but don't move to stop him because I want this. I want him to touch me. Only Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi know we're a couple, Jimin and Jungkookie are completely oblivious.


"What? All I'm doing is nudging my face into your neck. Skinship babe they can't get mad about that" He says innocently with a wink. "And besides we're in the very back they're not gonna see us." He whispers reassuringly in my ear. 


"Hoseok....we need to talk about some things first." I say and he looks at me, as if waiting for me to continue but I don't. Instead I look out the window, and notice that we're pulling into a parking lot.


"Wake up guys!! We're here!" Namjoon yells, hitting the back of the seats to wake up the other boys. Hoseok removes his hands from me and we both undo our seat belts.


"Yah!!! Rap Mon can you do me a favor?" Jimin says, stumbling out of the van. Namjoon, who was the first one out of the van along with the manager, turns to face Jimin.




"Good." Jimin says, making Namjoon confused. He turns him around and hops on his back. 


"Ah Jimin get off!!!" Namjoon roars, shaking Jimin a little, but the younger boy is already almost asleep again, and he gives up, carrying Jimin lovingly towards the entrance of the building where our fansign would be held.


Jin, Manger hyung and Jungkook all are at the entrance already, since they all got out ahead of us they had a head start.


Once all the boys and the manager disappear into the building Hoseok pulls me into a tight hug. I hug him back. 


"I wish I had told you about my feelings for you earlier. I never knew that we could be like this. I've liked you for the longest time... so much and it hurt that you didn't know. I didn't know about your feelings. I'm so sorry Taehyungie that I never realized.." he says quietly. It feels like it's just us, that no one else in the world matters.


"Its okay. It's just.... we have to hide it and it hurts..." I say, so quiet it's barely auditable. 


"We don't." He says simply, pulling away to look me on the eyes, hand lovingly caressing my cheek.


"Oh but we do." I say, and he knows what I'm talking about. The managers and everyone else would never approve of us being together. It's all about our image as idols. We need to protect that image. Meaning our feelings aren't important. It never would matter that we wanted to be together, it wouldn't. 


He kisses my cheek sweetly, before looking me in the eyes.


"We'll find a way." He says confidently with a nod. I look at him doubtfully. He offers a bright smile and takes my hand in his, pulling me to the building entrance because we've taken to long outside, everyone's probably wondering where we are. He drops my hand as we approach the guys, and we wait in a line, ready to come out and meet the fans. Namjoon, being the leader, is in the very front of the line, and is the first member the fans greet, before we all come out. The fans are screaming and clapping, the flashes from cameras going crazy. 


We all smile and pose, one if the helpers handing Rap Mon a microphone. We introduce ourselves to the fans.


"BangTan, hello we are Bangtan sonyeondan!!!" We all say, the fans clapping and cheering. 


"We're so happy that you all came today. We're very grateful to everyone of our Army's, without you we would never be where we are today..." Rap Mon says his very well rehearsed speech, that fans all smiles and clapping, everyone having a good time.


We take our seats and they start to let the fans come up to our table so we can sign stuff and just talk to our fans. We were all having fun, taking pictures and just having so much fun, that we were all bummed when the managers told us it was time to say goodbye. We hadn't realized it, but the sign had been a few hours long, and we were all really tired.


After everything was all done we piled into the van with the gifts the fans had brought for us and drove home, some of us falling asleep on the way back, but some of us had a little to much energy still so we listened to music till we arrived back at the dorm.


We hauled all of our iteams into the dorm and put them all where we wanted them, by now it's starting to get late and so we're all exhausted from today. Everyone goes to thier rooms, but when I try to go to my bed Hoseok pulls me into his, and I melt into his arms. This is what I've been wanting all day.... 

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vhope00 #1
Chapter 2: already end? aahh i want to know the continue of this ㅠㅠ this is so adorable ohmagash btw i love ur fic so much!
Chapter 2: Aaahahhh sooo cutee and adorable seriously love this

Gay love between idols is hard
MinMin_SL #3
Chapter 1: Ohhh you are good!!! i died like 3 times while reading, well not really, just have the urge to scream a little when jhope suddendly waked up and when he says " i dont need them i have you" -dying- its is the end?
Chapter 1: Hoseok your acting so great huh..great
Chapter 1: Smart Hoseok
thats great woaahh so cute
MinMin_SL #7
Ummm.... so the foreword is the fic....? Can you make a sequel, (like a chapter 1) because it looks like you havent post anything, and maybe doing that, will help you to get more views and some upvotes, because it is a really good one.