

I wake up a few hours later, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin all standing around my bed with their phones pointed at me. My mind is still foggy, I didn't get enough sleep last night, only a few hours worth.


"Guys?" I say quietly, voice sounding, sloppy in a way.


"You two are so cute!!!" Jin screeches.


"The hell are you two doing?" It was Namjoon.


"Did you last night?" He asks, making my cheeks hot. What are they talking about?  I think to myself, nothing they're saying processes in my head until I try to move, but something around my waist holds me in place.


A arm. Dead weight. I look up next to me slowly, only to find a shivering but still deep in sleep Hoseok. My mind wanders to the question Yoongi had asked.


"No. No!!! That's not even remotely close!" I say, my head snapping back to Yoongi, who standing there arms crossed. Yoongi and Namjoon both put away their phones but Jin is still consent on taking pictures from all different angles.


"Then why are you two sleeping together? " Yoongi asks, and the leader nods, curious also.


Now here's where I have to make a decision. Do I tell the guys I was up till early morning and risk getting scolded and beaten by the squeaky plastic but still relatively hard hammer that the managers saved from Rookie king, or lie and say since it was cold Hoseok must have snuck into my bed.


"Well... it was cold. I guess Hoseok-hyung climbed into bed with me to get warm. " I say with a slight shrug, careful not to move the other. I guess I'm going with the lie.


"Oh. Okay." Namjoon says, nodding in understanding, but Yoongi-hyung looks unconvinced. 


"Taehyung..." he says slowly, arms still crossed, head now tilted.


"Yes hyung..?" 


"You said that he probably got cold and climbed into your bed...right?" He asks. I nod in conformation.


"Your in Hoseoks bed. Not yours." He states, shaking his head and Namjoons eyes go wide with realization. Jin is to busy texting to notice the problem at hand.


"Oh yeah!" Namjoon says, glancing over at Yoongi with a smile.


"Oh...." I say softly, avoiding eye contact with them.


Hoseok moves to pull the blanket up a little and scares the living hell out of me. He's still asleep however, and for this I am grateful.


"So what's the real reason you guys are together?" Jin asks, suddenly aware of what's going on.


"Um. Look guys there's no real reason." I say quietly, my head still on Hoseoks chest. I would move it but I don't want to wake him up.


"Mmhmmm sure. Come on Taehyungie don't lie" Jin says, carefully sitting at the edge of the bed. Namjoon takes a seat in the desk chair and Yoongi sits on the bed next Jin. 


"Really, what's the reason? Your not gonna get in trouble or anything." Namjoon says, voice deep and smooth.


"Yeah. We won't judge you guys" Yoongi adds in, a hint of reassurance in his voice.


"You won't?" I choke out quietly, looking at the three men in front of me. They all nod at I sigh, leaning into Hoseoks warm chest slightly.


"Okay Okay. Fine.... I was having a really hard time sleeping in my room cause it was freezing and I can't sleep in total silence but the managers have been taking my phone at night because they found out I was using it for music until I fell asleep. So I moved to the living room and I was hoping that I would be able to fall asleep in there but it made no difference at all and I stayed up really late, and I guess Hoseok woke up... but he had came into the living room and told me it was too cold in there, and he dragged me to his room, and yeah...that's how we ended up in his bed." I say quickly, Jin giving me a blank look.


"So nothings going on between you two?" Yoongi asks and I just look at him.


"Um... well.... can I... trust you guys?" I whisper and they all nod, Namjoon coming to sit on the bed as well.


"I... I um.." I start but stop, a lump forming in my throat. Luckily for me Yoongi is smart.


"You like Hoseok don't you?" Yoongi says and I nod. He nods back and shifts his gaze to the floor. Jin is smiling at me, and so is Namjoon. 


"I don't know what to do" I say slowly.


"What do you mean, what to do?" Jin asks, raising his eyebrows at me.


"Well....Namjoon, "I say, and he nods at me, showing that I have his full attention. "Your the best advice giver I know. Should I tell Hoseok-hyung I like him or should I just keep it to myself? I don't want to lose him if I tell him and he doesn't like me back.... I mean he's not even gay, and what if he has a problem with me being gay?" I say, rambling and speaking the thoughts that are going through my head.


"I think you should tell him. He deserves to know, and you shouldn't have to hold your feelings in. If it hurts you that he doesn't know, tell him. I know it's a risk, but it's a risk you'll have to take. You won't lose him, I know how much he cares about you, along with all the other members, and he isn't homophobic so he wouldn't have a problem with you being gay. I think you should just take it slow and tell him when your ready and think the times right. And if you need our help we'll always be here for you." He says thoughtfully, looking me in the eyes the whole time. 


I smile shyly and nod at him, grateful to have such amazing hyungs. Namjoon smiles, dimples showing, but suddenly he stops, and his eyes go wide, along with Yoongi and Jin. I frown at them.


"What's wro-"


"Hey guys, can I have a moment alone with Taehyung? " a voice asks from behind me, and I freeze, completely horrified. The voice is Hoseoks.


They all nod and rush out of the room, closing it behind them. I shift off of him quickly, eyes glued to the floor. 


"Taehyung...." he starts, but I don't look at him.


"Tae look at me." I don't move.


"Taehyung?" He asks curiously, and I slowly turn my head to him, but my gaze still lowered.


"Baby look at me" He says and it catches me off guard. Baby?


I look up at him to him smiling at me, before biting his lip yly. 


"Did you... hear all of that?" I asks hesitantly.


"I heard enough" He says, his arms around my waist. He looks at me and smiles before running a hand through my orange, uncombed hair.






"I..." why is this so hard? He knows I like him, I literally just said it, but repeating it to his face, with his eyes locked on mine is harder then it sounds.


"Tell me Tae" he says, hand caressing my cheek lovingly.


"I... I like you" I say finally, and he smiles.


"I like you to." He replies. 


"But... your not gay. You don't like men." I say, shaking my head at him.


"I don't need them I have you" He says with a cute smile.


"Your not... I thought..." I say and he shakes his head. There's a knock on the door and Hoseok yells for them to come in.


Jin and Namjoon enter the room again, this time dressed up and looking nice.


"Sorry to interrupt you two, but we do have a schedule today so you need to get ready." Namjoon says in a professional tone and Hoseok nods.


He kisses in the crook of my neck and I blush. I didn't notice till after it was to late, that Jin had snapped a picture.


"Omg. I'm not gonna use this pic but the ones I took earlier I'm soooo posting on Twitter, our Facebook page, and every other account we have!!!!" He says excitedly, giving us a huge smile.


Hoseok and I laugh, climbing out of bed to get ready for today. Namjoon gave some good advice.... to bad I couldn't try it out on my own. Or well, in a way I did. I smile to myself and hope for the best that all goes well with our recording today.

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vhope00 #1
Chapter 2: already end? aahh i want to know the continue of this ㅠㅠ this is so adorable ohmagash btw i love ur fic so much!
Chapter 2: Aaahahhh sooo cutee and adorable seriously love this

Gay love between idols is hard
MinMin_SL #3
Chapter 1: Ohhh you are good!!! i died like 3 times while reading, well not really, just have the urge to scream a little when jhope suddendly waked up and when he says " i dont need them i have you" -dying- its is the end?
Chapter 1: Hoseok your acting so great huh..great
Chapter 1: Smart Hoseok
thats great woaahh so cute
MinMin_SL #7
Ummm.... so the foreword is the fic....? Can you make a sequel, (like a chapter 1) because it looks like you havent post anything, and maybe doing that, will help you to get more views and some upvotes, because it is a really good one.