Cheat sheet




CHeat sheet

Turn in + source code + example

RULE 001  write here
RULE 002 ☆ write here
RULE 003 write here
RULE 004 write here
RULE 005 write here
RULE 006 ☆ write here 
RULE 007 ☆ write here


FACE-CLAIMS  Marshmallow icing gummies biscuit liquorice fruitcake brownie. Marshmallow bonbon marshmallow tootsie roll bonbon cookie. Sugar plum jelly-o brownie. Tootsie roll tootsie roll sugar plum carrot cake cupcake macaroon.

AGE  Danish candy lemon drops chocolate dragée tiramisu. Topping dragée apple pie donut tart chocolate bar. Muffin sweet roll candy canes muffin liquorice marzipan sugar plum dessert topping. Lollipop oat cake halvah pudding chocolate cake.

RELATIONS  Jelly-o cupcake fruitcake jelly beans chocolate. Apple pie chocolate wafer chocolate bar icing icing cheesecake. Oat cake jelly cookie candy canes jujubes cookie oat cake. Topping candy canes sweet roll apple pie caramels. Sweet jelly sweet roll. Applicake tiramisu jelly beans

LOVE INTEREST  Tootsie roll tootsie roll muffin biscuit biscuit cake chupa chups brownie dessert. Pie fruitcake fruitcake sesame snaps cotton candy jujubes lollipop dragée. Chocolate cake tiramisu icing muffin. Cake pudding icing. Soufflé sesame snaps cotton candy carrot cake pastry cookie macaroon.

PASSWORD  Tiramisu gummies pudding. Marzipan sugar plum sugar plum. Croissant croissant dragée. Cake powder chocolate cake ice cream. Marshmallow liquorice cotton candy. Wafer apple pie sesame snaps cheesecake danish candy canes.

OTHER ETC  Brownie gingerbread marzipan liquorice marshmallow gingerbread cupcake. Croissant topping sugar plum jelly gummies sweet roll jelly-o lemon drops jelly. caramels donut cookie muffin muffin bear claw tootsie roll.


author's note ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. 



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Chapter 8: Hi! I will be using this and I really appreciate you taking your time for these. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Chapter 8: I'll be using this!
Rini_nini #3
Chapter 9: I'll be using this. Thank You!
Mochixii #4
I'll be using this, kamsamida^0^
Chapter 8: using the application thanks! :)
This is really pretty~~~ im using this layout. Thank u for the wonderful layout :D
Using, thank you~
using this! :D