The beach


Jaebum liked to spend time at the beach, even if he didn't like the ocean. He just couldn't understand why people liked that big mass of water so much.


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Chapter 1: this was very cute !
Chapter 1: Awww haha! This short and really lovely! I love it <3
I'm glad you chose this pairing ^^ They really need more love. Hope you'd write more for them :)
joah_25 #3
Chapter 1: It's good... simple...
and I feel you jaebumie... *lonely
Chapter 1: I know im late in discovering this story but This story is goood!!!! Simple & nice... u really should consider make a sequel or turn it to a long-chaptered story....
Chapter 1: Ahh I really liked it! It was cute ;w; And I agree, Markbum really did fit this story well! I do hope that you'll write more Markbum pics in the future~