old friend ..

` remember me ?

Walking through these streets reminds you of the reminisce of beautiful old memories in Korea. The smell of food stands, washes up many more memories. *Sigh* 'It feels like its been forever since I came back.' You kept walking slowly until you got to your school's entrance, SHNWHA HIGH. 'I wonder what this school has installed for me.. ' You looked up at the school entrance sign, then quickly started walking again before anyone sees you looking stupid for staring at it. 'Where the heck is the office ?" You mumbled then looked down at the piece of paper which was written , ' C BLOCK - Student office' Then in the corner of your eyes you see, C BLOCK in bold on the end of the bick wall. You bolted in happiness of finding C BLOCK as you turned the corner you accidently bumped into someone . . .

" Oww. " You groaned.

" Yah, look where your going ! " The guy complained.

'This voice it feels so familiar'

"Ah, yeh.. I'm really sorry !" You said. Then started patting the dirt from his blazar. You then saw his name sown on his blazer, ' Kim Jaejoong ' Your eyes widen and you looked up to him.

'Now she realise who I am, she must be one my fan girls. Aish, I hate them so much'

'Wow, he changed so much, what happened to his bowl cut.' You then started giggling.

Jaejoong looked confused and shouted, " Yah ! You should be bowing to me, saying sorry for a thousand times or even better disappearing from my sight !"

'Who does girl think she is, laughing at a KINGKA !' He walked off in fury.

'He doesn't remember me ? This guy, stop messing with me' You chased after him. 'Woah, what a group he has surrounding him' That didn't stop you from going to him, although some girls was really pushy. You finally got to him and tugged his blazar.

' What does she want ?! '

" JAEJOONG OPPA, you remember me . . . right ? " You questioned.

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YouDunnoMe #1
wow good fic !!
iLoveExo12 #2
update soon :))
ashley12185 #3
Update? I would like to see what happens :P