Chapter 5: The Meeting

Lucky Life

MinHyun's POV bright...

O___O *gets up*, *looks at the time*

KYAAAAA! It's already 7:00 AM! I'm gonna be late!

*Rushes to the bathroom to take a bath*

Oh my gosh! I can't afford to be late! It will ruin  my reputation! Father will be unpleased! why didn't anyone wake me up >.<

*Gets out of the shower and wears uniform*

Wew....I better eat breakfast if I still have time- NO!! it's already 7:10!

I'll just go without eating breakfast!

Where's the car?!






Ah! the gates are closing!  "Thank you driver! but next time be ready outside the house!"

*Huff, huff* I....I can't make it! 

Why are they closing the gates so early?!


Ah! the gate's closed! *looks left and right*

I'll just have to try and climb the walls!!

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice calling me! I hope it's not the disciplinary comitee-!

*looks back*    //O_______O// JI-JI-JINYOUNG?!

"*chuckles* you look like you're having a hard time" He answered

>/////< this situation is kind of embarassing!

"No-no I'm not- but hey! what are you doing here this early in the morning?!" I asked him

"Let's talk about that later, first we need you to enter the school ne?" He said with a grin

O//////////O so handsome >.<

"How about this: I'll climb up first, pull you up, then I'll come down to catch you at the bottom" He suggested 


O_____________O ca-catch me?!  He-he will catch me?!  I'm heavy >.< he might turn into a pancake!

Oh my gosh! my heart is pounding! O_O! He already climed up!

"Here take my hand!" He told me reaching out his right hand

"Ah-ah ne!" I held his hand trying to climb up the wall while he is helping me by pulling me up, Now we're on top of the wall

He jumped down! "Come! jump! I'll catch you!" 

O______________O OH MY GOSH! This is the moment! My heart feels like it's gonna explode! "I-I'm pretty heavy!" I warned him

"Don't worry! I'll definitely catch you!" he said reassuring me! I jumped, secretly crossing my fingers

Oof! urghhh~ O___O I-I'm lying on his chest!! Oh my gosh! my heart is bating so loud! He-he might hear it!

Huh? what's this? my right hand resting on JinYoung's left chest,

I-I can feel his heart beat! it's-it's so fast! then I looked at his face-

He's all flustered! >////////<

Photobucket"I-I'm sorry!" I said while getting off him, "I'm really heavy sorry" >.<


He then seated up, all red "No that's not's just-"

You noticed the time, it's 7:15! Why didn't the bell ring?!

"You, you better go'll be late" He told me while smiling

I was confused on what to do, there are still many things I wanted to tell him... I might not get a second chance!

"Don't worry...We'll meet again" smiley He said with a smile 

"Y-Yes!" I answered him then rushed to the classroom

>u< He said that we will meet again! again! I will have a second chance to  talk to him! Yipee! I'm so happy! >///<

I opened the classroom door bowing my head "I'm sorry for being late!"

O___O wha-what?! nobody is here! How can that be?!


♪♫ Oh my beautiful target, you zoom zoom heart like a rocket 

Oh my beautiful target, you zoom zoom heart like a rocket 
I like it like it like it x3  ♫♪


"Hello?" I answered my phone

"Hello?! MinHyun!" .........O_________O  It was SunMi

"MinHyun!! Where are you?! I'm at your house right now! your driver said that you went to school! Did you forget? the school cancelled classes beacuse they are preparing for JinYoun's concert this afternoon!!"


CLASSES ARE CANCELLED?! what?! I forgot about that! then that explains why JinYoung is-



JINYOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he didn't tell me that classes were cancelled! no wonder he was smiling and chuckling the whole time! =_________________=


"Hey! MinHyun! you still there? what's the mater?" SunMi said

"Yeah yeah! I'm coming home now! I'll discuss this humiliating story when I get there =_____=" I answered and then hung up


That JinYoung....I was fooled by him! >/////<





Wahhhh~ It's short again xD sorry >.< I hoped you liked it >.<

About the drawing...I was doodling trying to picture it >.< sorry if it (my tablet is kind of busted @ ___ @ so it was hard...)


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Chapter 7: Update please~ It's interesting :*
JinyoungsBlingGirl #2
can you update it now? XD so excited for more chapters :D
update please..^^
GateWAyLove #4
Please Update it's a good story.. please update..!! :D
LOL. bad Jinyoung. XD<br />
shinee4ever2012 #7
ahahahah how could she forget about that?..
MapleDumplings #8
Jinyoung trollin on her, lol XD
MapleDumplings #10
Oooh, he remembers her!