Queen Germ Hates Hyenas

↻┊ stop & play - seventeen oneshot collection
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title : queen germ hates hyenas
pairing : lee seokmin & lee germaine
genre : friendship; school au; implied romance
originally published : december ten, twenty-thirteen
originally completed : december ten, twenty-thirteen
short summary : he was an idiot... and he laughed like one too.

“Hey min, can you turn your hyena laughter down a notch?” the irritated voice of first year student, Germaine, echoed from the other side of the classroom, “There are other people in this classroom who actually want to study,”

Ah Germaine was at it again. Everyone's heads lifted up from the pages of their textbook with grins on their faces, knowing where this was going to go. It was a public secret that transfer student Germaine and Class Clown Seokmin were on two different thinking levels. Germaine, because she had only been studying in Korea for about a year, worked very hard to understand the lessons that were conducted in a language she wasn't all too familiar with (although, even native Koreans would actually think she was Korean). And then there was Seokmin, who just played around in the back of the class with Soonyoung like there was no tomorrow.

“Lighten up a little, Germ!” Seokmin called out teasingly, winking in the process, “Besides, you have all day to study! From the looks of it, the school will be letting us out early anyway,”

The younger girl's button nose crinkled in annoyance at the nickname. “Germ” he called her. Only he called her that. It was like some sort of special pet name or something. She did not like it one bit. Shaking her head, Germaine decided that it was in her best interest to just ignore Seokmin, even though he had made a smart point. Outside the window she sat next to, the small flakes fell down in clusters of hundreds, sticking to the ground rather quickly. Seokmin was right, they were bound to have an early dismissal. But I mean, she wasn't going to admit that he was right even in a million years.

“If I'm not mistaken, Seokmin is totally head over heels for you,” the student sitting next to her whispered in English, “Tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was flirting just now,”

Yoo Damyeong, or as Germaine preferred to call her, Daoming, was the newest addition to their class. Originally from the United States of America, the Chinese-American was doing an exchange program for her entire summer. And since she could speak English, Germaine and her were immediately drawn to each other. The only other person in the class that could also speak English was Hansol, who was friends with Seokmin.

“Daoming, please,” Germaine turned the page of her math textbook, picking up her pink mechanical pencil once again to return to finish her work, “Seokmin wasn't flirting with me, and no, he doesn't like me. If there's anyone that likes anyone, it's your obvious crush on his best friend, Soonyoung,”

Daoming's eyes doubled in size as she gasped, “Wait, is it that obvious?”

“Uh yeah, so obvious that I'm sure even he knows,” Germaine peered over at her shoulder slowly, peeking over at Soonyoung who tried to quickly look back down at his lap, cheeks turning pink. Soonyoung had been tutoring her friend in Chemistry (which was Daoming's worst subject) and Korean Language, and ever since then, Daoming just wouldn't shut up about how much she liked the boy. Giggling, she turned back around and attempted to finish the problem she had been trying to finish for the past five minutes, “You might not want to look back though if you don't want to have another heart attack,”

“You know what, whatever! This is about Seokmin and your obvious attraction to each other, not Soonyoung and me!” Daoming waved at the air, using all of her effort not to look back. Germaine chuckled at her friend, slightly shaking her head while finishing the next question for her homework, unlike Daoming who was probably not going to do her homework, “Anyway, the announcements are going to come on anytime soon deciding whether or not we'll have early dismissal,”

As if the teacher's had been listening in on their conversation, the alert bell beeped, catching the attention of all the students. By instinct, everyone's gaze averted upwards like someone was talking to them, even though the announcement was bei

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Chapter 11: Akshshjsbsjajajahsnbs Dino oh my gdidoososijsbs ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: this is so cute omg
ZeloGDFR #3
Chapter 9: MY LORD O_O
Chapter 19: this was a heart hurter
Chapter 17: HOLY F-------------

Why didn't I just stay with Hansol goddamnit why did I have to check out the others and read this god Meanie
Chapter 19: This is so sad...T^T