Disappearing Act

↻┊ stop & play - seventeen oneshot collection
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title : disappearing act
pairing : shin dongjin & yao huang
genre : spine-chiller; tbh idek what i was going for
short summary : late transfer student from japan, shin dongjin, is starting his last semester at kyung rim academy. but unfortunately for him, he has to room with a complete stranger.
author's note: for this oneshot to work, i needed to use an older member. but since i didn't want to use the older members (since i already have a lot of stories written for them), i picked dongjin. in this story, he will be age bumped to seventeen years old.

Warn hues of orange and auburn leaves glowed in the final summer rays of the sun in the small province of South Korea, high school third year student, Shin Dongjin, was on his way to his new school. He had been accepted to spend his last year to the only school his parents allowed him to apply to in Korea, and class was starting in less than a few weeks. Looking at the landscape whiz past his window, he remembered his old classmates in Japan. They all seemed to be on edge, excited about the all-mighty final year of high school. They were all so eager to be graduating from this hell-like prison called 'high school'. In Dongjin's lead, he had already set his mind in graduating with all his buddies, but all his dreams shattered when his father came up to his room one fine July evening. Mr. Shin had gotten a promotion to work in the South Korean headquarters for the company he worked for, and because his parents were biased to their alma mater, Dongjin decided it was the smartest choice for his life.

Because he had arrived so late during the school year, it was as easy as pulling teeth to find a place to accommodate the young boy. His parents, thanks to the company, had moved into an apartment in the city. They relied on the boarding school to find him a room. It seemed like God answered Dongjin's prayers when he was moved into a two bedroom school-owned townhouse close to campus with another female student, Yao Huang. Now, seeing that Dongjin was going to have to be more cautious in his own home, he wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of living with a random roommate after hearing so many cunningly crafted 'horror roommate' stories. It didn't make sense to him that she lived alone though; didn't she have friends to live with? Was she paying for the townhouse all by herself? Thankfully, the renter explained that she was new to the town as well. It was then when he started to think that maybe, it wasn't going to be so bad.

The day he moved in, Dongjin met Huang later that afternoon. She had emerged from her bedroom drowning in a black hoodie, washout denim jeans, and a white on black beanie. In Dongjin's eyes, Huang was nice, and didn't make any trouble. She usually kept to herself though, and whenever they did see each other around the house, all they did was exchange nods. Not even a 'hi', just nods. The two didn't get to make friends with each other really since they had different schedules. She went to school in the evening, and maintained a morning part-time job, while he had class all morning, and was free at the evening. Nonetheless, he was pretty glad that he hadn't gotten a totally crazy, dependent roommate. She actually seemed normal. Within a few months, he finally settled into his new home, and had made a lot of friends at school. Dongjin had been completely taken in by this new life of his, that he didn't even realize that he hadn't seen Huang in about two days.

“Huang?” Dongjin asked one day, knocking on her door to check on her. He received no response. Then again, she kept her door shut a lot, so maybe she just didn't want to answer him. Still, he was worried nonetheless, and after a few seconds, he peeked his head in the door to see if she was okay. The scent of perfume grotesquely painted the air like she had washed the entire room with whatever concoction she enjoyed wearing. Taking a few steps away from the door, wrinkling his nose, Dongjin saw her lying in her bed peacefully, under her comforter, facing away from the window and the door. But even so, he could see her silky black hair covering her face.

“Oh, hi, Dongjin. I didn't see you there,” Huang croaked weakly from underneath her covers, almost inaudibly. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke, not turning around, “Sorry, I'm not feeling well. I've lost my voice...”

Nodding his head, Dongjin muttered an incoherent apology, and slipped out of the room, guilty that he had intruded into her room while she was asleep. So with that, he went about the rest of the day regularly; he did his laundry, and went out with a few of his friends for dinner. Chan, Hansol, and Seunggwan were all in his gym class, and from there they had grown to be friends even outside of school. It was pretty late into the evening when Dongjin came back from the karaoke place, when he decided that it was time to finally start on his homework. Sure, it was only the beginning of the weekend, but it was better to get it done and over with than leaving it until last minute. The pungent smell of wil

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Chapter 11: Akshshjsbsjajajahsnbs Dino oh my gdidoososijsbs ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: this is so cute omg
ZeloGDFR #3
Chapter 9: MY LORD O_O
Chapter 19: this was a heart hurter
Chapter 17: HOLY F-------------

Why didn't I just stay with Hansol goddamnit why did I have to check out the others and read this god Meanie
Chapter 19: This is so sad...T^T