
The Truth Hurts

"Ok, so I know that C.A.P is the leader, L.joe is the visual?...ugghh i forgot. " Minah dropped her head on the desk in her room. She was supposed to be studying for a chemistry test that was the next day, but of course she got distracted. "They're all just so gorgeous! They should all be the visual" Instead she was studying her Teen Top facts and all that good stuff. She looked up as she felt her phone vibrate on the table. "Death row, next in line speaking" she sarcastically said to the person on the oher line. "You are so dumb Min. It's me, Ari. What you doing?" Minah laughed silently and closed her chemisrty book. " I told you, Im next in the death row." She dropped herself on her bed and laid comfortably. "Hahaha ok ok. So, how's Changjo?" Ari asked jokingly. Ever since Minah started listening to Teen Top, her bias was Chunji. She loved the way he looked, his voice, his face, everthing in him. But, what she didn't like was that in all of the live performances she saw, Changjo would always cover Chunji. She got frustrated every time the camera would avoid Chunji and focus on the maknae. "Girl, you wanna die? I hate him!!!" she yelled thorugh her phone to annoy her friend back. Ari laughed on the other line non stop, she just loved teasing Minah. "ok, im just kidding!  Did you study for chemistry?" Ari asked the now dazed Minah. "Min. Min! YAH! CHOI MINAH!!!!" Ari yelled through her phone. "I have to go Ari. See you tomorrow" "But....*click*" Minah hung up abruptly. Leavin Ari all worried and confused.



Minah was making her way to the bus stop for school. She was skipping happily while listening to music on her phone. It was the beginning of summer and evryone was excited for the upcoming summer. Planning family vacations, camp trips and all the cool summer things. But Minah, she had her summer planned differently. The bus came to a stop in front of the bench where there were some girls sitting and Minah was standing next to in her own world. She headed towards the door and sat on her usual seat that was by the window. "hyangsu ppurijima~" she whispered while listening to some Teen Top.

The ride to school went by fast and Minah was already entering school. She opened the front door and then, "BAM!" someone had hit her with a book. "What the...ARI WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??????" She rubbed the top of her head where she had been aggresively hit by a chemistry book."That's for hanging up out of nowhere last night!" Ari scolded poor Minah who didn't really care what her friend was saying. "What happened last night?" Minah took a deep breath and looked at her friend,"Teen Top is having a comeback this month." She said with a serious face and looked away into the distance making the scene dramatic. Ari opened to say something but the bell rung and Minah left immediatly to her homeroom.

"That test was sooooooo easy I was worried for nothing." Minah said while opening the door to exit school. It was the weekend so she was very excited. Teen Top was coming back with a really different concept than usual. She was very excited to see Chunji who had black hair and a red strand. Minah almost fainted when those teaser pictures came out. "Well, see ya guys! Bye~~" she waved goodbye to her friends and ran to her house. "I am not missing this comeback for anything in this world."

It had been 4 hours since Minah had come back from school. She was so excited she did her homework on time, ate diner, cleaned the dishes, took a shower, and even clean her room. She wanted to be as comfortable as she could be for when the MV was released.

Moment of truth was here. "OH GOD IT'S OUT!!!!" Minah felt like she was about to faint. She was so excited she couldn't even move. Sounds weird but she was just inmobile. She went on youtube, searched for Teen Top To You mv, and clicked in the video.

1st minute:oh god

minute and a half: gahhhhhhhhh

2nd minute: omg the dance!!!

End of song:.... dead.

Minah had just experinced all of the emotions evr to be expereinced in life in one moment. She replayed over and over and she just loved it more and more.

"Changjo is just so handsome" Minah said. Then her eyes widened. "What the.... I LIKE CHANGJO!!!!!!"



Hello ma peeps! Here's the second chapter. The story will make more sense once I get to the third chapter, that's where I start to add more of the true story. As it says, this is based on true events. well, hope you guys have a wonderful day! Fangirl all the way~


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Chapter 2: Those reactions.. almost the same as mine while watching rocking.. :3
Chapter 1: Great start. I'm wondering what happens next! x3
It sounds quite interesting, so I'm looking forward to your update. :3