Chapter 5- I'll walk you home~! *\(^,^)/*

Boy In Luv


Taehyung POV- 
Me and tae walked down the school pathway,round back since she normally goes that way. we joked around and chased eachother with big sticks that had fallen off from the trees; she even freaked out when a leave fell on her forehead! the path split into to paths, taerin stopped in he trail and i turned around to face her. "I go down this  path way  home." she pointed to the path on the right. "eh? where abouts do you live?" "i'm lose to school; just past peoples park." "will you be okay? it's getting late, down you want me to walk you" (being the gentleman i am~ = u = ) tae flicks me on the fore head, i step back rubbing my head. " "ah, it hurts! why's ya do that, yah?!" she crossed her arms and leaned on one side. "yah, pabo oppa! i'm not that weak you know? i'll be okay! araseo?" 

"n-ne.....fine. but still, be careful......ah, i know!" i reached into my inside blazer pockets, pulling out my iphone. "tae-ah plaese give me your phone." "e-eh? wae?" "just give it to me, don't waste time stupid!" i playfully poke her cheek then lay out my hand waiting. "okay,okay! chill, aish....." she rummaged throught her school bag, looking for her phone. "ja, here!" she handed me her phone. i ammediantly start tapping the screen, giving her my phone number. "there we go. done" i hand her phone back as i'm cquestioned on what i did. "i gave you my phone number, so you can call me at anytime if your in trouble or just want someone to talk to, i'll be there. Call me when you get home to let me know that you're okay, got it?" all she could simply do was nod. i could see it so clearly on her face that she was turning red; staring in awe completely trying to process what i just said. heh, she's so cute when she gets all flustered~- um, i mean.....yeah, whatever >3<.

Narrator POV-
"i-is it really okay......?" taerin was so overwhelmed in shock she couldn't even move. "aish, you- jinjja! you worry to much, i don't like it y'know~! it's okay!" tae thanked him still a little shocked, as  she stared down as her phone; memorizing his number. "anyway, you better head home then.." taehyung was arms open ready to hug her but stopped. he began to remember what she said about why she ignored him. they both stood there in akward silence for a few  seconds before taerin jumped at him. she hugged him slightly, stepped back and turned to walk away after saying goodbye. the orange haired boy was surprised and could see the slight redness in her ears as she walked away, head hung low. A big cheeky grin was shown on his face, so big it was too big for his own face. turning on his heels, fist bumping the air, he too walked away.
~10 mins later~
taerin's face was lit with a joyful smile as she thought back to when taehyung oppa played 'eyes nose lips'  for her on the piano. every once in a while she would take out her phone and look at his phone number, reading it out loud to herself. she didn't even realise it was getting so dark; she picked up her pace as she walked through the park. regret filled her as she saw a bunch of 'shady lads' hanging out on  the swings; all eyes were on her and she wished that she had walked around the parked. 

Taerin's POV-
just don't look at them tae, keep on wallking ignore them. the gang stopped whatthey were doing and looked over at me. crap. "hey'yo guuurlll. what's a pretty lady like 'yo doing out herrre at nitee~ hahh? wanna have sssome funn, baby?" the lip pierced man spoke with slurred drunken words. ugh, i shivered when he called me 'baby'. disgusting. i tried to walk faster  but my legs couldn't even! i'm screwed....
the man walked over to me swaying side to side slightly, with a can of beer in his hand. "ay,ayyy! don't worry, i'll show you eh goood tyme gurrll, c'monn!" he rested his  hand on my shoulder. i moved away and brushed his hand awya still looking at the floor. "please don't touch me." i spoke barely a whisper. he grabbed me by the wrist, "i ain't gonna huuurt 'choo~! what'ss wrung?" his face came closer  and i yanked my wrist out of his grip. "go away!" big mistake. the man's face scrunched up; he grabbed me by the arm and i tried to slip away. "oooooh, you're in for it now~~" some of the other lads spoke out. 

without thinking, i slapped him fullforce across the face, taking it as my chance to escape. i slipped out of his grip and ran for it. but he was already chasing after me. it was like gym class all over again; i at this since i cant even run to save my life! like now! He was really fast, i could be wrong but it was as if he was Usain Bolt in disguise! before i could even process on w hat was going on, the man grabbed me by the shoulders and flung me onto the grass. i panicked, crawling desprestely to get away. i needed help! help......oppa. taehyung oppa! i rummaged through all of my blazer pockets looking for my phone. once i found it i hurried to call taehyung but before i could even press 'call', a figure toward above me, slapping my phone out of my hand. the man grabbed me by the shirt and lifted up his fist, about to hit me. 

i close my eyes lifting my arms up to my face for protection. i waited for him to swing at me but nothing came at after a few seconds i took a peek. "Don't touch her, you filthy drunkard." My eyes widened as i saw.....
"here. drink this." i reached out for the offered can of coke. "a-ah, gamsahamnida, Jimin oppa......" i sip at my drink as i swing alittle on the swing. Jimin sit on the swing next to me nd does the same. we sat in silence for a minute or two before i spoke. "thank you for saving me back then....." he smiled a little looking up at the cold stone moon in the sky.  "it's okay. you're lucky i was on the park and saw you otherwiseyou would've been a goner!" "n-ne...." i nodded. 

he stood up and  stretched his arms out with a big  yawn. "aaaaaawwwwhnn~! anyway, c'mon, i'll walk you home. it alrady half six!" he reached a hand out for me; i hesistantly take it as he pulls me up fast. we start walking out the park and  down the next street. we the first block, walked up then turn on the third block 'til we got to my street. he walked me up to my front door without saying anything. "we're here. thank you for walking me home, jimin oppa. i really don't know how to thank you." i turned to him and bowed, but he grunted in annoyance. what was wrong with him? 
without warning he grabbed me  by the wrist and pulled me close 'til i was right up against him; the side of my face buried in his warm chest. i was blushing like crazy. Jimin wrapped one of his arms around my neck and the other ruffling my hair. "aish, you pabo. can you stop with formalities and speak to me as if we were friends?" he backed away a little after kissing the top of my head.  i stuttered to say something, just anything really, i didn't even know anymore! 

"w-well....g'night, taerin-ah" he was abit flustered as well, but before i could say something back he turned away and ran into the dark, disappearing. i stood there for a moment thinking about what just happened, and i've gotta admit i was a little happy about it. "Yah. tae-ah!  where you been?! it's super late, get in and stop standing like a fool out side your own frigging  house!" hyunseung, my brother had opened the door and began to lecture me as he dragged me into the house. this is gonna be great, but i couldn't care less i was in too much of a daze. 'jimin oppa.........'
"I'm leaving~" i say out loud as i slip on my school shoes and pick my bag up. "come home on time today please"  hyunseung shouts sarcastially from the kitchen. "*sigh* ne~~!" i open the door, closing it behind me. as i turn around, a person i didn't expect to see was standing in front of my house, leaning against a lamppost. 

"yah, took you long enough! c'mon, let's go. i don't like waiting so long!"

~tadah~~~~! i couldn't think of anything else except this....hope you like it! i stayed up really late doing this, it's nearly 1 ! ah.......i forgot what else i was gonna say. um, it's not as long as the others i know, but i've been sleeping and waking up in the afternoons since i'm trying my hardest to get a few chapters done since i go back to school monday! please subscribe and stay tuned for the next chapter my little chingus! ahahaha......i don't have any chingus .-. jk! i do! .....but not many. aha xD any way nite x please enjoy abit of taerinxV and TaerinxJimin!!! (~^ 3 ^ )~ bwuibwuiiii!!~


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Chapter 4: Love this story keep up the good work and update soon ^_^
FallenDemon #2
Chapter 2: You included some exo members!!! ^-^ yesssss baekyeol ship in the story is awesome!!!
FlamingSHINee91 #3
Chapter 1: It's really a cute story >< but sorry to say this bts got 7 members not 6 so sorry if I offend you in anyway