
Lost Innocence

No one notices your tears.


"Yeong Heejin."

"Ne! I'm here."

"Choi Minki."

Heejin looked at the empty seat next to her right, puffing out her cheeks. Looks like that Minki guy was going to be in the teacher's bad books on the first day day of school. "Choi Minki!" the teacher called out again but there was only silence. Heejin watched the teacher click his pen in annoyance and note down something before calling out the next name, "Lee Hyunwoo..."

After listening for a few minutes, Heejin gave up trying to piece everyone's names to their faces and began fiddling with her pens. Suddenly she heard the front door of the classroom being dragged open and a squeaky voice shouted, "Sorry! I'm late!" Everyone, Heejin included, turned to look at the newcomer. The teacher looked stunned at his appearance for a minute before clearing his throat, "You're... Choi Minki?"

The boy nodded his head with his lips pursed. Heejin couldn't believe her eyes as she scanned the boy up and down. This Choi Minki was too pretty to be a boy. His pouty lips and sharp jawline were everything a girl could dream of having. At this, Heejin consciously put her hand up to her scarred cheek. Damn, she was going to have serious confidence issues if Choi Minki was going to be her table mate.

"Alright. Go sit down beside Yeong Heejin over there," the teacher said and pointed at me. Heejin felt the class' attention shift to her and she wanted to face plant onto the table. Minki's eyes wandered to her then he nodded and walked over. Heejin bit her lips, staring at the table. Don't look at him, young lady, she told herself but she ended up peeking at Minki at the corner of her eyes. He really had beautiful eyes. 

Suddenly, Minki turned to her as if he felt her looking at him. "Yes?" he asked, voice a little stiff. Heejin quickly shook her head and turned back to her own table, "N-Nothing." Heejin thought she heard Minki scoff but she put it aside and continued playing with her pen while the teacher read off the list of names.


"Hello! My name is Yeong Heejin. My birthday is on the 25th of January and I like watching documentaries about technology. I want to become a scientist when I grow up."

"Hi everyone. I'm Choi Minki.  My birthday in on the 3rd of November. I have a husky called Kira and I like sketching. I want to be a photographer in the future."


The days passed slowly but surely and Heejin began to learn more about Minki as the did work together. He was actually quite a smart guy, just that he was too soft-spoken. He would suddenly speak of a scenery so vividly that Heejin couldn't help but imagine it. Minki was a rather dreamy person and Heejin often caught him staring out of the windows during lesson. 

Soon, they grew close to each other. Heejin would often tell Minki her designs of machines that she wanted to build and he would sketch them perfectly on his little notepad. They spent a lot of time at the corner of the school field lying down, just staring into the sky. Heejin thought Minki was doing alright at school, until one day, she saw him get bullied by the others.

"Have you decided? Micky mouse?" the boy sneered, shoving Minki against the wall. Heejin heard the thud and backtracked to see what was happening. She gasped when the boy gave Minki another hard shove. She could see him trying to control his pain through his clenched jaws. "Answer me!" The boy shouted and kicked Minki in the groin.

He gave a small shriek of pain as he fell to the floor. "Are you going to dress up as a girl and be my date for prom?" the guy asked, a smirk growing on his face. Heejin could feel the anger rising in her body. She watched Minki struggle against the boy's grip on his left arm. "Give me a reply!" The boy shouted again, this time kicking Minki's side, causing him to keel over.

"Oh, I get it now," the boy said in a sudden soft voice. He bent down to be on the same level as Minki's shivering body, "You're worried that Yeong Heejin won't have a date?" Minki showed no apparent emotion and the boy gripped Minki's face roughly. He said through gritted teeth, "Listen here, Micky... You don't have to worry about her because she will obviously get a date, despite such a nerd she is. And you? No one will go as your date because you're ing prettier than all the other girls. Do you-"

Heejin strode forward, unable to contain her anger. She raised her hand and a resounding contact with skin struck the air. Heejin ignored the shocked look on the boy's face and procceeded to say, her voice dripping with contempt, "Yah. Kim Jinyoung. No one will be your date because they know you're an . Minki?" She looked down at her quiet friend and continued, "He will get a date because he is a gentleman, unlike some wild animal here. I think it escaped from the zoo. Maybe I should call the keepers to take it back."

Heejin glared coldly at Jinyoung before pulling Minki up by the hand, "Let's go. You don't deserve to waste time on an animal." With that, she pulled Minki along and ran down the corridor, ignoring all the curious and shocked looks thrown at her.


"Ahh ahh ah-"

"It still hurts?"

"You should know better, Miss scientist."

"Ungrateful brat. I saved you from that and you're still being sarcastic."

"Ahhhh ah ah ah ouch!"

"Lie still! If you keep moving, your wound will keep bleeding."

The air was cooling as Minki lay down on the carpet like grass while Heejin cleaned up the bleeding wound on the side of his stomach. Heejin sighed, staring at his wound. She had cleaned up the area, but fresh blood was still trickling out little by little. She discarded the tissue paper and reached out for a new one.

"Why didn't you tell me? About Kim Jinyoung."

"I-I... Didn't want to trouble you."

"Yah! Choi Minki! You could have gotten worse trouble yourself if I didn't pass by there today!"

"Calm down, Jin. You're being especially overprotective and grumpy lately. Is it because of your... Ahem."

Heejin threw the packet of tissue at Minki's face exasperatedly, "I'm not cleaning for you anymore. Ungrateful kid. Maybe I should also start calling you Micky Mouse." Minki hurled the tissue packet back at her, "Don't call me that."



"Minki the Micky Mouse."

"I said-"

Minki sat up to grab Heejin's sleeve furiously but he fell back down almost immediately with a grunt. Heejin shot him a cross look, "See what happens to people who don't listen." She then picked up the earlier discarded tissue packet and continued cleaning the wound. 


"Mummy! What happened next? The boy must be feeling very pain!" the young kid asked with a frown. The girl smiled at him before correcting, "It's painful, not pain." The boy grumbled while he sauntered over to the other side of the room, "What's the difference? I thought both of them mean the same thing." She pondered on her son's words, her mind slipping from her memories for a moment.

Junnie's correct. Pain is pain. She sighed and her eyes teared up involuntarily. Pain... What was it? What does it mean? Joy was just the predecessor of pain. Both are equally useless and hopeless. "Twinkle twinkle little star... How I wonder what you are..." her son sang, fiddling with his toy train. Her heart clenched when she heard the pure tune coming from her son.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are- Ya. Stop sulking. Oi, Heejin!"

"Shut up."

"Look at the sky, it's so nice and pretty."

"Still prettier than me, Minki."

"Yah. As long as I am here, I'll make sure no one calls you ugly ever again. "

"Sheesh. Say something will you?"

"What is beauty?"

"I dunno. You?"

"Can you stop it? It's annoying."

"I'm serious. Beauty is you. You're be-au-ti-ful. Beautiful my girl, whoa oh oh-"

"Why are you so cheesy tonight?"

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what is love?"

"Stop being so abstract. You know love is something we'll never understand..."

"But I want to find out what it is. Is it that bittersweet like others say it is?"


You've got your answer, Minki, the girl thought quietly, staring out of the window. The clock chimed on the wall, giving a momentary shock. "Mummy! Time to go to school!" The little boy chirped excitedly as he stood up, "First day! First day!" "Okay Junhwa! We'll go now," the lady said with a comforting voice. 

"Heejin-ah! You better start going off to Junnie's school now!" a loud voice shouted from outside the room. Heejin brushed a strand of hair back, "Yes Mum!' She quickly helped Junhwa to put on his uniform before carrying him out to the living room. A stern-looking woman sat at the dining table and pushed a lunch box towards Heejin. "Here's Junnie's lunch."

Heejin picked it up with a bright smile and stuffed it into Junhwa's bag, "Thanks Mum!" 

"Aish you should seriously start learning how to start preparing things, Heejin. Mum cannot always be here for you." she scolded the girl. Junhwa asked brightly, "But Halmeoni will always be here for me right?" Heejin looked at her son's innocent expression and gave a small laugh. So cute. Her mother's grumpy expression gave way into a warm one as she replied, "Of course! Halmeoni and Eomma loves you very much."

"Yay!" Junhwa cheered and tried to reach out for Halmeoni to carry but ended up almost falling over. Heejin quickly pulled Junhwa back before anything could happen. She sighed, "Junnie, stop doing that. You're going to fall and it'll be painful!" Junhwa sulked and Halmeoni nodded in agreement, "Listen to Eomma." She then looked at her watch and told her mum, "Eomma-nim. We have to go. Bye!"

Downstairs, Heejin placed Junhwa gingerly on the front seat of the bicycle before cycling off towards the school. 

"Eomma. Is school scary?"

"Scary? No. It's not."

"I heard there's bullying!"

"Nonsense! Who told you that?"

"Er.. TV? Umm... S..BS."

"Junnie. If you watch that channel again, Eomma is going to punish you."

"Yes... Eomma."

Soon, they came in view of the brickstone school and Heejin smiled to herself. It reminded her of her high school and Min- She pushed the thought aside and continued cycling. As they got nearer the school, Heejin saw more children gathering around the front gates. Some were crying in fright while others had a lost look on their face. Heejin stopped the bicycle and got off to carry Junhwa.

"Junhwa-ah... Today is your first day at school. Make friends okay?" she told her son. Junhwa nodded his small head quietly before jumping out of Heejin's arms. "And behave yourself!" The little boy flinched at his mother's sudden harsh tone but still nodded his head. Heejin bent down to kiss Junhwa on the forehead after staring at him. 

Just then, the bell rang and all the children began streaming into the school with a more or less vibrant feeling. Heejin gently pushed Junhwa forward and said, "Okay. Go. School's starting." Junhwa took a few tentative steps forward before turning back to look at her nervously. "It'll be fine, Junnie. Go. Eomma will look for you after school." At that, her son continued walking into the school gates until he disappeared from sight.

Heejin felt her pounding heart, fervently wishing that Junnie would be alright. School was a scary thing, she had lied to him. Then she remembered the nervous look Junhwa put when he turned around. He look so much like him... Heejin blinked away the tears and walked towards her bicycle. She couldn't afford to loose concentration. She still had work to do at the supermarket.

Suddenly, a little girl with familiar eyes dashed past Heejin and into the school. Her ponytail flew after her as she ran. Heejin's heart beat wildly in her chest.




Minki sighed in exasperation after glaring at his daughter. The four-year-old returned his glare with a cheeky grin. "Eunkyung-ah, please follow appa and go to school," Minki tried again, only to find the girl disappear from the window sill. Her laughter rang like Christmas bells as she raced around the apartment happily. Eunkyung ran up to him and tapped him on the thigh, "Tag! You're it!" 

The girl vanished almost instantly from her position, bringing her laughter with her. Minki groaned tiredly and collapsed on the sofa behind him. He was supposed to attend a very important lecture today, but his dear Eunkyung wasn't ready to listen to him. He also haven't unpacked everything from the boxes. His mother forced them to move to make sure Eunkwang didn't have to walk such a long distance to school. He closed his eyes and felt a small finger poking his side. "Appa is tired already?" a small voice asked.

"Yes appa is tired. Very tired. Eunkyung, if you don't listen to appa, I'll ask the big bad wolf to come and eat you!"

There was an instant scream of terror and Minki smiled as Eunkyung very adorably clambered onto the sofa and clinged onto his waist. "I don't like wolves! They are meannies! I like bunnies! Fluffy bunnies!" An idea at struck Minki's brain suddenly after hearing that. He sat up and asked Eunkyung sweetly, "Eunnie, if you go to school, appa will bring you to take photos of bunnies." 


"Yes. Appa never lies."


At that, Eunkyung jumped off the sofa and ran into their room. Minki shook his head but smiled to himself. Aish that girl. If he hadn't adopted her he didn't know if she could be this cheeky now. And her eyesmile... Heejin... "Appa! Where is my uniform?"

Minki walked into the room to unhook Eunkyung's uniform. Appa never lies. His whole life was a lie.




Junhwa didn't like Eunkyung. She was too loud, and happy, like she had every candy in the world.

Mummy told him that people who smiled and laughed the most were the ones who were sad. So, Junhwa decided not to hate her- No, mummy told him to not use 'hate'. Dislike, he corrected mentally as he took out the lunch box Halmeoni had prepared. He grinned as he took a bite of the sandwich. Tuna and cheese. Yum. He decided not dislike her, if she was sad. That was bad.

Junhwa thought that way because Mummy was sad everyday. She cried and he didn't like to see his Mummy cry. Mummy also told people looked ugly when they cry, so he didn't understand why Mummy will cry if she wanted to be pretty. Being sad is bad, he reasoned in his little mind, Maybe that's why Eunkyung is happy. Being sad is bad.

Suddenly, someone pushed a candy cane in his face. "Hello," Eunkwang said, "You look sad." He looked sad? Junhwa instantly looked up, "I look sad?" Eunkwang beamed and nodded, "Yeah. You have that upside down moon on your face."

Junhwa felt horrified, "I have a moon on my face?" "Yeah- Oh noes. Moons don't belong down here!" Eunkwang said, also suddenly turning pale.

"Is my face glowing?"


"Then its not a moon."

Mummy taught him that a moon glowed, reflected light from the sun which was the bright glowing ball in the sky. If his face didn't shine, there wasn't a moon on his face. Eunkwang crossed her arms crossly and pouted, "But my daddy told me that as long as something looks like something, it can be a version of something." "Really?" Junhwa asked. That was new.

"Not really. I'm not sure," Eunkwang grinned happily before pushing the lollipop into his hands. "Here. Happy candy always makes me happy. Maybe you'll be happier when you eat this." Junhwa blinked and stared at the rainbow coloured sweet in his hand, then to his sandwich while Eunkwang walked away. "I still like my sandwich. Mummy told me candies are bad for your teeth. If you eat too much, your teeth will drop, like Halmeoni."

He shivered at the thought. He didn't want to be left with five teeth. If he had five teeth, he couldn't eat sandwiches. As Junhwa put the lollipop aside, he planned to tell Eunkwang this. Eunkwang would drop her teeth if she kept eating candies and have five teeth.




Heejin blew out a smoke of cold air as she finished packing the last container of ramyun. "Thank you! Please come again!" she told the girl. She watched her take the food away before joining her group of friends. They looked like they were from the university in the next town. Heejin swallowed a gulp of resentment as she wiped the sweat off her brows with her sleeves.

She could have gone to university too. She could be living a totally different life. Because of Choi Minki. If they didn't... Didn't... Without warning, she broke into tears. Heejin thought she had already passed the stage of crying. Apparently not. "Don't cry," a familar voice said, "You look awful."

Heejin couldn't resist a smile and hurled a packet of tissue at the man. Aron stood there and nodded approvingly, "Much better. You don't look like a spoilt girl." Heejin took a deep breath and asked, "Eonnie is not coming here today?" Aron shook his head, "She went to the university to negotiate something."

Aron was wearing a simple black shirt and pair of jeans. He looked like he just returned from the morning's delivery, which could be true. They fell into a peaceful silence, then Aron asked as he leaned against the counter, "You're thinking about him again."

He always seemed to read her mind, no matter what it was. But Heejin expected it. Aron had been her only friend, other than his sister ever since that incident. She still remembered the day he found her crying on the steps of his sister's ramyun shop. She was feeling extremely helpless back then, but thinking back on it, she must have looked really pathetic.

"Heejin, it's been like, what? Four years?" Aron asked in concern. Heejin smiled and wiped away her tears although her heart was still begging her to cry. She replied, "Yeah I know. I'll forget it in time." Just then, the phone behind the counter rang. Aron reached over and picked it up, "Hello! This is Gu Rang Ramyun Stall!" Heejin watched him mutter and take down on a piece of paper, "Yes... Three sets of black bean Jjamyun... Okay they'll be delievered to your home in an hour! Thanks for calling."

Aron turned around and pinched her cheeks, "You got work to do." She scowled and smacked his hand away, "Yeah and you've still got two more deliveries to make." Heejin quickly passed the few packets of ramyun to Aron before pushing him out of the store. 

"Go go go," she said. Aron turned back and pointed at her and said loudly, "You owe me one ice cream!" Heejin shouted back with her hands on her hips, "I don't owe anyone ice-cream! Shoo!" As soon as Aron turned away grumbling in the distance, Heejin closed the glass door quickly and cried, her hands cupping her face.

They all thought that it was only because of Minki leaving her.  They didn't know how it felt like to take all the responsibility. They didn't know about the tears both of them cried, only to be rejected in the end. They didn't know about the half of her heart lost to him, and their little girl.




Minki thought school was finally putting a stop to Eunkwang's hyperactive behavior after three months. Apparently, it didn't.

He considered his two choices. The front entrance or the proffessor who looked ready to skewer anyone who dared to interrupt his holy speech. They weren't neccessarily good for his health. And it was just his luck that he was sitting near the top of the auditorium with the front entrance twenty rows down. 

"Oi. You have that look on your face. What are you planning? Spit it out," a female voice whispered beside him. Minki turned to look at Jihyun and asked, "I have that look?" Jihyun snorted, "No. You have that look about 100% of the time. What are you thinking of?"

Jihyun was just a punkier version of Heejin. Just that she didn't wear spectacles, had rounder eyes, liked riding motorcycles (sheesh he hated those things) and happened to be a good listener. Minki stared at the screen of his handphone: Dear Mr Choi, your daughter, Eunkwang has injured a classmate during class again. We would like to see you now. Form teacher, Miss Lee.

Minki winced when he finished the message. This was Eunkwang's third time causing trouble. "Huh. I like your kid," Jihyun commented and yawned. Suddenly, she cringed and yelled loudly, "Ouch it hurts!" Minki widened his eyes, "What that heck-"

"If you want to see Eunkwang, play along," she hissed under her breath. "Jihyun. Are you okay?" the professor asked, and the students stared at both of them. Jihyun cried, "No! It hurts!" Then Minki watched her make a scene of rumaging her bag and then shouting, "I didn't bring the meds!"

The proffessor quickly asked them to see the nurse soon after. Minki thought it was more of because he didn't two kids fainting in class. Then he would a lot of explaining to do. When the two of them stepped out of the university, Minki frowned and asked, "Are you okay?"

Jihyun beamed as she smoothened the length of her skirt, "Of course I am. Let's go see Eunkwang! I like her attitude. Her mum must be awesome." Minki swore that the water he was drinking turned stale when he heard the sentence. Jihyun said in front of him, "Hurry up you're-" She turned around and saw his face. He must have looked quite stricken as she immediately said, "Gosh. I didn't mean it. Sorry, Micky."

She being a very easily flustered person, as usual, ran away.

"Sorry Micky," Heejin said. Her eyes were sparkling with tears as he looked into them. I muttered and embraced her in a hug, "It's okay. She'll be as pretty as you... We'll get through it I promise." We sat on the bench hugging each other. I didn't even know I was crying. We only had each other.

"P-Please Mrs Choi! We'll take care of her!"

"Mum! Please! Mum-"

"No you can't take her! Give her back! Give Eunnie back! NO!"

Minki opened his eyes and took a shaky breath. Eunkwang... How are you? he thought. Then he realised he had been crying. He needed to stop having flashbacks. The doctor said they were going to bring him into depression again. But flashbacks are also memories. How could you forget about memories? The next thing he felt was the cold loneliness, washing all through him.




"I heard she got pregnant at 16..."

"What a . Elise-ah, you better stay away from Junhwa."

Usually, Heejin ignored those talks very well. But whenever Junhwa got injured, her personal walls weren't strong. So, she felt as if those words were acid, eating away at her heart and old scars wanted to resurface, but she thought, No. You've got to see Junhwa first. 

She tried to not bow her head in embarrassment and quickened her pace. Apparently, a girl had bit Junhwa on the arm until it had a bad bruise. Wild child. The parents didn't bring her up properly. Heejin would not tolerate it if Junhwa whacked a friend out of anger. 

When Heejin stepped into the principal's office, she spotted Junhwa sitting across the room from a girl. For a moment, Heejin's stared at the girl. She looked like Minki, with her soft and delicate features but she hard a hard edge to which Heejin could not put a finger on. No it couldn't be. As far as she was concerned, Minki was living in Busan after dumping her. 

"Ah Miss Yeong. You're here," the principal, Madam Kwon said from her table. Madam Kwon wore a horn-rimmed glass which reminded Heejin of her high school Physics teacher who went around giving detention to people who couldn't answer her questions. Heejin hoped that Madam Kwon wasn't like that. Heejin glanced nervously over at Junhwa and asked, "Is my son alright?"

Madam Kwon frowned, "Hmm. Yes he is. But may I ask?"

"Umm yes. Please go ahead."

"Are Junhwa and Eunkwang cousins?"

Eunkwang. Eunkwang. Her name was Eunkwang. Her daughter. But there were plenty of girl who went by the same name.

Heejin shook her head and smiled, "No. They're not cousins." And she thought she was late. Eunkwang's dad or mum was even later. Heejin was about to go over and take a look at Junhwa when the door crept open. "Sorry! I'm late!" A slightly squeaky voice said.

And Heejin stared into the eyes of Choi Minki. Her world immediately shattered. She felt like going up to him and slap him, but of course. Not in front the children.

During the time that Madam Kwon spoke, Heejin just kept wanting to scream, slap and run away. Not neccessarily in that order though. She stole a glance at Minki and decided he hadn't changed much. Except that she thought that Minki put on a lot more attitude than last time.

"Miss Yeong and Mr Choi. Did you hear me?" Heejin literally jumped when she heard Madam Kwon's voice. Both of them said at the same time, "Huh?" It was creepy to see a smile growing on Madam Kwon's face. As she spun a pen, Madam Kwon asked, "Do you know each other?" Heejin replied immediately feeling her face heat up, "No." As usual, Minki said at the same time, "Nope."

I'm going to skin him and murder him later, she thought vengefully as she clenched her fists. Then Madam Kwon continued her speech with her creepy smile.




Awkward was the only word to describe the atmosphere between both of them. Minki had stayed in heart attack mode for the past half and hour. It was like, 'Here! Your daughter just bit your son! Oh and by the way, the girlfriend you dumped is also here.' Saying the same things as Heejin did not make things any better. As he carried Eunkwang, Minki could feel the hateful glare of Heejin boring into his back.

Sighing, Minki turned around and faced Heejin. He started, "Hey look. I'm really sorry-" Eunkwang had dumped her lollipop into his mouth and began giggling madly. He noticed Junhwa hiding further and further away behind Heejin with every time Eunkwang laughed. He seemed to be mortally afraid of Eunkwang. What a great way to meet your family- If he even knows that Minki was his dad. This is so ing screwed up.  

Minki plucked the lollipop out of his mouth and told Eunkwang, trying to keep his temper, "Eunnie, why don't you run along and play on the swings?" With that, he bent down to place the girl on the floor, only to have the lollipop shoved back into his mouth. Eunkwang laughed before dashing off towards the swings.

"Junhwa, go and follow Eunkwang," he heard Heejin tell Junhwa softly. Then he watched Junhwa totter past him with his eyes eternally wide. Heejin approached him with a scowl and her eyes blazed angrily. She pulled the candy out of his mouth forcefully, causing him to nearly choke.

"Look here, Micky," she glowered as she pulled at the collar of his shirt, "We need to talk.


Fortunately, he was alive after ten minutes. They decided to sit down on a bench beside the swings to talk. "Why did you come back?" Heejin asked. In the sunlight, the creases of worry and weariness on her face began to show. Minki stayed silent for a while, watching the children playing. Junhwa apparently decided that pushing Eunkwang on the swing was fun. 

"I came here for the school, for Eunkwang," Minki said and suddenly felt tired. Heejin turned to looked at him and said, "From Busan to here? For education?" Minki shrugged, "It's okay. It's for her. Anyway, this place is nearer to university than Busan." Minki thought Heejin looked outraged for a moment but she said in a calm tone afterwards, "You go to university."

Then it struck him hard. It was because of him she couldn't attend university. Him. The pang of guilt began eating him up again. Minki opened his mouth to apologise, but he realised apologising wasn't going to change anything. He sat beside her in uncomfortable silence. 

"Eunkwang..." Heejin said in a soft voice, "Is she ours?" She looked at the girl as if she were in a trance. Minki shook his head, "I-I adopted her. She resembled you so much, I thought..." His lips trembled. He was going to sound like a jerk.

"Thought what?" Heejin asked. "A replacement for our daughter. At that time, I just saw her crying in the orphanage, and... and..." Minki felt the tears beginning to well up in his eyes. Heejin spoke in a weirdly hushed voice, "I looked everywhere. I couldn't find her. I-I thought..."

A tear travelled down her face. "When I saw Eunkwang, she looked like you so much, I thought she was really ours and you had just taken her. Now you tell me this..." Minki was really surprised when Heejin broke down. Cupping her face with her hands, she sobbed, "I don't blame you. I want her back, Minki... I'm really scared for her..."

Hearing that, the final shield broke and his fears flowed out, like a monster out on a hungry rampage. Minki wrapped his arms around Heejin's small frame, blinking away his tears.

We only have each other.


"Let's not meet again."






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100percent_shuyii #1
yayyyy!!! this is great /clapclapclap/
sakura94exo #2
Wow this is something different and I like it :)
Please update soon author-nim.
Cant wait for the first chap!!
I like how there's message behind it