Right Where She Belongs

Meant To Protect You


Bigbang was now inside their special room. Everyone was staring at Jiyong who was giggling by himself. He was like a teenager who was feeling giddy over something. He smiles and shakes his hea.He was clearly amused by something only he knows.

“THAT’S IT! He’s a goner!” Seungri can’t take it anymore. “ Yah! Whatever you are, brin me back my Jiyong hyung!” He said while stomping his feet facing Jiyong but the latter didn’t even seem to hear him.

He was still in his own bubble.

“Jiyong.” Top called. “YAH! KWON JIYONG!”

Top already shouted but Jiyong seemed to have lost his hearing. He slumped to his seat, “ I GIVE UP!Youngbae, any idea how we can snap him out of his world.”

“I think I do, hyung.” Youngbae stood up and went closer to Jiyong.

He sat beside him and faced the other members. “Oh-Dara noona!” He was looking right at the door like someone was there.

Top, Seungri, Daesung looked through the door and found no one there. Jiyong stood up and smiled even wider but when he saw that no one was at the door. He gave youngbae a death stare.

“Yah! Dara is not here!” He then slumped like a kid and was again on his own world. “Boy, he got it bad!” Daesung exclaimed.


Jiyong was sitting on his table thinking of what had happened a while ago. How he wished that everything will go back to the way it was before. He was just a shadow to Dara, the only difference is that, Dara doesn’t know he exists. But, not like a shadow, that disappears when darkness comes, he is always there when she needed help. He was always protecting her from danger, even to the point of catching a bullet for her. She didn’t know about this because she was facing back when he noticed that a tiny red circle pointing on her right arm. And before it hit her he ran to catch the bullet. Not after a few minutes, s were able to catch the culprit and they bit him up to the point that the face of the man is unrecognizable. But he never regretted it, he even asked s to immediately ask the doctors if he can be released in the hospital so he can check on Dara who was still oblivious with all that has happened.

All the Bigbang members have seen Jiyong love Dara secretly. They were happy for him but also felt pity since it is the only way he can live normally. They have been born to be part of the Alliance and with this, their lives are never normal. Although, living two lives is a great opportunity and having the best of both worlds, somehow they wished they lived ordinary lives and live it peacefully. Someone, half of their body is already buried deep into soil. Being part of this Alliance makes them dead already. Jiyong woke up on his trance when someone opened the door to his office.

All the members blinked twice when she entered. Jiyong stared at her and smiled like a child.

“Uhm…c-can we tt-talk?” Dara said nervously. She didn’t know why she was stuttering and why she was even feeling nervous in front of Jiyong.

“What’s the matter,babe? Can’t get enough of me?” Jiyong said and smirked after. Bigbang chuckled at this while Dara rolled her eyes.

“Oh please, you’re so full of yourself. Even your ego is bigger than your body. I really doubt why you haven’t blown up yet!” Dara replied. The gang laughed with her response. It was the first time that someone answered Jiyong that way.

“Really now? Well, there’s a lot of things ‘bigger’ than my ego. If you want I’m going to show you one of them.” Jiyong by reverting his gaze down below his belt. Dara followed his gaze and got shocked.

“why you---youu—ugh! I can’t even describe you right now!!! You’re such a ert!”

“Well, you didn’t seemed to mind sleeping with a ert last night.” “ What are you talking about?! I was drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing! You were normal and you didn’t even think of stepping out of the room!” “I wanted to leave but you wanted me to stay. You even grabbed my shirt.”

“What?! I DID NOT do that!” “Yes you did, sweetie.”

Ugh, you-you bird brain! Stop polluting my mind with this!”

“Bird brain?!” “ Oh, so you’re deaf now, too?!”

“ Oh my GOD! Stop it you two! Our ears are about to explode! Bwahahahahahaha!” Seungri said.

“ Yah Jiyong, be nice to her for once.” Top chuckled.

“We’ll just go out to give space to you love birds. Don’t so anything unnecessary, okay?hahahahaha! Daesung said.

“Man, Ji. You have met your match.” Youngbae said and the rest of the Bigbang went out of the room.


Jiyong POV

*crickets* *crickets*

“So---uh—why—why are you here?” I asked her.

Darn it! I really am not good talking to her. Why did those four idiots leave me here?! Yes I AM THE G-DRAGON! The most feared leader of Bigbang and the heir of the Alliance but when it comes to this petite girl, I am nothing but a puppy. I try my best to act cool and piss her off, but deep inside, I wanted to hug her and just cuddle with her every day. If she asks me to jump off the cliff right now, I will definitely look for the nearest cliff in the area and will not hesitate to do it for her. That’s right. I am an idiot when it comes to her, I just don’t want anyone to know this. Ever since I saw her, I never found any other woman that matched her. Yes, I met tons of women and did some *cough* dirty stuffs with them but I never was satisfied.

It was when I realized that I was madly inlove with this rabbit-like princess that I felt I finally found home. She didn't do anything.Her existence was enough for me to go on with my life. as long as she's alive, I have a reason to live. She is my life, without her, I will die. We never had the chance to talk to each other even though we attend the same school, because I kept on following her secretly(I preper using Protecting though), Seungri uses the term" following", I never had the courage to talk to her or to even say hi.

So I did my best to hide my existence until this tragedy came.For me it was like destiny brouhht us to this but somehow, I am not fully happy since her father's life is at stake. I never saw her cry. But it hurts me more seeing her dead eyes everyday. I promised myself that I'll end all this no matter what it takes. And here she is standing cutely in front of me. It takes so much self-control for me to stop myself from ravishing her right now. no matter what she does and what she wears she also look like a goddess in my eyes.Darn it! I reall am head over heels with this rabbit.

She sighed and took a sit in front of me. I gulped and took the sat down on the chair opposite to hers. "I--uhm..I just wanted to thank you for..uhh..uhm...taking care of me last night." 

I smiled hearing her stutter. I thanked the heavens for that, It means I also have this effect on hers. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Why are you laughing about?" She said .I swear she really is so cute when she creases her brows like that. 

"Ah--nothing. It was nothing. I am your protector anyways.Your my responsibility so  I have to make sure your unharmed." I responded.

"Right. my protector." Why do I sense disappointment on her voice,even her expression change to something I cannot read but before I could read it, I saw her stoic expression once again and it pained me.

" Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry for causing too much trouble to you. I'm such a cluts sometimes. I don't mean to be a big trouble for you. Please be more patient with me. I'll ...I'll find ways on how to fix this so you won't be troubled with taking care of me anymore."


WHAT.THE.HELL.IS.SHE.SAYING. I never am troubleed with her! Never! I love taking care of her and being around her! Argghh!! This is making me insane.

But before I could ask her what she meant, she stood up and went through the doo. She was holding the knob when she spoke again.


"Jiyong, I'm sorry. I misinterpreted everything. I'm..I'm sorry for being stupid and for misunderstanding that..that ..that maybe we could be something else...that maybe you were showing me something else..but youe were just doing your job." She paused and chuckled bitterly, is she wiping her tears????

"Anyway, I'm really sorry about what you;ve been through because of me and my problem. I promise to end this the soonest time possible so you could go back to your lives...living your life without me..before you met me. I'm sure that life of yours without me in the picture, you were happy. mianhe Jiyong.I'll forget that we ever had this conversation and when I close this door, I'll forget whatever I feel inside my heart. I'll try to...."


Then she closed the door. I remained stunned from where I was standing. I felt my knees losing strength with carrying my weight. What is happening? Is that whta I made her feel? A tear fell on my eye, at the same time, my knees betrayed me and I knelt. holding my heart. 

"Dara..don't...please don't..Don't leave me.Don't forget me." These were the words that I was supposed to say to her. But it was too late. She walked away..she's starting to walk away from my life. And I ask myself if its too late to chase her and bring her back where she belongs....here in my arms.



Hello everyone..Well, DARAGON FIGHTING!! I will still believe in the two of them. I hope you do too, applers. Keep the faith!! <3


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Chapter 8: Hi new reader here...im loving this story of yours,pls update soon love all the chapter,its make me giddy kkkkkk can't help it this is really a story i wanted to read thank you for making this story hope u can update soon authornim thank you again ^__^
tntmorales #2
Please update soon..
Hope you'll update soon! ;) I love your story :)
meg0528 #4
Chapter 8: So now they are official. Great job with updating dear and they are really a great muse for a fiction.
Chapter 8: Kyaaahhhh finally daragon are official now hahaha thanks for the update authornim loved lots heheheh
1say16 #6
Chapter 8: Daragon moments love.

But sad fir topbom :((
allfordara #7
Chapter 8: Nice.... finally...
yen_wcsc #8
Chapter 7: My 3 OTPs are so cute here! I hope Jiyong can explain himself properly to Dara and for Dara to atleast listen to his explanation.
1say16 #9
Chapter 7: I like this chap 3 otp's in one awesome.
melanpl #10
Chapter 7: I would be looking forward to this story. Hope jiyong would cinfess authornim. Pls make it happen haha.