Save Her

Meant To Protect You

Dara stirred in her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the light in the room. She remained passive for a while. Then, she heard someone moan when she moved a bit. She tried to move again but strong hands gently grabbed her before she felt someone's warth. Se gasped.

"Stay still, babe."

She gasped again hearing his sleepy voice. She blinked twice before she had the courage to face the man sleeping beside him. Her eyes went big when he saw Jiyong's sleeping face. His eyes were still closed. She kept staring at his sleeping figure. I didn't know he had long lashes. Omo! His nose is cute! Waahh---! His lips are red. What am I thinking?! Dara thought.

"Stop staring at me." Jiyong slowly opened his eyes and met her stares. He smirked. "Good morning, babe."


"Aisht.Way to go,babe. You just ruined our good morning."

"Stop calling me babe!"

" Why would I stop calling you babe? After what happened last night?"

Dara's eyes even grew wider. Jiyong wanted to burst out into laughter but chose not to. He wanted to see her reaction, and she was so cute.

"Yah! Don't play with me! Don't say something like that! Wha---what happened last night?! Did you me?!"

"Aniyo, you didn't. Even though you begged me to I didn't have with you."

Dara slapped his arm. "Don't say the S word, you !"

 "What S word? You mean ?"

"Aisht! THAT!"

 "But why can't I say ?!"

"KWON JIYONG!!!!" Jiyong chuckled.

 "Arasso, I'll stop before you turn into a tomato. I didn't know you blush like this."

He paused and looked at the time.

" As much as I wanted to stay with you in bed all day, I have to go. I still have things to do." he closed the gap between them and kissed her in the forehead. " See you later, butterfly. Good morning."

He then stood in the bed and went out the room. Dara was left dumbfounded..Then,


After an hour, Jiyong is now sitting in front of YG inside h is office. He just arrived today and sent Jiyong a message that he wanted to talk to him personally.

" I suppose you know what we are going to talk about today, don't you?" Yg asked Jiyong without taking his eyes on the papers on his desk.

" Yes, I do Uncle and the answer is no." Jiyong strongly said while looking at his uncle. 

YG stopped reading the papers and met Jiyong's eyes, " I knew you wouldn't agree but you know that this is the only way to stop all this. the empress already agreed as what they told me."

"She was not on the right mind yesterday. She's too impulsive. She didn't weigh things before blurtng out on that stupid wedding."

" Jiyong, you cannot speak for her and you cannot decied for her. She is the empress and she will be responsible with this country's freedom. The Ghost Clan has already taken over the palace. Should we wait for them to take over the whole country then?"

Jiyong clenched his fist. He didn't know what to say. YG saw this and sighed. Of course Jiyong would be affected, more or less he is hurt. For months now, he has been following Dara wherever she goes. It was not because it was his task but because the first time he saw her, even before he knew she was the empress, he fell for her. He was there at every occasion Dara has attended. He was there being Kwon Jiyong, not the heir of the Alliance, but for being one of the most successful yet young businessmen in Korea. He attended school because she did. He always followed her around and she was oblivious with the personal protection she was getting from the most dangerous man in the country.If there was a person who knew Dara, it was Jiyong. Although he wasn't able to introduce himself to her before, he knew everything about her.  He never failed to protect her in any danger she was in. She was even oblivious with the danger Jiyong had successfully stopped for her.

YG knew Jiyong was in love with her and he also knew Jiyong has already accepted that his feelings will not be reciprocated because he can not tell her about this. I will bring danger to her. Moreover, she is the empress, the country's most priced possession along with his father and his brother. He admired his bravery. He knew it will hurt him but he cannot do anything especially with the situation that they have know. The empress needs to save his father and the country and the only way to do that was to marry the heir of the Ghost Clan.

" Jiyong-ah, you know that I will do everything in my power to stop all of this but right now, we are trapped. I will do everything for you to be happy, too but, this time, forgive your uncle. The empress needs to fulfill her duties." YG said with sad eyes. He just had to break it to him.

Jiyong smiled sadly. " I know uncle, and please do not apologize. You have done a lot of things for me and Chaerin.But, I am not going to give up. You have tought me a lot and I know that you know that nothing will stop me. I will find other ways, uncle. I am not G-Dragon for nothing." 

YG chuckled. Of course he knew this was coming. He raised this man afterall.  He smiled warmly at him. " I know, and I always got your back,son."

Hearing those words Jiyong strength hyped up. I was not enough but at least he knew YG got his back, that whtaever might happen someone will hwelp him get back on his feet. He needs all the support he can get to win this game because right now, he clearly is on the losing end. He needs to save her


Dara was eating at the garden with the rest of the Bigbang,minus Jiyong and Top, Chaerin and Sanghyun. She clearly didn't know why it was called the cave when the place was too good to be called just a cave. Of course the palace was bigger but this place is really something. She was eating her breakfast when she heard someone calling her name.

" Dara-yah!!!!" She knew that voice, very well. She turnewd around and saw Bom running to her. She stood up and when they met, Bom immediately hugged her .

"Bom-ah, ca--n't breathe,ack---" She breathlessly said.

"Oh, mianhe. I was just so worried" Bom said after letting her go. "Yah! Why didn't you tell me anything?! i had to  threathen appa before they told me everything that was happening! Seriously woman, are you my bestfriend/cousin?" 

"Aigoo, Bommie's cuteness is showing now ,neh?Mianhe. I just ..I just don't want to worry and burden you."

"What are you saying?! I was looking for you since that horrible day. Then, this moring , I found this alien guy in our house asking me to come with him because of you! Of course I came because I thought something might have happened to know and here you are eating your breakfast like the royalt that you are!"

" Why would you think that something happened to me?"

"Because that man right there,"Bom pointed to Top,"looked so serious.Can you blame me?"

Dara just chuckled. "Why are you here by the way?"

Bom was about to answer but then Jiyong came and answered her.

"I asked hyung to fetch her and live with you. I thought that you might need someone to talk to while we fix some problems.She will be staying here and her parents have agreed since they know that this is the safest place for the both of you." 

"And you are?" Bom asked Jiyong.

" G-dragon, 2nd in comand but you can call me Kwon Jiyong. Please to meet you duchess Bom" He bowed to her.

"Oh-kay..Seriously Dara ,we have to talk."

"That was what I'm afraid of."


"Have you finished your breakfast,babe?" Jiyong said to Dara like it's the normal thing to call her.

Dara's eyes widened. Seungri choked to his food. Youngbae raised his eyebrows and looked at them, Daesung opened his mouth widely and Top just smirked. Chaerin just shook her head. Her brother is really something.

"I told you stop callimg me THAT!" Dara said harshly.

"What? Why can't I call you babe?"

"Yah! why are you calling my tokki, babe you idiot!" Bom said.

" Why not. I slept inside her room last night."

Everyone gasped.

"KWON JIYONG!" Dara shouted.

"Ah..Babe, my name sounds so good when you say it. "Jiyong said merrily before sitting on the table and gladly ate his breakfast.


Hi Guys! I'm so sorry if it took time to update again. I was very busy. I lost my voice because I've had training for almost everyday and only had 1 day off. But because I love Daragon, I'll make time and think of ideas how to finish my fanfics.kekeke.Sorry I do not have enough time to proof read so...mianhe for the mispelled words and grammar. kekeke


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Chapter 8: Hi new reader loving this story of yours,pls update soon love all the chapter,its make me giddy kkkkkk can't help it this is really a story i wanted to read thank you for making this story hope u can update soon authornim thank you again ^__^
tntmorales #2
Please update soon..
Hope you'll update soon! ;) I love your story :)
meg0528 #4
Chapter 8: So now they are official. Great job with updating dear and they are really a great muse for a fiction.
Chapter 8: Kyaaahhhh finally daragon are official now hahaha thanks for the update authornim loved lots heheheh
1say16 #6
Chapter 8: Daragon moments love.

But sad fir topbom :((
allfordara #7
Chapter 8: Nice.... finally...
yen_wcsc #8
Chapter 7: My 3 OTPs are so cute here! I hope Jiyong can explain himself properly to Dara and for Dara to atleast listen to his explanation.
1say16 #9
Chapter 7: I like this chap 3 otp's in one awesome.
melanpl #10
Chapter 7: I would be looking forward to this story. Hope jiyong would cinfess authornim. Pls make it happen haha.