Chapter 2

Detective Yung (One Shot Trial)

Cases slowly came and went as I formed a rather close bond with my new partner. The small, simple cases that we were receiving made it easy for us to test ourselves and get to know each other without the overwhelming stress of an intense case. I found that Jessica’s talented observation skills were something that only a few select people were gifted with and I was not one of them. She could notice thinks that teams of highly trained police forensics officers would overlook.


This week of work started like any typical day of the week. Jessica had become more accustomed to the active police force type of work and now showed up in attire that reflected mine. Of course, she always had to throw her own style into it to make it something different and help her stand out in the work place. I was once again wearing my usual attire of jeans with a basic button down shirt, which happened to be red this time around. She arrived wearing skinny jeans and a green plaid button down, with a pair of green vans that matched her shirt. This time she had a silver necklace that hung down to just above her chest, that had a number 9 pendant hanging from it.


“Power of 9?” I asked, bringing back the thoughts of her singing and dancing in the countless number of music videos I had watched growing up.


The bright girl flashed her award winning smile as she nodded and sat down at her desk. I looked down at the case files on my desk, “If she wasn’t my assistant and this wasn’t a work place, I would so ask her out.” I mumbled under my breath.

Her head perked up from above her computer, “Did you say something?” I shook my head and pushed my face further into the files so that she couldn’t see my reddening cheeks.

A small boy walked into the room and bowed at the door, “Detective Yung! I have a message for you. It’s from the boss. He said that it is effective immediately and you must follow the orders.” He passed me the letter and walked out of the room, making sure to bow before exiting.


Detective Yung,

The red rose murderer is still at large so we are going to form a special task force, with you at the head, to take on this monster. He has slowed greatly in the frequency of his crimes but we would like to try to put an end to his reign of terror as soon as possible. We will allow you to form your own team but you must do it by the end of the week. It is already understood that you will need some time to train the team before they will be able to take on this seemingly impossible task but please be hasty.


These are your orders,



I crumbled up the letter and tossed it into the trash. The first member of my team was an easy decision, my assistant Jessica. I figured that around five or six members would be needed in order to complete the task at hand but I usually kept to myself so the selection of the other members would be a problem.


“Hey Jessica. Do you know any talented young up and comers that you think would like to work with us?” I questioned as I tried to think of any candidates that could fit into the team.


“Actually there are a few idols that turned toward the police route after their music careers. Seohyun is the first one that comes to my mind.” My kind assistant informed me.


The maknae of my former favorite group seemed like a solid start to my new team. Jessica told me that she was working a desk job in one of the research focused teams in the force.


“She’s good at reading people and can almost always tell when people are lying. I definitely think we should try to get her.” The former idol reiterated.


“I’ll trust you. Go find a two or three members that would be willing to join the team while I go find a couple myself. If we do that then we should be able to form a complete team. Only take people you really believe we can trust though.”


We met up again a few days later with our potential candidates.


“Seohyun said that she would be willing to try to work in the group because it could help her grow into a more complete person. Minah, a former member of Girl’s Day, is good at being able to get information out of people. Eunji, former member of APink, is someone that is good at being able to disguise herself to fit into any situation and extract information. Song Ji Hyo, former actress and member of Runningman, is a rough around the edges sparkplug that always gets the job done but she isn’t always the brightest and usually just lets her instincts do most of the work.” Jessica reported.


“Sounds like a good find. I have a few former colleagues that said they would like to join the team. Both of them worked under me for a while before trying to go out on their own. Ji Soo Man is a quiet hard working guy that rarely misses a clue. Yu Si Koo is a tough brawn over brains type of guy that doesn’t mind doing the dirty work.” I responded.


I sent the list of the potential groupmates to the commissioner since he had the final say on who was in and who was out. A couple weeks later another email made it’s way to my inbox with the finalized group members.


This is how I believe your group should look:

Detective Yung (Head of Division)

Detective Jung (Assistant to Det. Yung)

Seo JooHyun "Seohyun" (Researcher)

Jung Eunji (Field Investigator)

Bang Minah (Interrogator)

Song Ji Hyo (Second-in-Command of Division)

Yu Si Koo (Field Investigator)

Ji Soo Man (Assistant Researcher)



“Well. I guess they felt that everyone was qualified for the group. Hopefully everyone will be willing to work as a group so that we can get the best results. Can you please gather all of them into this office so that I can talk to them.” I said to Jessica after reading the letter to her.


They all arrived so I stood in the front of the room to address them on their roles and how the group would function as a whole.


“For the most part everyone will be working in pairs or groups. Ji Hyo, Si Koo, and Jessica will be working directly with the crime scenes. Eunji and Minah will be working with extracting information from witnesses and other possible sources discovered while going through the case. Finally, Seohyun and Soo Man will be working together behind the scenes based on the information gathered by the other members. I’m going to roam throughout all the groups just based on how things go during the case.”


Two out of three of the groups started to talk and get to know each other while the researcher group remained awkward and quiet.


My phone rang loudly on my desk silencing the entire room until I picked it up.


“Hello? Yes Sir. Will do Sir. Thank you Sir.”


I hung up the phone and stuffed it deep into my pocket.


“We have our first case. Let’s go everyone!”



This chapter is pretty short and is really just a lead up into the next chapters. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading!

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crossoverfanatic #1
Chapter 2: Seohyun's surname is not Kim. Her full actual name is Seo Juhyun.
y_poodle #2
Chapter 1: This seems interesting. Something different from the usual stories on AFF. Something I think I would enjoy yet give me heart attacks from the thrills
ktvftw #3
Chapter 1: Heyy! This is really interesting! I like the direction it's going in, with multiple cases to do as well as one grand one to solve (at the moment). I really hope that there are lots of unexpected turns and twists throughout the story, and I'm looking forward to what comes next :)
FallenSOne_ #4
Cool story with a nice plot, nice to know that jessica wasnt being cold but instead observing her surroundings :P anyways just my suggestion, isnt it abit to chunky? Maybe a little more spacing would help? But hey its just my suggestion :) hope to see you include a or a great twist :) keep up the good work :D