Third Chapter- The house

My Angel

Kyungsoo finished eating the food that Haemi gave him and said, "How did you know I was at the park."Kyungsoo asked. "Well... I said I had powers... one of them is telepathy which you already experienced while I spoke to you. I can track you... hehe it sounds really creepy but it's to keep you safe."Haemi answered. Kyungsoo nodded, understanding. Haemi got up. "You should get some rest. Oh... and don't worry about looking for a new home. This will be your new home. I'll be in the other bedroom if you need anything." Haemi said while exiting the room. I'm so glad I found you my angel. Kyungsoo closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.




The sun rays shine through the curtains,  hitting Kyungsoo's face. He opened his eyes to find a plate of food on the coffee table. There was a note...

Kyungsoo-ah. Here is some food. I hope you will enjoy it. You can take this opportunity to explore the house. 

Love, your angel Haemi.

Kyungsoo smiled brightly. This is the first time someone ever did something like this for me. Appa would just call me downstairs to eat or yell at me to cook. Kyungsoo felt special and warm. 


Kyungsoo finished his breakfast and looked around. His now  bedroom was very clean and cozy. The closet a wooden and carved. He went downstairs to check out the rest of the place. The living room was mostly white with silver and blue decorations and furniture.  It was quite nice because it gave of a calming feel. Kyungsoo entered the kitchen to find two aprons.  One was lavender and one was light blue. Probably for the both of them. The cabinets were painted white and the walls were a pale blue. The fridge had a ice and water dispenser. He turned around to notice that there was a door to the backyard. Kyungsoo turned the knob and opened the glass wooden framed doors. Outside had a beautiful pool and hot tub. How could she possibly afford all of this?

By now, it was already 12pm. 

When is she coming home? Wonder what she would be doing right now. Kyungsoo shrugged. He went into the kitchen to make some lunch. He took out the ingredients for Kimchi Spaghetti. Kyungsoo started to cook while thinking about his angel.

After he had finished cooking he ate his plate and saved some for Haemi when she came back. 

Kyungsoo felt so lucky that he had such a spacious home and a beautiful, caring angel by his side.

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Chapter 2: Awwww, how cute<3
Let's hope for Kyungsoo to be finally happy!!!!
But why is his farther so abusiv when they were so gently and nice in the past?
Something surelly happened!!
I hope while Kyungsoo will be away that his parents will miss him and look for him!!
Thank you author-nim:)
Can't wait to read more<3
Wahhhhhh, can't wait to the the first chapter!
I hope you will update it soon author-nim!
I am really looking forward to it:)