Bangtan Bomb


Scenario requests I've been receiving on tumblr and I guess I'll just put them here lmao

ALL THE MEMBERS will be encompassed. That means yah I do scenarios for each member but I just didn't get to tag them all bc tag limits

It's just random Bangtan & you know the drill ARMY(-: 

Hahahahha Adorable Representative MC for Youth I am still barfing wtf is that even


Visit my hole tumblr to request scenarios or just to talk about life and how much Bangtan . Why am I even a Bangtan stan I hate them all (especially freaking Min Suga & Jungkook ok they is the tiest ones of them all so why???? Do I love them) 

If these scenarios make you vomit violently I apologize in advance but blame the anons ok

P.S. I'm new to AFF so I literally know nothing about how this works help me I'm not technologically advanced... Also why is there a tag limit on AFF what is this I'm sorry bc all the members arent tagged but I already wrote the tags and ugh I don't feel like redoing it



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Chapter 2: wat the am i in heaven now wOWZA i jz cant fml thefEELS
omfg this is beautiful